The Norwegian Princess start a school to teach healing and contact with Angels!
I thought this is quite a Worthwile World News :) It has stirred quite a debate in the public forums here in Norway, but the support our beloved princess gets is also astonishing! Here is the story copied from the Daily Mail:
Norwegian princess wants to teach people to talk to angels
Last updated at 14:33pm on 25th July 2007
Norwegian Princess Martha Louise has announced that she is clairvoyant and wants to help people by teaching them how to talk to angels.
The 35-year-old trained physical therapist and daughter of King Harald and Queen Sonja said on a website for her alternative education centre that she has been communicating with angels since childhood.
The Astarte Education centre which she co-founded promises to teach students to "create miracles" in their lives "with angels and with your own force".
"I've always been interested in alternative forms of treatment," Martha Louise said in a statement on
"It was while I dealt with horses that I first got in touch with angels. I later came to understand the value of this enormous gift and would like to share it with others."
The Royal Palace confirmed that the Web site accurately reflected the Princess's views but declined further comment.
Martha Louise's younger brother, Crown Prince Haakon is next in line for the Norwegian throne.
The alternative centre's three-year programme costs £2,000 a year.
Indeed this is superb
Indeed this is superb worthwhile world news! Thank you so much for posting this.
Margaretha, I would like to write to this real-live princess and introduce Heavenetters to her. Do you think this is a good idea?
Am I correct that this is the email address to use:
kurs [at] astarte-education [dot] com
Do you think it is fine to write to her in English, or would it be better in Norwegian? If you feel it is, would you kindly translate for us?
This is also very interesting to me what the article said about horses being instrumental in the Princess's discovery of angels.
Again, great thanks for posting this, dear Margaretha.
Also, how is translating Heavenletters going for you? I know dear Berit wrote to you and "showed you the ropes."
With blessings and love,
Yes, this is a great news
Yes, this is a great news for our time. Thank you so much for bringing this news to us. Dearest Gloria I trust it will be so nice to get in touch with the princess.
This is showing that the light is awakening everyone now, no matter the title or status.
Thank you Margaretha for your light too.
With gratitude and blessing.
Dear Margaretha, I have read
Dear Margaretha,
I have read this news in Turkish newspapers as well. :thumbup:
And it reminded me Elf People in the Lord of the Rings. :big
Wow, you really wrote the
Wow, you really wrote the princess a letter! I am awestruck! I have been living in a monarchy all my life, and the thought of actually writing her is ... how to describe it... hmmm... waaaay out of my league! Ha ha ha, I guess I am a little medieval when it comes to thinking about royalty :D I am sure you might as well send it in English - being royal she is just as well educated in English as in Norwegian! They receive quite a classical education I should think :) But of course, I'd be happy to translate it if you shouldn't receive a reply!
Wow, again, this is really big, isn't it! I suddenly felt this rush of exitement pour through me. I am so happy to be living in this time, in this moment :) The translations are going excellent, I am always waking up excited, because I know that when I have finished breakfast I'll sit down with my tea and translate the words of the day :) Thank you once again for making this holy task possible!
*waving from sunny Norway*
Dearest Margaretha, what
Dearest Margaretha,
what wonderful news this is !!!! I think it's amazing, a wonderful princess really ! I love horses so much, and it's very interesting that she got in touch with her angels through the horses, wonderful expressions of God's love.
Oh I would love if the princess would love spread Heavenletters, it would really be HEAVEN !!
I don't know what you will write to her but I'd like her to know that we love and appreciate very much what she is doing.
Love and blessings to you and to Norway !!
A pity the site is not also
A pity the site is not also translated in english...
Love and blessings!!!
Yes, I agree with you, dear
Yes, I agree with you, dear Berit. I was able to understand some words on the Princess's site -- the words were much like English -- but not enough to really know what was being said.
It is so interesting to me that just a few days ago, Margaretha appeared on the scene. Did she appear just in time to post this article? Doesn't it make you wonder?!
I have written my email to the princess. I am waiting to hear from Margaretha about whether it is better to have my letter translated into Norwegian.
