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Need information

Hello to each and every one of you and first of all, thank you on behalf of the whole wide world for everything that you do, share and give. You are angels sent by Heaven that's true i mean you are all wonderful. God is so lucky!!!
I an new to the forum but not to Heavenletters. I have discovered this by friends of mine who were already suscribers and after i discovered it, we enlarged the circle!.My whole family is into meditation etc and we are thus very spiritual and close to God, at least we try to be close as much as possible.
I am not sure to be in the right forum, but Godwriting is at the center of my thoughts since a few weeks and i need someone to help me get out of a kind of confusion im into, if possible...i would be so grateful.So if ever there's somebody who has some spare time, please allow me some minutes cause i have some questions; about godwriting in fact.i have tried to follow all the links and comments about if, but i think im lost.
I would like to know what it implies, how to start, what to do etc because i feel that im interested but am hesitant as im not sure to be able to keep the pace and i need to get everything clear in my mind before engaging into something im not sure i am ready for.It is a responsibility after all and a really special one that we cannot abandon after a while.What happens in that case?anyone experienced this situation?
and if i have well understood, translating forms part of godwriting?what else can we do in that process besides translation?
i may seem little confused im sorry and i hope to get a reply to this message. I don't usually write but i think i would like and i think i don't write beacuse i don't know know what to say...but i like the words themselves and specially God's words, they are so perfect.
thanks and Love

Beloved Goldenheart, As soon

Beloved Goldenheart,

As soon as I Godwrite a new Heavenletter today, I will get back to you.

You have asked a beautiful question.

By the way, where do you live?

With love and blessings,


Beloved Goldenheart, Thank

Beloved Goldenheart,

Thank you for the opportunity you are giving me to make the process of Godwriting™ a little more clear. I have had to think about some of these things too -- after the fact -- because as we actually Godwrite, we have to put thinking aside. Godwriting is not a thinking process. It is more a feeling process. It is letting go of thinking and boldly trusting more. it does take boldness to Godwrite.

Before I get into it, I have to tell you that just the day before yesterday, Heaven Admin emailed me saying Heavenletters are going to have a boom, and that we must have answers to questions ready to give to people. One of the questions he asked me to have ready was exactly Godwriting and Godwriting workshops! And your questions helps me to break this down.

I understand your sense of responsibility, for you say: "I have to get everything clear in my mind before engaging into something I'm not sure I am ready for."

That's just it! We can't be clear in our minds! Every time we Godwrite, it is like for the first time. We are innocent. We have to be innocent.

It takes guts to Godwrite! We have to be more trusting of ourselves. In a way, it is like jumping off a cliff.

As for being ready, Godwriting, to my mind, isn't something we are ever ready for! The process of Godwriting is letting go of our usual thinking and the standards we impose on ourselves. Every morning when I Godwrite, and I have been Godwriting for at least ten years, and still I sometimes have the tiny thought: "But can I Godwrite this morning?"

God in Heavenletters™ says we don't have to do anything to get ready for Him! There is no real preparation for Godwriting. If we prepare, you and I, then perhaps we are deciding what our Godwriting has to be and what it has to look like. It doesn't have to be anything at all but what it is. There is no certain way Godwriting has to be.

Godwriting workshops are a safe place for everyone to dare to Godwrite. Our Godwriting can be very simple. While we're actually Godwriting, we don't always know how powerful it is. I remember a time where I was hearing God say a lot: "I am here." I thought for a while that that was too simple to be from God! Later I saw how powerful those three words were.

Now I say "hearing," but it's not really hearing a voice. It is like a subtle sense of hearing. It is almost hearing. More sensing. More trusting that it is God Who is whispering to us.

There is no pace you have to keep, dear one.

God does not make you make a commitment. It's great to Godwrite every day, but God doesn't say you are obligated. You are not abandoning anything. God is always here for you.
Nothing happens if you stop, dear. You can only be ahead.

Please ask more questions, Goldenheart.

I forgot to respond to your

I forgot to respond to your great question about translating.

Certainly, translators put their whole hearts and souls into translating. Translating Heavenletters has to be different from translating something else. Translating Heavenletter requires a love for Heavenletters and some intuition. Yet translating Heavenletters is not Godwriting.

I also forgot to mention that Godwriting is the process. I supposed the process of Godwriting results in --- Godwriting, too. Heavenetters are Godwritten, and then called Heavenletters. Instead of coining the term Godwriting, I could have called it Heavenletterwriting!


Sweetest Gloria how are you today?
Greetings from MAURITIUS!!!!!!!!!
my God you are amazing, how do you do all this, reply to every contact, you have boddhisatvas?lol
thanks for replying, its "funny" but its clear and not clear at the same time, but i understand exactly what u mean.If im not wrong, the Godwriting is nothing from the brain, but everything from the Heart?!its a kind of, or is, a channelling.
I guess i will know how to start, when to start and what to do when the moment comes then?
thanks for giving so much of your time...
Love n Light

Beloved Goldenheart from

Beloved Goldenheart from Mauritius,

Well, I can't suggest that you drive over for a Godwriting workshop, though that would have been great! If you could pop over, we would sit down in a group and Godwrite together. You would see how easy it is, how natural it is, and what a sense of freedom it gives. Something good comes with it. And yet, it is not really momentous. It can even feel ordinary. Certainly, there is nothing flashy. It's not an out of body experience. It's not flashy. It is simple.

I think you're right. If Godwriting doesn't come from the brain, then it must come from the heart.

I don't think Godwriting is channeling, though, of course, I realize there are many definitions of channeling. You are fully you as you Godwrite. You're not gone. No entity takes you over. You are sitting down with God -- as a Godwriter in Pennsylvania once expressed -- "knee to knee." Certainly heart to heart.

As we Godwrite, we suspend, for a little while, our ignorance.

Beloved Goldenheart, there is no how to start, but to start. I think when is whenever you say.
God says it takes only the desire, the willingness, the sitting down.

In workshops, we do some warm-ups, little ways that help us to move more into our hearts.

In case you choose to start on your own, there are a tiny few things I advise.

Be clear to Whom you are speaking. I suggest you, you Goldenheart, write:

"Dear God," Such a simple thing to do.

Maybe you want to tell God about something that's going on. In your writing may be the healing. Your pour your heart out to God, your personal heart to a personal God.

And when you have poured your heart out, then write down: "God said:" And then write what comes and don't worry about whether it's really God or not. No judging! (When we judge, we're in our head, not our heart.)

Well, there is so much I would like to tell you.

When we (Heaven Admin and I and others) go on the Oneness Journey, we will put together an online Godwriting workshop.

God bless you.

With love,


Hi Gloria So, should I

Hi Gloria
So, should I expect God's response through the 'language of vibration', where it's almost like hearing but without using your five senses, difficult to explain perhaps.
Also, do you sometimes does God speak to you without you even asking a question?

much Love xx

A' Ghàidheal (Linden)

Oh, yes, Linden.

Oh, yes, Linden.

Heavenletters themselves do not come from questions. Of course, I sit down ready to listen.

Sometimes two or even three Heavenletters come, and I feel compelled to keep going.

It has happened that I'm washing dishes, and an impulse comes.

Multiple Heavenletters seem to come when I've got a lot to do! That God doesn't wait for a lull! He whispers when He's ready, and I comply!

Unless I write down, I don't remember what He has said.