mind your own business

What It Means to Serve

God said:

From what do you flee? Knowledge of yourself? Is that why you run around so much and involve yourself so much in others' lives? What are you afraid of finding out? Are you afraid to find out that you are a Holy Being established in Truth? Or that you are not the blessedness I attest that you are? What do you run away from?

You may complain about the rat race, yet you are not confined to it. When you run around so much, there is something you are running away from. When you are not at peace, you are fleeing something.

Let Go

God said:

You do not want to make yourself responsible for other people. Everyone acknowledges that, but acceding to it is another story. You mind other people's business a lot. You are forever overseeing what others do. Praise is no better than objection. Praise and criticism both are your appraisal. Your life is not about appraisal, dear ones.

Other People's Lives

God said:

Another's life is their choice. Even if they are truly mistaken, their life is theirs. It is for them to work out. You cannot do it for them. Try as you may, you cannot live another's life for them. Even when they are going down a wobbly path, the choice is theirs. No matter how right you are, how much can you meddle in another's life and still be right?

Let People Learn Their Own Lessons

God said:

Do not spend your life trying to improve other individuals in their personal lives. Do not know better than another what they should do and how they should do it. A need to improve others is your need, not theirs. Do not need to improve others, for it is always for your sake, not theirs. Furthermore, you only try to improve others because you have made judgments. You found the others lacking. You found yourself superior. You found your judgment and exalted it.

Do not always know better than someone else.

When you try to improve another, you invade their territory.

Choosing vs. Judgment

God said:

So long as you approve, you are judging. Approval and disapproval are two ends of judgment.

"But wait," you say, "aren't I entitled to like something more than something else?"

But of course you are.

When someone offers you an apple or an orange, and you prefer the orange, you accept it because that is your preference. You are not sneering at the apple or considering the orange of more value. You are not thinking: "Oh, how can anyone in their right mind choose an apple over an orange?"

You are simply stating your preference.

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