Niagara Falls

God said:

The tide of life pushes and pulls in many directions, and yet there is one tide, and you are swept up in it. Inevitably, you are tumbling to Me. You can drag your feet. You can walk backwards. You can chain yourself to a post, and yet you are inevitably caught in the stream of love that flows and flows to Me. Life issues from Me, and it flows to Me. You flow to Me. And that is all there is for a Child of Mine to do. There is nothing else.

Whatever your format, whatever your charge in life, you are flowing to Me. You may even be flying to Me. In one instant, you will be here. Of course, it is only in your awareness that you have anywhere to go or time to do it in. Time does not exist. Only timelessness does. You are already safely and fully here with Me. You only imagine that you are anywhere else or that anywhere else even exists. What an imagination you have, and yet you cannot quite imagine what you cannot imagine. You imagine all manner of things, and yet you may well miss the One Truth of this imagined journey you are on. You may think you haven’t even gotten your toes wet yet, while you are already immersed in My heart of love.

As a matter of fact, nothing exists but this Niagara Falls that you are cascading down. But, of course, neither up nor down exists either. There is no direction to flow in, and yet the falls and the waves and motionlessness are bringing you to Me this instant. You come tumbling down or soaring up, and it is all the same.

This is not a leap you have to take. Or, if it is a leap, you have already successfully leapt and landed in My very heart. In truth, you have never strayed from it.

You had a moment’s reverie. Your imagination took flight, and you imagined you were somewhere when there is no somewhere to be. You thought you moved. You thought you vacated Heaven. What an imagination you have. What a stupendous imagination.

You imagine that you have to hold on to something when there is nothing to hold on to. You fear not holding on even when there is nothing to hold on to. You want a strap to hold onto as if you were riding on a subway or an el train. The truth is that you are unshakably with Me. If you must hold on, hold onto that thought and never let it go:

“I am unshakably with God. He holds me securely in His heart. I live in God’s heart. And I am somehow, at the same imagined time, an emissary of His heart. I recline in God’s heart while I believe I am touring the Universe. I believe there is a Universe to tour. Meanwhile, everyone I know joins with me in this mirage of life. Life on Earth or on any galaxy seems so real. It feels so fundamental. Of course, God is the basis, not the Earth I imagine I stand on. God’s heart is the basis, not mine. My heart doesn’t need culturing. It is my mind that does. My mind is a storyteller. My mind makes up a story, and I think the story is true because it has been racing through my mind for so long.“

Beloveds, your true story has been written. I will read it to you now. Your true story is that you are here in My heart now and never were anywhere else. There is nowhere else. You are here. That is the whole story.

Read Comments

So reassuring...

“I am unshakably with God. He holds me securely in His heart. I live in God’s heart. And I am somehow, at the same imagined time, an emissary of His heart. I recline in God’s heart while I believe I am touring the Universe. I believe there is a Universe to tour. Meanwhile, everyone I know joins with me in this mirage of life. Life on Earth or on any galaxy seems so real. It feels so fundamental. Of course, God is the basis, not the Earth I imagine I stand on. God’s heart is the basis, not mine. My heart doesn’t need culturing. It is my mind that does. My mind is a storyteller. My mind makes up a story, and I think the story is true because it has been racing through my mind for so long.“

Beloveds, your true story has been written. I will read it to you now. Your true story is that you are here in My heart now and never were anywhere else. There is nowhere else. You are here. That is the whole story.

The fictional accounts of our lives...are so addictive...and ever so convincing. What if none of it were fundamentally true? What if our individual lives were pure fabrications...merely convicing yarns... some suitable for "short story" status...others...epic novels with several volumes...even including several past lives! Is this shocking??? What would happen if we surrendered our self importance? (tip: even victims are very, very important!)...What if one day, our character hopped out of his novel and wandered from the fiction section of the library into the non-fiction section...better yet...what if he wandered out of the library itself...melting into the warmth of the rising Son? (couldn't resist!)

Love, Jim and Jiml.

Excellent... There is

Excellent... There is NOTHING except God

You only imagine that you are anywhere else or that anywhere else even exists.

change of program

"You thought you moved. You thought you vacated Heaven. What an imagination you have", yes dear God and You have also a tendency to get too easily bored.

Future message? :]

I noticed that the letter is posted in the future...

Wow, gabrielius, what an

Wow, gabrielius, what an attentive eye you have! Thank you. I changed the date from 24 to 23.
Let's think really deep about this....

The End of Time?

what do you think about the discussions of the "window of opportunity", "the end of the world" (or the reality we perceive as the world around us, coming an end) and our evolution into the next plain of existence on our spiritual ascension, that are being discussed so much at this time?

Been hearing 2012 thrown about a lot, it's not my feeling that time will end there, but seems many folks are interpreting this in this way from early predictions of astronomers and phychic's to people that read into "Revelations".

I'm feeling a huge growth in awakenings and awareness of more, there are some big shifts coming I think, would love some insights from you on these things.