My response includes all of your comments above! Your comments are very powerful. Thank you for them.
I also took today's Heavenletter translation to include.
Heavenletter #2439 En tid til å våge (30.07.07) Thank you, Margaretha!
With love and blessings,
I too was wondering about
I too was wondering about the divine timing regarding Margaretha's arrival and now this amazing news here about the wonderful princess ! I really think, that things are moving, I mean, when things are meant they run soft and smooth just fitting in perfectly. I wonder what else will follow ?? Let us dare to dream and know for sure that Heavenletters now will really be posted and read all over the world !
Gloria, I can't stop smiling, think of the Princess of Norway telling everyone how wonderful Heavenletters are..... (she could just add a small interview to the press to make sure everyone understands well what she is referring to..) WOW, WOW, WOW!!!!!
So, most dear Princess of Norway.... it's your turn..... what will you do with God's Love Letters ??
Love, blessings and hugs to you dear
Here you go Berit, I
Here you go Berit, I translated the "important" pages real quick. If you REALLY want to have the prices and addresses translated, let me know! Pages in order of appearance:
"Create miracles in your life with the Angels and your own power."
Angels are present in every religion. They are forces that are always around us, and they are a resource and help in every aspect of our lives. We of Astarte Education, show you how you can get in contact with your own Angels, and use them in your everyday life. In our classes you may find your own source of inner truth, and rediscover your natural connnection with angels and the divine universe.
Through meditation and personal development you will contact your real self. This way you will stop living from habits and taught patterns, and start living out of your own power and essence. This will turn your life around, from being a life lived by other people's point of view, to being a life created the way you want it to be. In communication with the angels, this will be a life in full.
(And here there's a picture of Elisabeth and Princess Märtha Louise)
Elisabeth Samnøy
Since I was a little girl, I have known that there was more around me than what I could see. I have had many experiences that could not be explained logically, often accompanied by a feeling of loneliness, unanswered questions, and doubt.
I started as a ship mechanic's assistant, but soon learned that this was not my path in life.
The light appeared to me as I discovered reincarnation, and the universe opened itself with all it's communication, help, and support through angels and other divine energies.
I have two initiations in Reiki healing, which was great, but what I wanted then was too see "what happened?". This made me attend the Holistic Academy.
Since then, I have been in a process where the angels and their frequency opened the contact to the divine in my heart.
When you have at last gotten in contact with the universe, it turns out to be a wonderful and neverending source to everything we need.
Princess Märtha Louise
I have always been interested in alternative treatments. This is probably because I, from an early age, have been able to see how people are doing.
That is, I have been able to take in the moods and feelings of the people I met.
I especially remember a time when I met a lady, a stranger, when I was a child. I walked straight up to her, and told her that she shouldn't be upset about her husband, because things would turn out OK. The lady's jaw dropped, and wanted to know who had told me this. There was much commotion, and a lot of frightened adults, because no one wanted to admit that they had told on her.
I am a trained physical therapist, and I am also a therapist in the Rosen-method. I am trained at the Holistic Academy, where I learned how to put the sense inputs into system in order to read others - and through the horses I learned to communicate with animals on a deeper level. It was while I was interacting with the horses that I discovered the contact with angels. Later I have understood the value of this enormous gift, and I will gladly share it with others, maybe with you?
"The eternal star"
”Den evigvarende stjerne”
Legend says that Astarte descended to earth as a fiery star, and landed near Byblos in a sea by Alphaca.
Astarte is one of the oldest gods from the Middle-East, and dates back to the neolites and the bronce age. She is closely identified with Ishtar of Babylon, Hathor and Isis of Egypt, Kali and Irdrani of India, Afrodite and Demeter of Greek mythology, and Frey of the norse mythology. The hebrews worshipped her as the Sidonians goddess.
Astarte was associated with the moon, and was called the Mother of the Universe, she who gives life to all things on earth. She ruled the heavenly light-spirits that you would see from earth as stars. This is where the name Astroarche comes from: The queen of the Stars. It is said that the word "Easter" derives from her name.
