Moving Along in Life

God said:

It is necessary that you take responsibility for yourself. This will save you time.

It is too easy to hold something outside of yourself as responsible for you, even for your moods. I ask you to take self-responsibility. Self-responsibility leads to self-reliance. Is not self-reliance a good thing?

Science will even support you in placing responsibility outside yourself. In the winter, when sun is in short supply, it has been proven that low rays of the sun are a contributing factor to your feeling depressed. Science seems to have proven that winter is responsible for your mood.

It has been proven that certain mental illnesses are chemical imbalances.

I do not try to disprove scientific evidence. The physical evidence is there. Nor do I try to take away the difficulties that many have to face. I affix not blame. I affix not cause. I do suggest that change is possible, and changing your thinking is possible.

You can change your physiology with your thoughts. Has this also not been proven in the world?

I am saying that you have greater power than studies may reveal. The power of your mind is great. Your mind can do anything. It has been seen that your mind can play tricks on you. Has it not?

Let Me clarify here that no one is to put responsibility on another. I am talking about self-responsibility, not someone else’s putting responsibility on you, or your putting responsibility on someone else.

You are innocent. I do not say otherwise. Yet it is also already known that My children do not use all the mind that is available to them. Maybe they don’t believe that they have a mind that can, if not move mountains, at least work miracles. Maybe you do not believe.

Bear in mind that I have said there is no cause and effect, and yet prevention and remedy exist. If there is a prevention, if there is a remedy, beloveds, to all the ills of the world, both prevention and remedy lie in your thinking. I do not say that you force your thinking. As when you drive a car, and you notice that you are veering off your lane, you gently turn the steering wheel back to the lane you belong on. Do this with your thinking. When you are thinking depressing thoughts, ease the steering wheel of your mind gently over to the right lane. Will you do this?

You do not have to keep depressing thoughts. You can let them go. I ask you to.

I am considered the First Cause, and, yet, beloveds, I do not cause your moods and so on. The question is not really so simple as pinpointing the cause and tossing away your own responsibility. When you have responsibility, you have the freedom to change that which is not helpful to you.

I suppose We could say that a certain vibration is a cause. Yet someone with the same vibration may be in a happy mood. You, too, have been in a good mood even when the night lasts longer than the sun.

Ultimately, your vibration is up to you. You cannot turn your vibration up or down at the flip of a switch, yet your thoughts can change, perhaps even in the blink of an eye.

If your thoughts left on their own are fearsome, then come read a Heavenletter or a fairytale, or look at books of flowers, or look up at the stars. You will see that your mood is elevated. Would you like to let go of a bad mood, or would you rather hold onto it and feel beleaguered?

Lift up your thoughts, beloveds.

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A question for Gloria

Hi Gloria, God Bless you, and thank you so much for your hard work and dedication to putting up these heavenletters on the website. For me personally, these heavenletters have made a big impact in my life. I have learned a lot about God and much for things...I really appreciate it. Let me ask you a question, and I am looking forward to reading what you wrote. I really appreciate your taking the time to read my comment...

I was wondering, when you receive Heavenletters from God, do you hear the messages in your hear and mind (just instant knowing of what to write..) or as locutions? Aren't locutions when a person can hear God audibly (speaking aloud) to the person without necessarily hearing a vision?

How did you find out that this is your mission in life (to write these dictations or heavenletters from God?) How did you discern that?

Beloved Anynomous 88, if you

Beloved Anynomous 88, if you will go to the right margin and click where it says Story of Heavenletters, you will find much that replies to your question. Also on Look under Godwriting workshops, and you will find much about the process of Godwriting.

It is a good question you ask, and I often ask myself the same question to this day. How did this happen? How did it happen to me, of all people?

It took me many many years to get here. By here, I mean writing down Heavenletters and being blessed with beautiful people as on this forum. My whole life has changed. I have changed, and I keep learning, and I have a lot to learn.

I probably can't say that I recognized this was my mission in life. It must be so, yet my experience is that this is what I want to do and feel compelled to do. I am so grateful.

I don't think I was looking for a mission in life, and I find I feel self-conscious using those words.

Heavenletters have become my life.

Did I find God, or did He find me? God tells us that He is always with us, so it has to be that I opened my eyes and finally felt God's presence. It took me a long time.

I don't know anything about locution. I don't think I ever heard the word before.

I hear a subtle sense of sound. The wonderful thing is that anyone can Godwrite. It takes nothing special to be able to do it. God has said this. He said that we don't have to get dressed up for him. He loves us as we are.

Once, as I was Godwriting, I had the experience that my arms were golden light and, at the time, I felt that Godwriting came from the cells of my DNA, that I was "remembering." It was a great experience.

Dear One, will you remind me who you are?