Dear Lance, I have sometimes

Dear Lance, I have sometimes tried to find some interest in predictions, prophecies, astrology, 2012 etc but found myself putting the books or other media down after a short while because they are so boring. So there is no "insights on these things" here. I'm glad I'm not sensitive to these developments which means I don't share the feelings many people seemt to have that big changes are in te air and their approach can be felt. What I know is that in the course of my life of almost 63 years the world has changed condsiderably and, by and large, for the better. What I do feel is that something is coming at me from this computer screen with gentle inevitability, unstoppable, ending time now. I find myself believing in time the way I always did, and "at the same time" not believing in it any more. It feels a little crazy and I like this feeling very much. No time, no space, no extension, nor duration, no matter, 2009.

Hi Jochen...

Goshl...I will be 63 in a few months too! (Dec 10) When is your birthday. But Jimi is ageless and is happy to celebrate birthdays or unbirthdays anytime! Yes...there are so many books and workshops out about 2012. It's exciting for so many. But for me I feel so blessed to be alive and live in love. I feel so blessed to bless...and to feel the preciousness of all moments regardless of the contents. Wishing everyone happiness now...and ps: We don't have to wait!!! Jim and Jimi.


I know the panorama around this topic of 2012, sometimes I hear something interesting, many times I read what for me are nonsense and speculations. Of course I do not believe in the end of the world. I feel that times are changing fast and that probably we are on the verge of an evolutionary leap. In history we have already seen such a sudden leap, from Neandertal to Homo Sapiens. I think also that, as history teaches us, some people will lead the way. I believe also that science will soon be forced to change its approach on reality and admit new possibilities. I feel that the Human Being is a prodigy having enormous potentials. I feel that what God tells us here is true, or better I have chosen it as my Truth. I think also that we live and experience what we believe. So, is there only one future possible?

Gosh! Is y2k coming again?

I really have not been following anything about 2012 and all of that but Sedona is rife with all of those kinds of things...(I don't get out much!) I don't mean to make light of it all...well, maybe I do! Do I still have time to restock my y2k kit? Let's see, my favorite downloads from Heavenletters, my teddy bear, my favorite Playboys (just for the text), the book "The Erroneous Zones (in case I have to start my spiritual trek all over again), coffee filters, survival books, toothpaste, my crank radio, fishing kit....oh...and the newest additions, all kinds of seeds. I need to do this before time collapses...which could happen any time now. Hmm...but no need to panic...yet...I can always panic later., problemo. Now Jimi is in no panic and a matter of fact is equally happy with big changes or samo, samo...either way he is very content to continue to live life from one big open heart...I'm so glad he is my friend. Hoping we can hang out here and chat as long as possible before the grid goes down. Loving you lots! Jim and Jimi.

May I go into your basement

May I go into your basement shelter with you and your family?!!!!

2012 / or the possible end of this reality

Thanks for all your input, and thank you Gloria for your personal email on it with all of your thoughts, don't think a bomb shelter will be needed ; )

I am also just fine with whatever happens, since I have no fear of death of this body, and have faith than no matter where my soul will travel, it will be a wonderful place to be in that time of no time.

I posed the question because of thoughts of possibility of being separated from my family and or not being there for them. I guess my thoughts were of a nurturing and concerned place, of, if I evolve or move on to the next plane of ascension, and my family or others in it like my children were not ready to do that yet, what the possible outcome of where and or how it would possibly transpire because of the want to be able to be there to help. I know I need to help them understand what I understand, but then again, I cannot do this, because we are all on our own journey's here.

Just random ponderings I guess. I am blessed with the ability to talk to others on the other side, and all seem so very happy that I've spoken too, I don't morn for those friends and family of mine that have passed on, but I'm lucky in the standpoint that I can talk with them when I would like too. I'm concerned I won't be able to do this with my family once I'm there I guess and that seems rather selfish but human.

Thank you all for sharing, big hugs to you all!

Hi Lance...

Thank you Lance for your sincerity, insight and compassion. I appreciate you being here and hope that you return, and hugs back to you. Jim and Jimi.

2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said the Truth is
You are all safely with Me
You are nowhere else

God said Child of Mine
You are here in My heart now
Hold onto that thought

Love, Light and Aloha!

Sometimes I do feel, dearest

Sometimes I do feel, dearest lord, that I am in trouble somehow.

Must be the way I look at the world, I suppose, or so I must say. Or whatever it was, was it?

Indeed, I feel this way right now. Do you not, dearest God?

God please answer me next time, why you think I am in such trouble? Like a bird. Like a little bird in trouble. Like I was wrong. When I am certain I am right, and you know that I am.

Thank you.

Trudy Larsson

Trudy, you sure bring up

Trudy, you sure bring up vital points.

Oh, that feeling of being in trouble. Of being wrong.Or being right.

I guess we were raised that way.

If we're right, then someone else is wrong, and happiness doesn't seem to lie in being right and someone else's being wrong.

God doesn't seem to feel or enter into it. What fears does God have?

Loving you with all my heart,