Please read the Guidelines that have been chosen to keep this forum soaring high!

Copyright and all of that

Dear my friends,

Please be aware, there are things out there in the world with an copyright on it. These might be articles as well as pictures. When posting such material to the forum, make sure to have permission to do so. In general, if you want to point others to some article, you feel is important to share, make a quote on what was most important to you and add some personal thinking to it in addition to a link to the original source.

Pictures? There might be a copyright to pictures as well. Please make sure you either have permission to post them or please don't post them. Pictures cannot be quoted. So please take special care on that one.

Thanks for your attention.


Adrachin, Administrator

Copyright and all of that

This is an incredibly wonderful letter. It sets just right the tone, and it’s very clear. Marvelous, Adrachin.
On behalf of all of us, thank you so very much.
Blessings and love,

From: adrachin [mailto:test_list [at] heavenletters [dot] org]
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 5:23 AM
To: test_list [at] heavenletters [dot] org
Subject: Copyright and all of that

Dear my friends,

please be aware, there are things out there in the world with an copyright on it. This might be articles as well as pictures. If posting such material to the forum, make sure to have permission to do so. In general, if you want to point others to some article, you feel is importand to share, make a quote on what was most important to you and ad some personal thinking to it in addition to a link to the original source.

Pictures? There might be a copyright to pictures as well. Please make sure you either have permission to post them or please don't post them. Pictures can not be quoted. So please take special care on that one.

Thanks for your attention.


Adrachin, administrator

-------------------- m2f --------------------

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I would like to add that I think quoting from an article is better than including the whole thing anyway! When we choose the main points or a favorite selection, perhaps the one who posts will put more of himself into it.

It's almost too easy to just copy/paste a whole article and leave ourselves out.

Also, as for me and perhaps for many of us, we might just glance at a long complete article, but easily focus on and really read a shorter selection. In general, what you make of the article is more interesting and important to me than the original article itself.

So I think the copyright consideration happens to support the greater interest of our forum. What do you think?

Copyright Stuff.

If anyone wants to use my stuff,
it's a free for all.

WE call them: FREEZIES.

And YOU can quote me on that.

Copyright and all of that

I love it, Stefan!

From: stefan [mailto:test_list [at] heavenletters [dot] org]
Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2005 4:53 AM
To: test_list [at] heavenletters [dot] org
Subject: RE: Copyright and all of that

If anyone wants to use my stuff,
it's a free for all.

WE call them: FREEZIES.

And YOU can quote me on that.

Oh, I don't know. I guess I'm a free spirit, happy with my life; completely satisfied within and figure God will work things out in the world when mankind decides to stop fighting each other and we all decide to work together for peace.

-------------------- m2f --------------------

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I don't know about the others but I've read (and translated) so many articles, messages and channelings that I have reached a point where lots of words seem so useless to me. I love this forum because I can see what 'real' people say and think. It's like entering the 'real' world. Actually, when I see a long article quoted here, I skip it altogether and go to look for people's own words. I understand the desire to share with other people something we consider beautiful, but I learned during all these years that everyone has their own path and own messages to follow. And what seems wonderful to me, may not mean anything to another person. Maybe a short quote or a reference to a link is best in this case.
Some years ago I met a person at the yoga classes, who told us that when he was young, he used to be a drug addict and had also pushed drugs. I asked him whether he regretted what he'd been doing. The surpirsing answer was that as he used to think then that drugs were something wonderful, he considered he was sharing something wonderful with people. So, no he didn't regret it. This thing opened my mind to a completely new way of thinking.
Maybe this story doesn't have anything to do with the question at hand, but somehow I felt urged to tell it here.

Copyright and all of that

Having dyslexia, I do not have the continue stream of words flowing through me to express what I would like to say as so may others do.
For those of you who can express yourselves so elegantly with words, try to understand what it is like to have to look in a dictionary for a majority of the words you need to spell in order to express yourself. You know what you want to say but the words are cumbersome. It can be trying and time consuming. It is alot easier to find someone else who can express what you are trying to say and share it hoping others will understand that what is being said through someone else is a spoke person for you.

Sharing love

Dear IndigoChild,
with your words you just expressed what I meant in my comment! While I was reading your words, I felt great love pouring through my heart towards you. And I think that wouldn't have happened if you posted a message quoted from somewhere else.
You know, neither English nor Italian are my mother tongue (Finnish), so I'm never sure about the spelling of the terms. I'm surrounded by dictionaries and vocabularies. And besides the spelling, for Italian, often I have to check the gender as there isn't any in Finnish (like in English). Sometimes I get really nervous about this. But then I think it's an exercise of patience and humbleness.
I didn't intend to say that there shouldn't be any quotes from good articles on the forum. I just thought that it's nice to have people's own opinions.
I love you. (And I won't tell you how many times I had to use the dictionary for this message.)

Indigo Child and Paula

I couldn't agree with you both more!

Every comment from you stirs my heart and soul. I am privileged to be in your company.

There is a book I read not too long ago. It is written by a woman who was more than dyslexic. She was autistic. She still is. She sees and thinks differently from most of us, and yet she has learned to understand us and how we think and accommodate to the way most of the world thinks. The name of the book is Thinking in Pictures. The author is Temple Grandin.

It is always beautiful to get into the heart and soul of a person.

And that's one reason why I, like Paula, prefer what a person in this forum writes from their heart more than even the greatest writing that is someone else's. (This is not to say that I don't appreciate Truth wherever it comes from.)

I do appreciate what it takes to express ourselves and have it come out the way we mean to.

I am especially appreciative of someone who writes to us here in English when it is not their native language.

Mariatrivi, for instance, feels she has a certain struggle with English yet what she writes is easy to understand and perhaps even more powerful because she writes in a language that is not her own.

And with dyslexia, Indigo Child, maybe that is why you get right down to basics.

With love and blessings,


Copyright and all of that

Thanks for the encouragement. I feel more relaxed now to post.
Gloria, I will try to find that book and read it, it sounds as if it would be a good read. Thanks.

Copyright and all of that

Thankyou Gloria! It's amazing how you always find the right words to get everyone express the portion of Heaven they hold within themselves. I feel your energy like that of a great Mother, who loves all unconditionally.

Thankyou IndigoChild for opening your heart like this! I also think your miracle is an enlightening example of the power of our thoughts. And your words are part of Heaven on Earth.

Copyright and all of that

Dear Paula,
It’s clear to me that in everything you say, you are talking about yourself. This is true. Do you see it?
I am so utterly thrilled with this forum, its consciousness, and the people who post from their hearts.
God bless us all.
With love, Gloria

From: paula [mailto:test_list [at] heavenletters [dot] org]
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2005 4:05 AM
To: test_list [at] heavenletters [dot] org
Subject: RE: Copyright and all of that

Thankyou Gloria! It's amazing how you always find the right words to get everyone express the portion of Heaven they hold within themselves. I feel your energy like that of a great Mother, who loves all unconditionally.

Thankyou IndigoChild for opening your heart like this! I also think your miracle is an enlightening example of the power of our thoughts. And your words are part of Heaven on Earth.

Love is the Answer.

-------------------- m2f --------------------

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-------------------- m2f --------------------


Send me your address, and I will send you my copy of the book.

Blessings and love,