Hi. Thank you for your reply and wonderful stories that you told me, it is interesting to know how all this started (you writing heavenletters). Did you experience any challenges before you begun (started) this process of writing heavenletters? For example, did you experience any douts (sorry I do not know how to spell this correctly) that you can not do this, or did you worry what someone else might think of you doing this?

I am asking, because I myself feel compelled to do something that is always on my mind that I think God might want me to do, I could see myself doing this particular mission. But because of lack of courage and thinking what someone else will say about this mission or me, often times I do not have courage to make my own decision despite what someone might think of my decision.

You can call me Veronica.

My whole life was a

My whole life was a challenge.

Did you read all of the Story of Heavenletters?

What I did was start privately. Can you do that? Soon enough, it didn't matter what other people thought about what I was doing. I cared about what God wanted..

I agree!

Thank you for your support and your reply. I like how you said that you did this privately and that you only cared about what God wanted. This reminds me of something that says in the bible about fasting or praying privately (getting into our own closet and close the door and talk to our Father who sees in secret.....)

Ultimately, my vibration is up to me.

Thank You for the reminder, Beloved and beautiful Gloria.
I love You

Your mind can do anything.

Although I am used to having them and even felt sentenced to a life of bad moods, I'd much rather let go of a bad mood, and a magnificent Heavenletter like this one really helps. I'm deeply grateful for this Heavenletter and the vast vistas it opens, otherwise I might be tempted to go on about science and medicine and beliefs a little. Since God doesn't do that, it's probably unhelpful. The only helpful thing, I suppose, is to intend better moods and better states of health and peace on earth, accepting our response-ability again instead of hiding our truth behind facts.


How true it is what is found in this HL, and again I say, and I am very serious about this, be bold!!

Just change your thoughts for the better of you and the greatest good of all.

Like the English proverb, that says it so well: " The proof of the pudding is the eating!!"


I just need to say more on this HL, it is from the essence of who I am and from my own experience:

It is so essential to not analyse this one, to not weight it, but just dare to do it and hold on to that.
And remember: if your life today is not what you want it to be, that also is your responsibility and the result of your thoughts.
And the fact that you probably have had many not so uplifing thoughts about yourself and your life, is in fact perfectly reflecting the truth that God tells us here: that you have a powerful mind.

Now go use it for uplifting thoughts, hold on to that, and don't think it does not work for you, just because it might take some time to undo the results of all your not-uplifting thoughts. For from my own experience I say that there comes a turnaround and from that moment on, it gets easier step by step.

In Love and Light with all of you,


My problem is not my life, it is I feel the density. And this is not a mood I can change with a better thought.

Mood or something else –

Mood or something else – the name we give it does not matter so much. There are conclusions we have come to for reasons we don't remember. And we say, "This is the way it is, and it's no good the way it is, and there is nothing I can do about it." What if nothing has to be the way we have come to think it is? What if nothing is given once and for all, basta? What if "density" is just a concept we have pounded into the ground in frustration when lightness seemd unavailable? What if everything, no exception, is infinitely "moldable" by intention and expectation? How would you like your reality to be? How would you love it to be? Which dream brings tears of sheer relief and love to your eyes? That's your "lane". And if you are sure it's an impossible dream, you are still not lost. You can always intend to trust God when He says that your wildest dreams are the reality you are meant to live without having to do anything to earn that life, without having to be a good girl first. You can always sigh, "God, I wish I could believe You, I so want to."

"when lightness seems unavaible"

"God, I wish I could believe You, I so want to", I think I believe You enough.
Thank you, my dearest, all I have is my willingness and my dream, that's the gift and the burden.

Thank you for sharing your

Thank you for sharing your consistently loving words. Today's letter really resonated for me in underscoring our choices. I love the truth of it. Thank you again.

And I love all the beautiful

And I love all the beautiful comments here, Susan.

You know I have to share God's words, and I am privileged to do so.

The people who post also serve. Very much. Thank you.



Thank You!

Thank you very much!! This was just what I needed to hear and be reminded of!!! I will take more "responsibility"!! All best wishes....eveline

Eveline, thank you for

Eveline, thank you for posting. In a way, posting is taking responsibility. That's what I think. It is generous, and you share yourself with us all. And we are blessed.

Ask and it is given....

The power of your mind is great. Your mind can do anything. It has been seen that your mind can play tricks on you. Has it not?
Yet it is also already known that My children do not use all the mind that is available to them. Maybe they don’t believe that they have a mind that can, if not move mountains, at least work miracles.
As when you drive a car, and you notice that you are veering off your lane, you gently turn the steering wheel back to the lane you belong on. Do this with your thinking. When you are thinking depressing thoughts, ease the steering wheel of your mind gently over to the right lane. Will you do this?

Before selecting the Cosmic Heavenletter Generator.... I did softly ask: "Can You get me out of this jam, pls ?" - Answer: "Of course, and you can too, read along.. "
