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<p><img style="width: 221px; height: 336px;"
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<p><font color="#000000"
face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><b><font
color="#666666" size="4"> Heavenletters&trade;<br>
<font color="#000000" size="3">Bringing Earth
Closer to Heaven</font></font></b></font><br>
<font color="#000000"
face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><b><font
size="1">B Y G L O R I A</font><font color="#000000"
face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><b><font
size="1"> </font></b></font><font
size="1"> </font><font color="#000000"
face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><b><font
size="1"> </font></b></font><font
size="1">W E N D R O F F </font></b></font>
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<blockquote> <font style="line-height: 20px;"
face="Verdana" size="2"> </font></blockquote>
<font style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana"
size="2"> </font>
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="-2"><strong><font
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br>
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="-2"><strong>HEAVENLetter
#1703 <br>
Declare Your Independence </strong></font></font></p>
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2"><strong><img
style="width: 183px; height: 55px;" alt="word"
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2"><strong>EGOS
HURT EGOS. </strong>That's what egos do. The True Being of you
is untouched. What does that leave but ego? Egos get hurt, and egos
hurt. </font></p>
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2">Sometimes
someone offends and does not know that he has. Hurt was not intended
and was unnoticed. It may be that the offender is so ego-driven he has
not awareness of anyone else's feelings. So wrapped in his own, his
vision so tight, he doesn't see beyond a fraction of himself. </font></p>
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2">But
it also may be that offense was taken where there was none. The
offended one's ego piqued itself. In essence, it is always the case
that your ego chooses to be offended. Ego is like a goalie in a hockey
game, constantly on guard to prevent assault. </font></p>
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2"><img
style="width: 335px; height: 282px; float: right;" alt="text"
hspace="10" vspace="10">Personal feelings of hurt can
only be tools of your ego, beloved. It is ego that takes things
personally. Your Self knows it is invulnerable to offense. It knows its
Identity. Your Self stands strong. But your ego withers. It knows it is
prickly and has no substance. </font></p>
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2">Did
Christ, when vilified, take personal offense? He never said, "How can
they do this to me?" He knew he was beyond individuality. He understood
that the Selves of those who inflicted pain on him were innocent. Their
Higher Being had been set aside. Christ well knew that it was their
egos that didn't know what they were doing, or, rather, that ego knows
only hurt, either to or fro, and was doing its duty. The call of ego
is: "Danger ahead. Stand aside.". Its motto: "Hurt or be hurt.
Quickly." Ego has teeth. It attaches to its perceived offense and won't
let go. </font></p>
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2">Could
Christ have taken offense? He could not if he tried. His vision was
such that he could not. He could only feel compassion at the
unawareness of Self presented to him. He knew ego was all bluff. He
knew that ego was aberration. He knew ego had no place. Christ knew his
own compassion. He knew his own understanding. It is ego that is quick
to anger. Inner Being is so far away from anger, it cannot even
conceive it. Anger is like a foreign object, unheard of. Or like a gnat
so insignificant that Being simply doesn't notice. </font></p>
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2"><img
style="width: 116px; height: 185px; float: left;" alt="pic"
hspace="10" vspace="10">My beloveds, when will you
see beyond ego? When will you let it stop vanquishing you? When will
you put it in its place which means no place at all? Or do you think
ego has a place and that ego is perhaps necessary to survival? Ego is
not interested in your survival. It is interested in its own. "Ego
above all" is its theme. </font></p>
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2">You
cannot subdue ego because it has no existence. You cannot swat it. You
can't take it by the neck and shake it. You cannot remove it. You can
only rise higher where it makes no sense and therefore does not exist,
not as a proponent nor an opponent. Ego just is a concept that you can
no longer conceive of. </font></p>
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2">Your
heart is not ego-driven. But the mind is like a cat that likes to play
with the ego, pounce on it, toss it around, struggle with it. But even
the cat finally puts the toy aside and gets on with the business of
life. </font></p>
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2">It
is ego that flares in anger. It is ego that hates. It is ego that takes
offense. Do not think that ego makes you strong. It makes you weak. Ego
feeds off you, eats away at you, skips off, and then returns again to
make you small, and to make you forget your Greater Self. Declare your
independence from ego. </font></p>
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2"><img
style="width: 539px; height: 46px;" alt="oic"
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2"><strong><font
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="-2">HEAVENLetter
You Are an Instrument of the Divine </font></strong></font></p>
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2"><strong><img
style="width: 183px; height: 55px;" alt="pic"
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2"><strong>YOU
DO REALIZE</strong> that you have all the requirements of an
angel. Without your body, you would more easily know that you are an
angel. The body has its limitations, but you do not. The body, even
with all its aches and pains and fear-engendered worries, is meant to
be a means of evolution. Boundaries present their own means of
expansion. The finite and the infinite are not that far apart.
Restriction offers its own expansion. If your body is locked in a cell,
you have an opportunity to grow in a way that life on the street would
not afford you. In the finiteness of life on Earth, within the
hamperings of the physical, you can grow marvelously. You already have.