Legends in Syria and Egypt links Astarte to "The Black Madonna", where a virginal birth was celebrated every year on December 25th, to rebirth the sun for a new year. Astarte was also mentioned as the "divine Virgin".
Her symbols are many, considering her many abilities:
The Star: Venus (pictured as a star in a circle), a symbol for the light-goddess.
Waxing Moon: The feminine
A Cow's Head and the sun: the symbol for the Great Mother
An Ox-Head: Symbol of fertility and rulership
Lotus: Carrier of the Great Mother when she appears in the power of a moon-goddess. It is the flower of the light, and the flower itself is shaped like
flaming sunbeams, the stem is the navel cord. It contains creative and creational powers.
The Dove: the messenger of the holy wisdom.
July 8. 2007:
We know there is a special office waiting for us, it just hasn't found us yet. If you know of an office for sale, preferrably an apartment, approved for commercial purposes, with a large room holding up to 30 people, 3 smaller rooms for single treatmens, a small kitchen, wooden floors, a fireplace, lots of light, and a cozy backyard, located in central Oslo, please contact us.
(And then there's the Q&A page dealing with who, when and where and such. Hope this was of some help!)
you are wonderful, how you do it so quickly is a miracle really !!!
many many thanks again !!!! you are an angel dear !!
This is my email to the
This is my email to the Princess. I just sent it this morning. It begins with the subject title:
"Create miracles in your life with the Angels and your own power."
May this please reach the Princess?
Dear Princess,
How marvelous your wanting to teach others to talk to and hear from their angels. This is such a glorious thing to do. Very forthright brave thing for a princess to do, and yet you are the one who can do it best of all. I am cheering you in your beautiful work.
Your celestial adventure came to my attention yesterday morning through Margaretha Krug Aase of Kvinesdal who posted a newspaper article about your work on the Heavenletter Spiritual Community Forum. It was posted under Worthwhile World News. It could just as well have been posted under the Miracles category. Margaretha translates Heavenletters™ into Norwegian for us.
Here are some of the immediate comments that came in response to Margaretha’s posting.
Yes, this is a great news
On July 30th, 2007 Ekene from Nigeria says:
Yes, this is a great news for our time. Thank you so much for bringing this news to us. Dearest Gloria, I trust it will be so nice to get in touch with the princess.
This is showing that the light is awakening everyone now, no matter the title or status.
Thank you, Margaretha, for your light too.
With gratitude and blessing.
Dear Margaretha, I have read
On July 30th, 2007 engin from Turkey says:
Dear Margaretha,
I have read this news in Turkish newspapers as well.
And it reminded me Elf People in the Lord of the Rings.
Dearest Margaretha, what
On July 30th, 2007 Berit from Italy says:
Dearest Margaretha,
what wonderful news this is !!!! I think it's amazing, a wonderful princess really ! I love horses so much, and it's very interesting that she got in touch with her angels through the horses, wonderful expressions of God's love.
Oh I would love if the princess would love spread Heavenletters, it would really be HEAVEN !!
I don't know what you will write to her, Gloria, but I'd like her to know that we love and appreciate very much what she is doing.
Love and blessings to you and to Norway !!
A pity the princess’s web site is not also
On July 30th, 2007 Berit says:
A pity the site is not also translated in English...
Love and blessings!!!
Princess, I too wished your site were translated into English and, lo and behold, dear Margaretha went ahead and gracious translated much of it in English. I will include her translation at the end of this email.
Here is yesterday’s Heavenletter that Margaretha translated:
Heavenletter #2439 En tid til å våge (30.07.07)
Gud sa:
Nå er det nok med å være på den sikre siden. Du trenger ikke ha tenkt på alt. Bare fordi du ikke har tenkt på noe før, betyr ikke at det ikke er sant for deg. Hvis du hører et budskap som ber deg om å flytte, så flytt. Hvis du hører et budskap som ber deg stå på hodet, så stå på hodet.
