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My confession

Yesterday,I was desperate.

My throat was burning inside, my bladder felt swollen, my walking was feeble, my mood was grumpy...I was almost at the end of my tether. There is a reason I'm telling you this. I'm not recounting my lament. I had no one to speak to, no one to understand me. What could I possibly tell them ? "Don't worry about my health. I'm not ill. I just made thoughts that resisted my natural well-being.My chakras will be in harmony and aligned soon". They would lock me up after that jabber!

So, I went to a quiet place where no one -except from non-3D beings- could hear me. I lit a white candle ( I don't like rituals. This was the first time I did such a thing), I took a chair and started to talk to God,ascended masters,AA Michael and my guides like a friend. "Listen, guys. I know you want me to talk to you like equals.I love you. I have this, this and that. I don't want to hurt myself anymore with judgement,guilt and anger for my faults. I know you won't judge me for my past. I waited too long. I limited myself too much. Everytime I stress myself, my body is screaming like now. I keep reading and reading spiritual books and I just can't find an easy way to Mastery. I know I have to love myself and act like God to me and to all but I don't walk the talk!!! Please, do something. I'm asking you this in full awareness"

"To cut a long story short, Ascended Masters, I want to be like you. I 'm aware of the power of this intention and you know I mean business. Show me the way to Mastery. "

Then, like now, there were tears and much inadvertent self-condemnation and swallow feeling "It's ok. Everything is gonna be ok. I'm a physical extension of God energy". I blew off the candle and went back home. I kept striving to feel happy, to remember I'm source energy but there was not much improvement. My mind kept working. So, I went to the park.

After my walk to the park, I was just a little "lighter". Then, I logged into Heavenletters and read on the spiritual forums Mike's new post. It was a message of Jesus. I read it. It felt good. Then, out of curiosity, I clicked on the address of the website from where Mike took this excerpt.

Without realizing that I was stepping on the way Jesus was showing to me through my intuition,I read a message from Jesus under the heading "The way to Mastery". It didn't dawn on me when I read it. Now I realize the miracle.

This message - I'll post it as soon as I finish this post- was the most clear and direct communion I've ever had with God. Finally, I got the answer I've been seeking for years.... Jesus showed me the way to be a Master and His examples and words were so clear... He gets to the meat from square one to the end. I want to thank Jesus from this place, too, for answering my prayers, for opening my mind, for giving me simple answers and for trusting me with so powerful knowledge.

God, does that mean that I've finally passed the test? It was about time. From now on every minute of this life is a test. Maria, who are you? Are you Maria, Fanny's and Lefteri's daughter, sister of Kostas, Victoria's grand-child, resident of Athens? Your hair is black, you had an accident last June,your car is yellow, you like chocolate ice-cream, you love playing,reading and listening to music, you are a Cancer, you love kids etc?

Or are you just an expression of God in this 3-D reality, your essence is eternal and infinite, you live in all God's mansions, you are not Maria in other dimensions, but something totally different, certainly not a human? You are not just this body. You are Christ into this body and everyone you meet is Spirit in a body, too. There is only one Mind, so whatever I think, you know it! Is there space between us? Can I send a blessing to Mike for if it hadn't been for him, I wouldn't stand in this place right now? Does it matter he is miles away? Thank you, Mike! I'm sending you light.

So, this what the Pleiadians keep talking about! I was sick of hearing them speak about multi-dimensionality. What is multi-dimensionsality? Now, I understand. These alien guys are me. I'm a rock. I'm a wind in Liberia. I'm a sea-turtle. I'm an old man. I'm a prostitute. I'm commander of a space-ship. And I'm not prisoned in this life that Maria has created to learn from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

