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Me and God/Mis is Dia

So, two summers ago, I went to Arran in Scotland. Previously from this holiday with my parents, I had been a good friend to many, and was pretty pleased with myself. I visited this beautiful island in Southwestern Scotland, and fell in love with the mountains and the sea, things which I had always had a soft spot for.

The time which I spent on the island gave me time to think about my place in the universe (i'm not sure why) but I ended up tying myself in endless speculation about whether or not I was being a good enough person.

So I had a great holiday, and returned home as the winter set in. I returned to Scotland in October with my friend, by which time I had been spending many of my days watching atheism - religious programs on the internet out of extreme boredom or just being skeptical. My loved my mountains and planet, so somehow a materialistic worldview just didn't work for me, despite every website I looked at opposing this.

On Orknejyar (Or the Orkney Islands as they are now known) I sat around a lot with my friend, the nights were long and the days short in this semi-nordic land, which had an ancient quality to it, I became fascinated by ancient peoples, their view on the world, and by how individual cultures expressed themselves through language and art. The Orkneys are beautiful, yet isolated, allowing my mind to go beyond its audinery thought and wonder.

So then came the point around about last christmas time when I started to read stuff saying that mystical experiences were all in the mind, etc etc, and could be induced.

I went past this phrase when I found this website, and managed to become very content. I became very interested in nature as the spring grew upon my region, and set about making the most of it.

However I've always speculated a lot. Even when it comes to less important things, like language, I will ask 'why do we use 'mo' before 'oidhche' or what have you when discussing gaelic :)

I've learned that to speculate and to think 'what if' clouds your perception. By a few months, you have so many possibilities and ideas inside your head that you are literally lost. However I did get oot, the hard way. It took a long time but I think I'm grasping the universe a lot better than I used to, yet through the winter I have again speculated about everything (more or less), not leaving my mind to rest.

From what I have learned, everything makes sense to me, there is no doubt in one of my states of mind, but I have another state of mind which fixes in at times.. it's annoying, and I feel the need to sort it, sometimes this works, but if your concentrating on problems all the time like I am, then your energy can't go to much else beyond going in circles.

In one state of mind, I know that I am in a massive dream or holographic illusion, whereby what can be described as 'imagination' creates what we call time and space, and these relate to us as we wish them to, essentially we create our own reality out of the more 'pure' energy which is God. We are part of God, everything else which we experience is not. I am not sure how this works to this very day.

The trouble is that when I don't know how something works, it comes back to haunt me.
I find the concept of God very logical (when one changes their worldview to that which expressed by God on this website), yet it is so hard, it seems almost too good to be true.

I've read too many things starting with 'scientists believe that they can explain...' and 'could it be that...',

One of the things which gets me most is 'GOD EXISTS ONLY WITHIN THE BRAIN'. GOD IS AN EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS which was incorportated into mankinds' DNA.

The other alternative is of course: GOD EXISTS EVERYWHERE, and that OUR DNA helps us to find our true self.

I wish with all my heart that I could live a simply life, being a potato farmer and poet in West Ireland or what have you, or owning a ranch of land and living with a tribe of Navajo Indians in America, just being free from worry. But for me it's a bit too late. I don't want to explain God as such, but surely if this is what I desire from God, it could come to me in a message/godwriting?

Its worries on the surface, but underneath all this, receiving knowldge of this sort can become love in itself. If people knew.. without a doubt that God was not an evolutionary part of the brain which went terribly wrong or what have you, then attitudes would really change. It's hardly my place to tell everyone something, they have to find their own truth, but this would certainly be mine, and would encourage others to find truth also.

How can we tell that God isn't entirely inside of us? Could it be possible that God is helping us all the time, it's just that we don't notice it, E.g.: MANIFESTATION/Cosmic ordering I'm positive that he isn't, and ,along with channeling which would prove that he/she it is not, but still I don't know... in my mind there are bad thoughts which must go at some point soon, and I know that God's words 'it doesn't matter' will not calm me, perhaps they will for a time but that part of me which wants to know will just surface, and anyhow I think it is important :)

This is a little story I have posted, I hope one day soon that I can end it on a more sure note, when one isn't sure of the foundations of what there 'is' then it's quite difficult for his life to unfold :(

Love and Blessings & a merry christmas

Grá leibh 's beannachtaí leibh agus Nollaig Shona díbh

Holy seeker

Dear AGhaidheal,
you have some talent as a storyteller. I enjoied your spiritual journey very much. You are an holy seeker of Truth.
Searching is our Service and you are fulfilling yours very well. There is no search without its outcome. God says that we must look for Eternal Life, that we are meant to ask, that we are expected to discover and to know once and for all Who we are.
So, stay attuned, vigilant and receptive and you will be able to end your story on the "highest note".
Merry Christmas.

Linden, I think you are

Linden, I think you are telling the story of many of us, certainly much of my story (even if, temporally, it may be quite a bit longer than yours). What is more, the questions and difficulties you address seem to be in the air somehow. At least Diego has spoken about quite similar things over the last few days. The thought crossed my mind that perhaps you are Diego.

