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Nigher Than Nigh

When troubling times seem to come around
When perfect peace is not quite found
When joy's smile, for a while
Is upside down
When we're down
And frown
When of upset
Our feet get wet
Even if pain is practically unbearable, up to our head
Let's breathe
Let's let it be
Let set it free
Let's Be
With our Breath
Let's not hold to fret
We won't drown
In yesterday's woes, in the projected throes of tomorrow
In sorrow
It's merely time
To quiet down
The mind
To slow down
Illusory time
To settle into
Reality's Divine
This Bliss
Our sublime
Once, all caught up in a fuss
Patiently, perfectly
No longer delays
This moment of Time
Rather, pulls up the blinds
Lowered by ourselves
Opens all those shades
We've temporarily made
Of darkness felt
Perfect Health
Our release
From the game of
"Keeping love on the shelf"
For only for a fraction's fraction of a microsecond
Did we seemingly delve
Into "hell"
When we ARE the Light
Into night
When really our reality is the most magnificent of stars, Bright
Is Life
Pretending it can be negatively touched
That it can suffer, end, unbelievably die
Truth believing it's marked up, smudged
Spirituality turned into religiosity, fudged
The "teaching" in "sin"
Because of mankind's fright
That "going without" is what we're about
The forgetting
A child's white lie
To be loved away
In less than a day
As normalcy is allowed it's say
As we think upon and feel
The Real
Unending Way
Of Love
In Delight
The Within of the Highest of highs
Nigher than nigh

Copyright (c) Michael Mayer 2007