quite wonderful, Maria, that

quite wonderful, Maria, that u share of yourself so...this in my opinion, though we don't always do it or feel like it, is the only way to go...i've come to the conclusion not just now, but many times in life, that the only thing that holds us back from being Masters are a few simple u so eloquently said, we judge...ourselves, others because at least a life in pain seems more "comfortable", familiar then not holding on at all, which is what we must do in order to know Who we truly are...not distant, in the past...nor in the future, afar...but right Here and Now...we could live it perfectly if we choose...but ohhh the choice...someone was once reading a book by Leo Buscalia called "love is a choice"...and the title didn't resonate w me at the time but it's true, well halfway least here on this plane of experience...Love Is, ultimately...but here we are to bring our light to the darkness in this game we play called "the choice for love" anyway, the power, the freedom, the truth is right in our hands, in our heart, as we change our mind from fear to love...and this is only so hard as our one foot after the other's next step, as the inhalation/exhalation of our next breath...I know this is nothing new to u Maria or to any here, but just wanted to express my appreciation for u being U, of your Being...for allowing us all to partake of your way...the Light of Day...namaste...mike:)

Mike, thanks so much for

Mike, thanks so much for your reply.... YOU were the catalyst for the end of my journey. What's left to seek?

It's weird now because I realized I loved my bondage and my drama.Yes.That's why now that I'm free to choose whatever I want and erase all the borders I've put around me, I'm hesitant and bored. I can have everything!!! The illusion is over. Now what? :big It was fun all this time being what I seeked and not remembering it.

Now what? How will I spend the rest of my life here on Earth? How will I use my magic abilities? In what way will I help others? I'll follow my heart and let it show me the way. I guess there's plenty to do for me and for others. Earth is a huge playground after all....

PS : Hundreds of times I had read "You can be, do or have anything you want". "Wealth, health, meaningful relationships, joy and all the good in the world is yours to have" but this is the first time these "too good to be true" things ring true and seem feasible. I'm sure that this enlightenment is not a fleeting moment of full awareness. Now I remember. I don't profess to know it all, because I'm still a little afraid of seeing Christ with my physical eyes or meeting my multi-dimensional selfs....

Thank you, Mike!

Dearest Maria, indeed: How

Dearest Maria, indeed:

How will you use your magic abilities ?
How will you spend the rest of you life on Earth ?

I feel you will do it in a wonderful, incredible and breathtaking way. How fortunate will be the people who will encounter you and share life with you !

Thanks to you dear Maria and thanks to Mike ! :big

Love and blessings to both !! :wub:

Berit, you are one of the

Berit, you are one of the blessings in my life! Such a loving soul.... :wub:

Now what, dear Berit? What do we do with all this freedom of choices? We can't still say that what we think and what we feel is out of our control! Joseph Campbell said "Follow your bliss". It's considered to be one of the best words uttered on Earth. For me equally good, is the simple saying "Don't worry. Be happy". It's the gist of all the theories I've read so far.

The limits are where WE put them. There are no limits save the ones we draw to learn from. I had a lot of family and society limits in my mind and now one by one they 're peeled off like an onion.

A personal story : My mother has seen angels as a child and as a grown-up, too. She can feel her guardian angel, when she is alone. She knows his name because he had revealed it in a vivid dream!

Now, when my mum got married, the doctors said she could not have children. She went to several doctors and they all were negative. Of course, she was sad and desperate but she didn't quit. She wanted so much to have children, so she went for pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Before leaving Jerusalem and as she was about to go aboard the plane, she looked up in the sky and stated peacefully "Next year, I will come again carrying my baby in my arms". She told noone about this because they would call her crazy or try to change her mind.

You know what the end of this story is!
When my mum with my dad got back from Jerusalem, she found out that she was pregnant to my brother! A month after the birth of my brother, they visited Jerusalem again as she had promised.

The moral of this story: Yes, we can do everything because we are God's kids!

Love to all!!

