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HEAVEN #1853 The Golden Light December 1, 2005

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HEAVEN #1853 The Golden Light December 1, 2005

God said:

Heretofore, you have been living in an alcove of the palace, and now you're moving into the main quarters. You desired this, to move out of the faraway corners into the King's rooms. You would be closer at hand to the King, to hear Him, to hear His wishes, and to be right there to fulfill them. You have wanted to be right arm to the King.

You are ready to serve and have always been, but now your mind is aligning with your heart. Your mind is gaining a sense of what you are really about. It takes a while for the mind to learn and to accept. The mind would like to fiddle-faddle around, but the mind's doings are all moot anyway, because you already are sitting with the King.

You sit in a place of honor, of course, and the mind likes that. But you yourself are simply happy to be next to the King whether anyone knows it or not. It is the fulfillment of your heart's desire to know the King well, and to be at His side always.

You are like a white knight of the olden days. You are a silent knight. You can hardly speak of your allegiance. It is not to speak of, you realize. It is to be in. Speaking of what is so great and so intimate cannot match or even approach the actuality. After all, words become words, leaving only a trace of the experience, the way the ashes of a cigarette are only ashes and are not the cigarettes. Words about God, although serving their purpose, are not God. They are an approximation. But you are no longer circling the wagons. You are where you want to be, right in the ring, right in the arena from where all blessings flow.

And so you are in closer approximation of the King. Now you are King in training. The training is of your awareness. In your closeness, you begin to notice similarities. Occasionally, when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the King's mirror, for a split second you wonder if it were not the King you were glimpsing! Certainly, there was some aspect of the King that you saw. Soon enough, you will not know whether you are seeing the reflection of the King or your own reflection. Pretty soon you will not be able to tell the difference. Pretty soon you will feel like the King. You will receive the King's command so instantly that you hear only your own voice. Your voice and the King's speak in synchrony.

You discover that you are in the court of the King, and that you are the One who sits in the throne. The King happens to be you. You happen to be the King. This is so amazing to you, even as you realize that this was always so. Nothing had changed but your realization. But what a realization that is, and what changes this realization makes. It changes everything. It changes your view. It transforms the world right before your eyes.

You begin to see that the King's robes are golden light. You begin to see that the King is golden light. You are golden light, and this discovery doesn't dazzle you any more. You see it is the way it has been and the only way it could be. You are not aggrandized. It is just that your eyes are seeing. Your eyes have rediscovered the golden light that has always been, and you see that the golden light is you.

Copyright@ 12-1-05

HeavenlettersT -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Overseer The GodwritingT International Society of Heaven Ministries
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