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"Love waits on welcome, not on time, ....

and the real world is but your welcome of what always was" pg 255 ACIM

That which Is, our Love, is already right Here and Now...this, I've written about over and over...this, I've forgotten and felt the resulting effects, over and over...this, I've spoken of and read of and yet still didn't quite remember, again and again, and yet Here's Love, again and again, matching, step for step, my every fantastical, frolicking, fanciful whim...and so, it's really quite simple for us all, isn't it then?...Love's time isn't what we usually think of as real time...for us; real time was, is and will be...For Love, Love Divine; Real Time encompasses what was, what is and what will be...making it, creating it, creating Us, as One...It is our belief that we are outside of this Love, this Time, that makes us not feel as One, with the All in All...and we all struggle and strain on various levels; yet is a minimal struggle and strain, in essence, any less than one more highly focused and trained?...for just as peace is peace, any type or degree of struggle is really not being totally at again, Love isn't concerned with our path of return, "just" our "return", through welcoming it as so...nor does Love uphold a line that d - i - v - i -d - e - s or that defines or determines who will "survive" or "preside"...Rather, Love is concerned with Now, with Us All in the Now...and the more we relax into our precious present, our instant divine, the more we receive ourselves As Love and the more we do this the more we allow for expansion into and compassion for, what is to be and what was...the more we live the I Am that I Am...

I found the above quoted passage quite inspiring, true and profound and I thank you for the opportunity to share and kind of expound...mike:)