Du har vært flink til å skyve bort budskapene jeg sender deg.
Forstå at du ikke vet alt. Lytt selvfølgelig til ditt eget hjerte, men vær klar over når du lytter til din egen frykt og motvilje, og vanen med å sette sinnet over hjertet ditt. Du sitter kanskje fast i forgagne tankemønstre. Du sitter kanskje bare fast. Du er kanskje fanget i en innhengning skapt av deg selv der det er umulig å unnslippe, selv om det er du som har satt deg selv der. Du har muligheten til å rydde bort hele gjerdet, eller du kan simpelthen bare klatre ut. Det er bare dine egne tanker som forteller deg at du må bli der.
Dagens ordspråk er å våge. Våg å gjøre det du blir bedt om. Våg å bryte løs. Våg å gjøre noe annerledes. Våg å være annerledes. Våg å bli hørt. Våg å tale. Våg å tørre!
En ny verden er i anmarsj, og du kommer til å være en del av den. Du kan ikke forandre kun det som er behagelig for deg å forandre. Verden kan ikke forandre seg hvis ikke du forandrer deg. Men verden forandrer seg, og du må forandre seg med den. Forvandligen skjer nå.
Vær ikke redd for å dra ut i verden. Hvis du må være redd, så vær redd for ikke å dra.
Pakk ryggsekken din og dra ut slik de tre små griser dro ut for å søke lykken.
I ditt tilfelle drar du ut for å gi lykken. Du er velsignet med denne evnen, og nå er det på tide å bruke den.
Du vil snu verden på hodet. Har ikke verden vært opp ned lenge nok? Du er som en kiropraktor som foretar korrigeringen. Du arbeider med universets knokler, og du restrukturerer universet. Du glatter ut eksistensens nivåer.
Du må reise deg og gjøre det. Kanskje må du flytte til et annet sted. Det er helt sikkert at noe vil måtte forandre seg. Ikke vær reservert når det kommer til det. Ikke vær feig. Hvis du er redd, vær redd for å ikke reise deg for å møte øyeblikket. Når du blir kallet ved navn, så reis deg. Selv om du ikke var sikker på at det var ditt navn som ble kallet, så stå opp likevel. Lytt en gang til. Det er i orden å reise seg selv om du ikke er sikker.
Jeg skal fortelle deg en ting. Du kan ikke ta feil. Hvis du hørte noen andres navn som ditt eget, så hørte du rett.
Tiden for fantastiske forvandlinger har kommet, og du er ikke lenger en tilskuer. En dans holder på, og du kan ikke sitte og vente til den er ferdig. Du må bli med. Reis deg fra det du holder på med akkurat nå. La skitne tallerkener ligge. Bare reis deg, og gå til ditt hjertes dør, og lytt til budskapene jeg sender deg akkurat nå. Ære være mine budskap. Mine elskede, du er klar for dem. Nå har tiden kommet til å vite at du er klar. Hva du enn har blitt kalt til å gjøre, reis deg og gjør det.
Du behøver ikke pakke koffertene dine. Du tar Meg med deg, og det er alt. Vi går på en spasertur sammen. Du vil like det. Hvordan kan du ikke like å vandre ved Min side? Hvordan er det mulig å avvise Meg?
(Translation by Margaretha Krug Aase)
I am sure you have only touched on your story, and that you have much more to tell that would interest us all.
Beloved Princess Martha Louise, what can all of us at Heavenletters do for you?
God bless you.
With love,
Then there is a short God quote and more or less what appears at the bottom of every Heavenletter. And then Margaretha's translation of the Princess's web site.
Now, just as I tell Ekene, we can know we have done something fine. We would love a response, of course, and we can dream about it, and yet we are not attached to any result.
God bless us all!
An auto-reply arrived
An auto-reply arrived immediately:
Dette er et automatisk svar som blir sendt til deg om du har meldt deg på eller ikke. Kursene er allerede fulle, og vi har ikke mulighet til å ta imot flere søkere for årets opptak til Astarte Education. Det er likevel mulighet til melde seg på for neste år, oppstart høsten 2008. Påmeldingsfristen er 13. mars 2008. Du vil da få beskjed om du har kommet inn eller ikke i løpet av mai 2008.
