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Reflection on HL1758

I was waiting for the HL 1758 to be posted here, so as to "reply" to it, but it as not showned up yet...
So here goes :D


God said:
Isn’t it interesting how I have more faith in you than you do in Me?

Yes Lord, or even in my own self…


My faith in you is more than faith. It is knowing. It takes no effort for Me. I hold you in trust. My confidence in you is beyond question. I do not ponder it. I do not discuss it. I don’t write treatises on it. Like the sun, My trust in you just is. Like the stars, My trust in you shines. Like the moon, My faith in you reflects.

Indeed Lord… Or society as turn so much at times toward the “scientific proofing method” that we so often start to want to apply this to EVERYTHING including our Faith in You, in us, in the way things occurs around us, and the way we live, instead of just having the Faith that all is well and that You and all Your helpers are there for us to protect, help and Guide us.


You may wonder how this can be so because you have disappointed yourselves so many times. You wonder how can I not be disappointed. You wonder how a God could have so much faith in such a wee Being, one who bumps his head against the wall so many times, the one who rants and raves, the one who, it may be said, pays so little attention to Me.

Indeed Lord, but the worst part, at least in my point of view presently, as that when we do all that, the Truth is that it is toward our own self but projected toward You, that we rant and rave since we decide to bump our head on the wall by keeping to try to “go our own way” instead of listening a bit more to You, our Heart and look at everything around us with Love.
As you look at us with Your eyes, we do not even try to see ourselves with our own Heart eyes, but use the mind eye.


My faith in you eclipses all that. I do not see with the world’s eyes. I see with Mine, and what I see is very good. I made you, and I made you love. I know the ingredients with which I made you, and I know they were good and of the highest quality. I know far better than you where your heart lies. I know what you are capable of, and I know what you will do. I know who and what you are, and I know the Truth of you which you do not. Oh, you may give lip service to knowing, but you fiddle around with doubt.

Yes, the great dilemma of my Life, and that of many other people sometimes. We often overlook the Purpose we are here for, we have been raised to bury it and not pay that much attention by the different “way of living” that have been propose by us externally, and that we decided we should emulate, that our peers/society/schooling method/Church/parents/advertisement/scientists/marketing Firms says we should be striving for, when in Truth we only need to, instead, be looking inside us, at our Heart/Soul/Higher Self. But for this, we come back again to the question of having Faith in you and our Heart that sometimes needs rebuilding (or maybe more rekindling!), and for this, I want to Thank You dear God for your Patience, Love and all the Helpers, from Angel, Spiritual Guides, Earth Angels (like Gloria and many others) that can help in channeling Your message/Coaching/healing until WE Believe and have Faith in ourselves as much as YOU DO and be able to do the same with Your Blessing, and multiply the way of helping You bring more people to Love/Light on this world (as a start :D :wink: later on in the Universe!)


The sun has nothing over you. The sun is not mightier. The sun is more attuned, that’s all. The sun is attuned because it does not divert itself. The sun knows it is light. It know it is to shine. It knows its path, and it follows it. While you, My beloveds, attach yourself to a story you are telling, and to events, when there is only one event, and that is you, and that is I, and that is Our Light entwined and dancing ever more.

Yes, Lord, thank you again for this reminder we need to be repeated in our day and age. But the greatest part, is that we can detach from the past stories/screenplay/scenario we have invented and are telling ourselves and listen instead to the one coming from You via our Heart, or that we decide to re-create with Your Blessing and Help. This indeed requires much Faith, Faith that can be easily created by just deciding to have it, and this will bring us so much more Love, Joy and Peace, not only for us, but also for all your creation!


The flowers and trees and vines do not doubt. They know what gives them life, and they know to grow toward it. Be like a flower in its wisdom. Come, rise to Heaven so you can meet your Self.

Amen to this, God… Amen to this!

Reflection on HL1758


1758 can be found here.

Love andd Light