Anyway, you are touching the essential part when your write "...if your concentrating on problems all the time like I am, then your energy can't go to much else beyond going in cirlces." What you call "the hard way" may be going round and round in those circles until you are thoroughly fed up with speculation and worry, nauseated, only longing to be quiet and let God do some straight talking. You see, we don't even exist the way we like to think we do:
I have plucked you from otherness. I have taken you away from illusion and brought you to Reality. You want to sit on God's lap? There is no lap to sit on. This is not loss, beloveds, because God stands up, and He stands up in you. God does not sit. He rises like a mist. He rises just as your consciousness rises. You have risen, merged into Oneness. We ARE One. There is no one in the whole wide world but Me. You don't exist. You don't exist as you have speculated. But I exist. I AM. And you and I ARE One.
My own point of view, the one I have come to through Heavenletters, is that nothing can be done because nothing is the cause or effect of anything, belief in cause and effect being one of the separator's (aka ego) most ingenious tricks to ensure the endless circularity of your thinking. Nothing can be done. But for reasons unknown or only vaguely known to us, we feel drawn to Heavenletters and will become more and more ready to entrust ourselves to them.

How does it "work"? Well, either someting that is said in Heavenletters resonates with you or it doesn't. If it doesn't, perhaps next time when it is repeated in a slightly differen way, it will. And if it resonates a little, perhaps next time it will resonate still more, and so on, all the way. This, I believe, is the whole story, the whole secret.

Lindean Mac a' CheidheHalo,

Hey thanks, I do wish God coud give a clear answer.
Maybe it's because he doesn't think in terms of the science with which we do, so perhaps if someone did Godwriting who used 'scientific' terminology, then we would be able to understand better, but this is just speculation.
I agree, we need to find a definate truth... rather than analysing everything. I have little doubt of much here, but I feel I need confirmation... perhaps due to the materialistic world I'm living in

merry xmas

Beloved Linden, you do

Beloved Linden, you do indeed express yourself very well. I love it.

I wonder whether Emilia and Jochen and all the good people who will read your beautiful words have any idea that you are a remarkable sixteen-year old? At least you were sixteen the last I knew.

I would like you to help my understanding, dear one. Perhaps I did not read carefully enough.

I jump for joy at the thought that God is within us. That's wonderful! Again, I'm not sure what you meant, but would it be better if God were outside us somewhere? Of course, He is that too. Everywhere.

I wonder, dear one. Are you asking for a left-brain answer about God? I don't think it can exist.

Only the heart can answer.

For myself, God is deep in my heart. What do I care what the scientists think!

Loving you,


Sixteen! I am surpised, but

Sixteen! I am surpised, but this is a very fertile age, at least it was for me. I too used to be involved with ultimate questions about the meaning of everything.
Linden, you know God is the greatest Scientist of all, science is just trying to understand His Mind, not always successfully. The material world in which we live is in itself the confirmation you seek. Science is only an attempt to know how Nature works. God may not always speak science, but He makes it and if you look at His Opera, which is Nature, you could find there many answers to your questions.
God is also a Supreme Poet and Artist, so you could find Him speaking this language too.

Beloved Emilia, you know all

Beloved Emilia, you know all there is to know.

Linden The most interesting


The most interesting question for me in your letter was: Is it possible that God is really so/as good as he presents himself in Heavenletters. And is it really possible that my own nature is so/as good as God tells me.

The true answer is : Yes He is and Yes We are.

But it sounds too good so we need time to discover. I remember to have read in a HL : if there were no words and nobody would make faces it would be the the most common thing to be divine...

The sweetness of Our nature is real.


thanks very much all


thanks very much for all the nice comments, I've had exams of late (well... this last week) so haven't had much access to the internet... I'm slowly trying to cut down on the number of hours that I use up with a PC lol

Dear Linden, Thanks for

Dear Linden,

Thanks for posting your story/questions. I especially love your statement "It's hardly my place to tell everyone something, they have to find their own truth, but this would certainly be mine, and would encourage others to find truth also." Oh yes, that is the ultimate discover "The Truth" as it relates to God, the Universe, and our reason Being here.

A few centuries ago the world view was that the Earth was flat and at the center of the Universe. Since then, that view has been expanded but many are still searching for "The Truth" and looking for "The Way". Could it be that our own experience of our own life is "The Truth"? Could it be that our reason for Being is to discover our own, unique "Way" to God, while finding our joy, as our journey unfolds through this part of the the ever-expanding Universe? Could it be that We Are created Beings of God as well as Co-creators with God, yet we have the gift of choice? Could it be that God experiences Her/His Creation through and with Us? Could it be that God is Love? I like to think so. And I wish you God Luck on your journey!

Love, Light and Aloha!


Yes definatly. I've erad in some many places about what humans are. I think the idea is that God, before he/she/it started moving didn't have any concept of time, or anything but love essentially. The universe was created as a way for God to percieve the universe using different emotions other than love, e.g. hatred, jelousy, confusion, and to appreciate and to invent and be creative.
Everything does this, everything addes to the overall experience for God, we, like everything else, are the ways in which God cloaths himself, or manifests.