make way for love

Favor the Universe

God said:

Glory be to Me Who created all animate and inanimate things. Glory be to you who raises the cup of life high and loves the world I created and placed you in. The world and all those in it are waiting to be loved. If everyone waits, everyone will be kept waiting. This is a cycle in the world that needs to be broken.

Make Way for Love

God said:

You have to make room in your heart for all the good that is coming to you.

And how do you make room in your heart? You do not throw out the love contained there. You do not just bail out the love. You give it somewhere useful. You give it out more freely. You can even give it with abandon knowing as you do know that much more love is coming to you. In fact, you will have to give love fast in order to make room for all the new love that is already on its way to you.

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