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2">Sooner
or later you learn that confines are not confines. They look confining,
they seem confining, but confinement is an idea in your mind that you
need to break out of. </font></p>
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2">The
physical has its merits, even though you have to go beyond the
physical, even as you swim within its shores. </font></p>
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2"><img
style="width: 116px; height: 185px; float: right;" alt="pic"
hspace="10" vspace="10">The Human heart and mind are
for the purpose of breaking boundaries. Where can your heart and mind
not go? Where can they not reach? What cannot be held in them? What is
not held in them? </font></p>
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2">You
have a full set of tools for every occasion. </font></p>
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2">You
have expanded vision. There is no end to it. </font></p>
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2">All
the possibilities that lie within you are not meant to be idle. They
are meant to be realized. </font></p>
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2">The
sooner you know that your life is not for yourself alone, that you are
an instrument of the Divine, that you are here on Earth to serve a
greater purpose than yourself, you will take giant strides. By letting
go of littleness, you approach greatness. If the extent of your life is
what suits you, what pleases you, what fulfills your whims, you have
accepted great limitations. You are an unbounded Being meant to fulfill
My Will. My Will is not opposed to yours, beloveds, but it is the
promise of yours. You gain your Self by getting past your self. You
will agree that ego matters do not fulfill you, and yet you pursue them
and are petulant when you don't attain them. </font></p>
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2">Beloveds,
you have great opportunity here on Earth. It is not opportunity given
to you lightly. You are meant for more than satiating your whims. The
world needs you. In order to serve, you have to go beyond the trappings
of yourself. You are not here to show off. You are not here to possess.
You are here to shine My light. You may scoff at the idea of making the
world a better place, but I placed you on Earth for that very thing. </font></p>
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2">You
are not here to tell the world what it has to do. You are here to be a
model, a true model, a natural model who serves a greater purpose than
himself. You are meant to be God-driven, not ego-driven. Therefore, you
do not indulge yourself. You free yourself. </font></p>
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2">Every
time you think you are terrific, you have missed the point. Know your
worth by giving it. Know that your worth is Mine, and do not squander
it on littleness. Let Me enter into your speech. The world has enough
advice. Give Mine. Look not to gain admiration for your personality,
look not to expound on your woes nor to absorb others' woes, for that
is seeking to gratify your ego. Look to gratify Me because you know you
are here to expand yourself and expand the world through your
consciousness. Pay attention to what you put your attention on,
beloveds. Go higher. Do not delay. Enough playing in your sandbox. Go
higher now. Raise your thoughts to Mine.<br>
<p align="justify"><font
style="line-height: 20px;" face="Verdana" size="2"><font
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="-1"><strong>&copy;<font
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><font
size="-2"> Gloria Wendroff, 2005</font></font></strong></font></font></p>
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<p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b><font
color="#333333">ABOUT THE AUTHOR</font></b></font></p>
<p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
style="width: 124px; height: 166px; float: left;" alt="pic"
hspace="5" vspace="5"></font></strong><strong><font
size="1">Gloria Wendroff </font></strong><font
size="1"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">always
loved reading, writing, and inspiration, but she never gave much
thought to God - let alone dreamed that a time would come when she
would hang on to every word of the Best Storyteller of All. Not until
after forty-two years of wandering did she become conscious of a desire
for God. Then it was another twenty more before she began to hear a
whisper. Now, looking back, she can see a tiny hint here or there but
nothing to prepare her for what was to come.</font></font></font></p>
<p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
size="-2"><font size="1"><font
face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> After teaching creative
writing, English, ESL, and business communications, writing
boundary-breaking resumes and a monthly job advice column for many
years, she learned and taught meditation, traveled Europe, studied in
Thailand and India, and discovered God back in America. Of all the
messengers along the way, two were movies! One was a photograph. At
least one was a book. And, of course, many, many were people. There was
no one great epiphany. There were many great ones and some little ones.
But, suddenly - ah, there was God. Ever since Gloria discovered God,
she has been receiving and sending out God's words every day via email,
giving free readings of God's words across the country, getting God's
personal answers for people who want them, helping others dare to do
their own Godwriting? in workshops, making CD's, and getting <em>Heavenletters,
Love Letters from God, Book One</em>, published - all with an ear
to the Still Small Voice and bringing earth closer to Heaven. To find
out more about Heaven Letters, visit <a
href="" target="_blank"></a></font></font></font><br>
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<p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
size="-2">The underlying philosophy of
is to provide a space for many different flavors of the truth. The
views and opinions expressed by the authors of our articles and/or
interview subjects are not necessarily those of the editors, management
and staff of New Earth Publications. New Earth Publications does not
endorse any individual product or concept, but rather, offers this
information for your individual discernment. We are happy to receive
your opinions and feedback and actively encourage you to send us your
views for publication in future issues. Copyright: New Earth
Publications, 2005. </font><font face="arial" size="1">&nbsp;
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<p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
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division of Sedgbeer McCray Group<br>
New Earth Publications, 533 Creek Side Drive, Shelbyville, KY 40065. </font></p>


We thank New Earth Publications for spreading around Heavenletters in such a beautiful work of art!

Much Love and Light
