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You are changing the world

and again an interesting message:

You Are Changing The World

An excerpt from the book,
"The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness"
by Owen Waters, Editor, Infinite Being News

In the book 'Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants in Human
Behavior,' David Hawkins reveals some fascinating properties of
human consciousness. In it, he created and calibrated an
enormously useful map of human consciousness, one which should
rightfully be called, 'The Hawkins Scale of Consciousness.'

Hawkins began practicing psychiatry in 1952, and then
discovered the power of kinesiology, the science which obtains
answers direct from the subconscious mind of a subject through

The subconscious (or unconscious) mind is one segment of your
total range of consciousness. The subconscious mind stores
memories and emotional issues. It controls the involuntary
nervous system, which manages such systems as breathing,
digestion and metabolism. It is also in communication with
the universe as a whole. In particular, it is connected to
the global, or collective unconscious, mind of humanity.

The subconscious mind is, basically, the ultimate information
source, one which is ready to provide information about
anything upon demand.

With kinesiology, the subjects' conscious minds are bypassed
in order to receive clear answers directly from their
subconscious minds. The tests are mechanically very simple.
Subjects hold out an arm horizontally to the side while people
designated as testers tell the subjects to resist their
efforts to push one arm down with each question. If the arm
remains strong and stays horizontal, then the answer from
the subconscious mind of the subject is affirmative. If the arm
yields downwards due to weakness then the answer is negative.

If, for example, you tell a test subject to resist while you
tell them, "You have a human body" their arm will stay strong.
If you change the statement to, "You are a human body" their
arm will go weak as this is an incorrect statement. The
reason for this is that we, as spirits, merely inhabit our
physical bodies. We are not our bodies, even though the
ego tends to see us as who we are in the mirror. The
subconscious mind knows that the true answer is,
"You have a human body."

John Diamond, M.D., another early researcher in kinesiology,
observed cases where the right and left hemispheres of a
person's brain were working together. The left hemisphere
of the brain is normally used for analytical thinking and
verbal activity, while the right hemisphere is used for
intuitive and artistic activities as well as spatial

This explains why it is so hard to drive a car at the same
time as carrying on a telephone conversation. In order to
pay attention to the road and the activities of other
traffic, the driver has to switch from one hemisphere of
the brain over to the other side, and then switch back
again to continue the conversation.

In the rare cases where both hemispheres were working equally
together, Diamond discovered that the person now displayed
creativity, which he referred to as mankind's highest
functioning. David Hawkins found kinesiology to be a
fascinating avenue into the unknown, and he began accessing
what he calls attractor fields in the subconscious.
Attractor fields are what Carl Jung called archetypes.
They are created by the group efforts of millions of minds
in the collective unconscious and hold a fascination for
people because of their cumulative size.

Just when his practice became huge, with fifty therapists
and other employees working for him, Hawkins abandoned it
all for a life of research. Instead of treating one patient
at a time, Hawkins wanted to discover how everyone could
be helped by the promise and potential of kinesiology.

His research over the years proved conclusively the same
thing that the new theoretical physics is beginning to say,
that everything in the universe is connected. With
kinesiology, he confirmed that whatever question is asked,
if there is an answer to that question somewhere in the
universe, then that answer will become yours.

He also set up a system of calibrating levels of human
consciousness. Assigning the numbers one to infinity as
the possible range of consciousness, he soon found that he
had to use the logarithm of numbers, rather than just plain
numbers. This is because the power of consciousness at
higher levels is vast compared to its power at lower levels.

When you use a base-ten logarithmic system, the number 4 is
not twice the number 2. Log 4 is 10,000 (one plus four zeros)
versus log 2's value of just 100 (one plus two zeros). A
consciousness level of 300 is not twice 150, it is 10 to
the 300th power; a one with 300 zeros after it.

Furthermore, Hawkins found that the consciousness level of
200 was critical. A global average of 200 or more is
necessary to sustain life on this planet without it sinking
into eventual self-destruction. Since the mid-1980s, he
reports, the global average reading for humanity climbed
above the critical 200 level. This, of course, is yet
another discovery confirming the existence of today's
ongoing shift in consciousness.

Then, he began to wonder how much people of higher
consciousness were compensating for people who live below
the 200 level. Consider, for example, that 800 million
people in the world are hungry, with many of them living
near starvation. The consciousness of despair tests at a
level of just 50. Even anger and hatred rate higher in
frequency than the deep depression experienced by those
who live with no appearance of hope.

So here we are, on Planet Earth, a collective humanity
swimming hard through life to keep our collective chin
above the 200 level, working towards the day when hunger
and hopelessness will be eradicated from our world once
and for all.

What can you do to help? As you raise your consciousness,
you contribute more and more to the spiritual quality of the
global mind. Therefore, your greatest service to humanity
is, paradoxically, the development of your own consciousness.

How exactly can that help the world? Getting back to modern
science and its numbering systems, along with today's liking
for summaries that spell out 'the bottom line,' here are the
test results.

One individual at a higher level of consciousness
counterbalances many, many individuals who are below the
critical level of 200. Below the 200 level are the attractor
fields of shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger
and pride. Right at the critical 200 level comes courage and
its ability to empower the self out of the victim-orientation
of the lower frequencies.

At 300, a person has risen above many emotions of conflict
to achieve some non-judgment and to feel optimism. At 300,
one person, within the global mind, counterbalances an
incredible total of 90,000 people below the 200 level. Such
is the power of higher states of consciousness.

At 400, the individual achieves a harmonious attitude which
brings acceptance and forgiveness. Furthermore, they gain an
enhanced sense of reason, which brings understanding and
meaning to life. This is not a difficult level to achieve.
Those who, for example, pursue higher education and the
professions function at the 400 level, where one person
counterbalances an incredible 400,000 people below the
200 level.

To reach 500, a person needs to be spiritually conscious.
At this level, unconditional love and unconditional
forgiveness become alive and well in their reality.
Here, one person counterbalances 750,000 people who are
below the 200 level.

When a person has practiced meditation long and diligently
enough to attain bliss consciousness at the 600 level,
they are, at that moment, counterbalancing 10 million
people below the 200 level.

Do you need a more compelling reason to develop your inner
faculties? Just look at the wonderful level of service that
each advance in consciousness brings into our world.

And all this is by just being who you are and who you can
become, before you even begin to physically help make the
world a better place through your support and direct action.
This wonderful level of service is the direct effect of your
consciousness upon a world which has been starved, for so
long, of spiritual thought and spiritual energy.

You are changing the world

Lisa Renee experienced a spontaneous "kundalini" event several
years ago that catalyzed an "awakening" to perceive multidimensional
realities and communication with the Evolutionary forces of Light.

Yes. Nice!

I had similar expiriences. But never felt a "forces".

When ever I go into the multidimensional space, I am free.

I AM what I AM. Meine Gotlliche Gegenwart ICH BIN und mein Geliebtes heiliges Chtist Selbst.

A human on earth so to say.