Dear Maria, thank you for

Dear Maria, thank you for sharing the beautiful experience of your mother. Being such an angel as you are dear Maria, I'm really glad that inside her heart and connection to God your dear mom found a way to make her dream come true !!!!! :big

For the rest, .... having no limits....let's love ourselves like God loves us, let's shine love all around us, let's spread love and joy like waves and express ourselves each one in his or her unique way, let's just be like waves of love and joy...

a dear hug to you Maria :wub:
All my love

Where is my reply to my

Where is my reply to my sweet friend Berit? :(

I'm afraid it was lost...It doesn't matter..Thanks again, dear Berit for being such a good listener and friend! You are God disguised as a sweet girl in Milan!

Your hug was *perfect*!



Dearest Maria, I can only

Dearest Maria,

I can only say thank you for sharing this, you know sometimes we have experience that seem to be happening to us alone, but when we talk to each other we begin to understand that we are not alone.

I understand quite well what happened to you, and I trust that your heart is more alive now than ever before. Yes we seek for this joy of our heart in many places, in books, gathering places, TV etc.., but we always want to have our own personal expierence. This is what has happened to you.

We can not live exactly like what we read in the books, we can understand that no matter what happened what IS is IS, we can only move forward, in joy, happiness and love.

Berit you are so wonderful.....thank you for your insights and guide too.

Thank you all for All that IS.

With gratitude and blessing


Ekene, my dear friend, thank

Ekene, my dear friend, thank you for your loving comment. Would you like to talk about my concerns a little more? I go on and if you wish, you follow.

You see, after 3 years of intensive reading and searching, I realized I am a ray of God. I am God walking on Earth in Maria's unique body and with Maria's unique personality. Ok? I realized that. Now what?

I thought that since I came to discover that I am the Truth I had been seeking, I would be on the summit totally carefree and without having to sweat and struggle for nothing! After all, I'm God! :big But that's not the way things are! Where did I get the idea that God doesn't pursuit goals, does anything without effort and lives all day basking at the sun? I remember now a Zen saying that goes something like this: Before the enlightenment, chopping wood and carrying water, after the enlightenment, chopping wood and carrying water. I totally agree with this. We are God and we can do everything but thought is not enough. Action is necessary!

Dear brother, Ekene, when we will stop living like humans? I thought that on 2012 ufos would land on earth and a global announcement would be made, that we would take off our human disguise and we would reveal our true identity .......but nothing fancy like that is going to happen. Earth and her people will ascend to the 5th dimension without much fuss and celebration. So, (disappointment) :( we will never be spirit without body on Earth?

Miscellaneous thoughts of a human-god mind.



".......but nothing fancy

".......but nothing fancy like that is going to happen. Earth and her people will ascend to the 5th dimension without much fuss and celebration. So, (disappointment) we will never be spirit without body on Earth?

Miscellaneous thoughts of a human-god mind."

perhaps, as we ascend in conscious awareness, we will Be the experience of a Spiritual Embodiment here on Earth...perhaps we'll radiate so that there won't be such a distinction between us and the sun or the moon...light will shine, from our eyes, from our hearts and minds, as our lives...and we will play with the slightest form, no longer believing in attachment to any form...Freedom IS Free! yes, indeed :) much love to You Maria and Ekene and Berit and All...miguel:)

Margot why should you stop


why should you stop living like a human?? Where is the diference between being a human and being God? Do you remember one of the latest Heaven -letters - not looking so much for enlightment, but looking to love..
Still we are all struggling with illusion- the question what shall I do is perhaps an illusion as well...follow your bliss!
With questioning but not conditioned love

Mike, Stefan thank you for

Mike, Stefan thank you for the light you sent! Yeah, Mike, being a spiritual embodiment. I'll keep that. And yes, Stefan, you're absolutelyu right, not so much looking for enlightment but looking to love. That's the reason we came here. To love. In a Leo Buscaglia's book, I can't remember the title now, I read that the ancient Egyptians believed that when a human died and went to Heaven, the Keeper of the Gate asked them a question : How much didi you love?

Thank you, my dear friends. I think you wouldn't mind if I called you, my brothers! :wub:
