"It was while i was soaring through spiritual dimensions of life on the world wide web that I was blessed to come upon your online sanctuary of the Self. One obtains wisdom and knowledge when they experience another's gifts and talents. I celebrate your path and thank you for the inspiration I have attained by viewing your pages. Your work is significant and meaningful. May you be rich in positive energy as you fill your heart with happiness and may you embrace the holy oneness of all life as you enhance spiritual connections and invoke self awareness."
Yours Guided By Spirit
Micheal Teal
The Ancient One
Poet , CyberShaman and Spiritual Consultant http://theancientone.gaia.com
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Heavenletters™, Love Letters from God, Book One, winner of the Chelson 2004 Inspiration Award, brings us closer to God, humanity, and our own hearts. Click the book to read more reviews on Amazon, or Buy the Book!
Michael Teal
"It was while i was soaring through spiritual dimensions of life on the world wide web that I was blessed to come upon your online sanctuary of the Self. One obtains wisdom and knowledge when they experience another's gifts and talents. I celebrate your path and thank you for the inspiration I have attained by viewing your pages. Your work is significant and meaningful. May you be rich in positive energy as you fill your heart with happiness and may you embrace the holy oneness of all life as you enhance spiritual connections and invoke self awareness."
Yours Guided By Spirit
Micheal Teal
The Ancient One
Poet , CyberShaman and Spiritual Consultant
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Heavenletters™, Love Letters from God, Book One, winner of the Chelson 2004 Inspiration Award, brings us closer to God, humanity, and our own hearts. Click the book to read more reviews on Amazon, or Buy the Book!