På grunn av stor pågang har vi ikke kapasitet til å svare på andre spørsmål enn å ta imot påmelding. Håper på forståelse for dette.
Med vennlig hilsen oss i Astarte EDUCATION.
Dear all of you foreign guests.
Thank you for your kind interest in Astarte Education. Our website will be transelated in to English in a few days. We hope you will be patient with us till then.
Our courses are, at the present moment, all in Norwegian and are held in Norway. It is not possible to do weekend courses as this school is a three year education, and we do not teach via the internet.
Thank you for your kind words and questions, it is great that angels reach so many people in this way. Unfortunately we are not able to answer any questions or feedback, as this e-mail address exists only for signing up for the courses.
Kind regards,
Astarte Education
Margaretha, is it possible that you can find another email address, one that might reach the Princess?
Any other creative ideas of a way to reach her?
Gloria, I did send you some
Gloria, I did send you some web sites on private mail.
Margaretha, I didn't know that a visa was requested for coming to norway, I did save the official site of norway on my computer, I'd love to come right away....
Love and blessings!!!
Gloria angel, here are the
Gloria angel, here are the sites: at the VERY BOTTOM of this page is the adress and phone and fax
Princess "ill" after criticism
Norway's Princess Märtha Louise, who last week announced that she was clairvoyant and that she would be launching a school to teach students how to "communicate with angels," is off sick after much criticism for her latest business venture:
just in case you might spot more contacts....
Love and blessings to all !!
Thank you so much, dear
Thank you so much, dear Berit!
I think mail is best. I will email (or Global Priority Mail) a Heaven book, CD and a letter, pretty much like the email I sent, including Margaretha's translation.
I'm so sorry the princess isn't feeling well. Negativity from others is hard to take.
She has so much positivity coming from us that she will soon be well.
A Heaven book and CD, a copy
A Heaven book and CD, a copy of Heavenletter #2439 translated by Margaretha into Norwegian, and a letter from me (with quotes from some of you) are being mailed to the Princess of Norway today. I also ask what we can do for her to help bring her mission out into the world. I have a feeling we will hear back from her.
Dearest Gloria, you are
Dearest Gloria,
you are great!!! :thumbup:
You are the great proof which reveals that the Princess is in touch with angels!!! :wub:
I have a Boss. He is the
I have a Boss. He is the Greatest Boss in the world. He asks me to do things in such a sweet way. For Him, I am bold and brave, and I do things I wouldn't ordinarily do -- or even have a reason to do. This Wonderful Boss rewards me constantly. He keeps sending me blessings -- like you, I mean, like all the translators, like the tech angels, like all the people who post on this forum, like all the Heavenreaders and all the unexpected happiness in my life.
He gave me this great work, even though I was not qualified. He said it didn't matter if I had the qualifications or not. He said He would send great people to help, which He has. He had such great faith in me and I am so grateful for His trust that I would never ever want to let Him down nor to let any opportunity that might serve Him go by.
This is really the most
This is really the most beautiful love letter you could write to God ! .... indeed, He has such a sweet way to ask things ! :wub:
Fact is, you are much more than "only" qualified dear Gloria, your loving Boss knew this much earlier than you ! You are the perfect Angel doing the perfect job, divine timing. :Rolleyes:
I'm so happy for all that you did send to the princess and I hope to hear soon of her reply, I'd love to have news from her. :Rolleyes:
Love and blessings and thank you for all the wonderful things you do dear ! :wub:
Dear Margaretha, Thank you
Dear Margaretha,
Thank you for the translations. It is nice to know that there are nice people like you in this world.
Oh, yes...I read that here
Oh, yes...I read that here in Mexico, too, and was so glad to know about it. This means that spirituality and Angels do not make any distinctions but society itself. Blessings, lots of Love & Light for this spiritual princess, Matha Louise, for she has a special mission on Earth.