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Truth vs Falsehood

Truth vs. Falsehood How to tell the Difference - David R Hawkins

Identification and Characteristics of Spiritual Truth, Integrous Teachers, and Teachings (Page 379 – 382)

Universality: Truth is true at all times and places, indepen­dent of culture, personalities, or circumstances.

Non exclusionary: Truth is all-inclusive, non secretive, and non-sectarian.

Availability: It is open to all, non-exclusive. There are no secrets to be revealed, hidden, or sold, and no magical for­mulas or "mysteries."

Integrity of purpose: There is nothing to gain or lose.

Non-sectarian: Truth is not the exposition of limitation.

Independent of opinion: Truth is non-linear and not subject to the limitations of intellect or form.

Devoid of Positionality: Truth is not "anti" anything. False­hood and ignorance are not its enemies but merely represent its absence.

No requirements or demands: There are no required mem­berships, dues, regulations, oaths, rules, or conditions.

Noncontrolling: Spiritual purity has no interest in the per­sonal lives of aspirants, or in clothing, dress, style, sex lives, economics, family patterns, lifestyles, or dietary habits.

Free of force or intimidation: There is no brainwashing, adulation of leaders, training rituals, indoctrinations, or intrusions into private life.

Nonbinding: There are no regulations, laws, edicts, contracts, or pledges.

Freedom: Participants are free to come and go without per­suasion, coercion, intimidation, or consequences. There is no hierarchy; instead, there is voluntary fulfilment of practical necessities and duties.

Commonality: Recognition is a consequence of what one has become rather than as a result of ascribed titles, adjectives, or trappings.

Inspirational: Truth eschews and avoids glamorisation, seduction, and theatrics.

Non-materialistic: Truth is devoid of neediness of worldly wealth, prestige, pomp, or edifices.

Self-fulfilling: Truth is already total and complete and has no need to proselytise or gain adherents, followers, or "sign up members."

Detached: There is non-involvement in world affairs.

Benign: Truth is identifiable along a progressive gradient. It has no "opposite" and therefore no "enemies" to castigate or oppose.

Non intentional: Truth does not intervene or have an agenda to propose, inflict, or promulgate.

Non dualistic: All transpires by virtue of intrinsic (karmic) propensity within the field by which potentiality manifests as actuality rather than by "cause" and effect.

Tranquillity and Peace: There are no "issues" or partialities. There is no desire to change others or impose on society. The effect of higher energies is innate and not dependent on propagation or effort. God does not need help anymore than gravity needs the "help" of an apple's falling off the tree.

Equality: This is expressed in reverence for all of life in all its expressions and merely avoids that which is deleterious rather than opposing it.

Non temporality: Life is realized to be eternal and physicality to be a temporality. Life is not subject to death.

Beyond proof: That which is "provable" is linear, limited, and a product of intellectualisation and mentation. Reality needs no agreement. Reality is not an acquisition but instead is a purely spontaneous, subjective realization when the positionalities of the dualistic ego are surrendered.

Mystical: The origination of truth is a spontaneous efful­gence, radiance, and illumination, which is the Revelation that replaces the illusion of a separate individual self, the ego, and its mentation.

Ineffable: Not capable of definition. Radical subjectivity is experiential. It is a condition that replaces the former. With this event, context replaces content, devoid of temporality and beyond time. Reality does not exist in time, or of it, or beyond it, or outside of it, and it has no relationship to that which is an artifice of mentation. It is therefore beyond all nouns, adjectives, or verbs, transitive or intransitive.

Simplistic: One sees the intrinsic beauty and perfection of all that exists beyond appearance and form.

Affirmative: Truth is beyond opinion or provability. Confir­mation is purely by its subjective awareness; however, it is identifiable by consciousness calibration techniques.

Non operative: Truth does not "do" anything or "cause" anything; it is everything.

Invitational: As contrasted with promotional or persua­sive.

Non predictive: Because Reality is non-linear, it cannot be localized or encoded in restriction of form, such as secret messages, codes, numbers, and inscriptions, or hidden in runes, stones, the dimensions of the pyramid, the DNA, or the nostril hairs of the camel. Truth has no secrets. The Reality of God is omnipresent and beyond codification or exclusivity. Codes are indicative of man's imagination and not the capriciousness of Divinity.

Non sentimental: Emotionality is based on perception. Com­passion results from the discernment of truth.

Non authoritarian: There are no rules or dictates to be fol­lowed.

Non egoistic: Teachers are respected but reject personal adulation or specialness.

Educational: Provides information in a variety of formats and ensures availability.

Self-supporting: Neither mercenary nor materialistic.

Freestanding: Complete without dependence on external or historical authorities.

Natural: Devoid of induced, altered status of consciousness or manipulations of energies by artificial means, (i.e., nonreliance on form).