Love Is the Healer

God said:

O, My beloveds, sit here now and hear what I say to you. I am your heart speaking. This must be so because I am the Heart of the World. My heart is yours, as your heart is Mine, as We are One-Heart. Can you imagine the love in Our One Heart and how bountiful it is?

There is something going on between Us. No need to analyze. Let’s just let love be between Us. Not between Us but of Us. Let there be no delineation between your heart and Mine. Life will play itself out, and sometimes life, as it plays itself out, wounds your heart. Life holds only rubber knives. Knives come out as if they never had been.

Your heart is not really so fragile as you make it out. You are the Strong-Hearted. You are a valiant knight in King Arthur’s Court. Of course, you are more than that, yet I dub you Valiant. Of course, when you are fitted with My love, there is no need to be valiant, for Our heart is love. Your personal heart is love too, notwithstanding.

There is no exception to this. I didn’t say your heart is tough. A heart of love is tender. No matter how much a human heart is wounded, it bounces back. Wounds are temporary. Wounds heal. Let them heal in a flash. Do not nurture wounds. Wounds are not noble. Love is not noble either. Love just loves. Pride heals no wound. Pride is a false bandage. Love is not a band-aid at all. Love is healing in and of itself. Love is the healer. And, yet, despite the notebooks you fill with heartache, love needs no healing. To say that a heart of love needs healing is like saying that healing needs to be healed. Love just needs to have its say.

Filled with love, you say to your vagrant self: “Enough about me. This so-called injury is a passing fancy like any other. I am not damaged. I am love. I am God’s love. Therefore, I am supreme in love."

Love does not analyze woundings. Love kisses imagined wounds goodbye. Love has better things to do than hold wounds to it. Love does not pout. Love moves on, upwards and outwards. Possessed of a heart of love as you are, you do not dwell on pin-pricks. Not for one moment, do you. Not for one moment any longer do you savor wounds. Isn’t that what you have been doing? Have you not been squeezing all you can get from love forlorn? Haven’t you made a star of it, a cause célèbre? Hearts do not break.

Yet you have held heartbreak to you. You stab your own heart. You betray it. You belie the heart. Do you really think your heart is so dependent upon another? Do you really think your heart cannot survive without a billet-doux every day? I send you a billet-doux from My hand every day. I write My heart’s love out to you. My love for you never ceases, not for one moment. In the world, love is fickle. We are beyond the world.

What more is there to say? Life on Earth is itself ephemeral. It is wonderful, yet it is ephemeral. Our love is eternal. It is infinite. We can’t help it. Our love is here to stay.

Human beings love. As you and I become closer in your awareness, so grows your human heart, and your heart cannot be vacant of love. We are lighting the fire of love for other humans now. There will be no putting out this love. Love is here to stay.

Read Comments

in King Arthur’s Court

"To say that a heart of love needs healing is like saying that healing needs to be healed. Love just needs to have its say. " So much love in those words from God.

Nirmala picks the most

Nirmala picks the most pertinent quote right away. I come to it after some deliberation. Which is soon enough and okay, I think. That love is all it takes and the only thing worth considering is not a one-time aha for me. I have to find my way back to it again and again after mind has lured me into its maze yet again. I'm getting better at it.

Some more quotations that stand out for me on second reading:
                         No need to analyze.

Of course, when you are fitted with My love, there is no need to be valiant...

No matter how much a human heart is wounded, it bounces back. Wounds are temporary. Wounds heal. Let them heal in a flash.

                                                      Love does not analyze woundings.

I believe that God says time

I believe that God says time and time again that "no one knows more than you do." It is easy as ABC but when it comes to G the word gauntlet I can no more forget, so I like to be in King Arthur's Court for there the 4 laws are explained in an unique way. Law no 1 is you exist, there is nothing you can do about, law no 2 God is One and One are All, law no 3 what you put into... for example this comment comes back to you, law no 4 is to protect the first 3 laws and
No matter how much a human heart is wounded, it bounces back.
it is change, the only constant is change

Damaged goods are Precious and Dear to the one damaged.

How sweetly the Heaven Letter reminds us that Love heals.
The deeper wounds hid in the very presence of love and often are caused by unrestrained love that makes a broken heart. What's the answer to this pain?

I fell some months ago and tore a square inch right off my elbow. Did it hurt? of course. What did I do? I kept it clean, bandaged, told my best friends to get the oh's and ah's, but mostly I waited for my body to heal itself. Time and knowing did the job just fine; now it's just a funny memory of losing my sense of balance.

God requires that we know that love always heals. My elbow took two months. Your heart may take two years. Give it the time to teach you how to BE.


Dear George

How accurate and sensible. Loving your damaged goods is opening the way to their healing.

George, your words have

your words have touched my heart so deeply that I can only rest in silence.
Silence in an ocean of love that I hope reaches your heart to say thank you.
love you.

Berit uses words that sing to us.

Berit's song takes us to the Mountain of Knowing where Love resides.


My heart is yours, as your

My heart is yours, as your heart is Mine, as We are One-Heart.
I write My heart’s love out to you. My love for you never ceases, not for one moment.
Our love is eternal. It is infinite. We can’t help it. Our love is here to stay.

Thank you !

The response of my mind and heart to this letter

I want to talk today about my experiences as a physician in relation to the messages of this letter. I wish I could makes copies of this Heavenletter and hand one to each of my patients, but I don’t think I could do this without raising a huge ruckus within my office and medical group. I also believe that even if I were to do this I would not reach the vision that would be motivating this action. I say this because I think the messages of this letter, for the vast majority of my patients, would be too huge a leap from where they are now in their view of their lives.

To clarify what I am saying I will talk about a mythic person I will be calling “my patient.” Of course this applies to no one in particular, but it applies to many in general. I will be addressing a real worldview that most of the people in my part of the US hold. From what I can see it probably holds also for most people in other parts of the world.

God says in this letter:

O, My beloveds, sit here now and hear what I say to you. I am your heart speaking.
My heart is yours, as your heart is Mine, as We are One-Heart.

Let there be no delineation between your heart and Mine.

Right away I see a large clash between what God says here and what my patients believe. My patients, if they believe in God (most do), see God as a separate being that is as different from them as night and day. They see themselves as weak and defective while seeing Him as all-powerful and perfect. They do not love themselves, so if they contemplate being one with God, as this letter declares, things do not add up. This is a message they cannot hear, at least at this point in time.

God also says:

Wounds are temporary. Wounds heal. Let them heal in a flash.

Filled with love, you say to your vagrant self: “Enough about me. This so-called injury is a passing fancy like any other. I am not damaged.”

My patients see most serious illness as permanent and often feel very threatened by the specter that their illnesses may eventually be fatal. They equate their being with their body, so they cannot see themselves as undamaged when limbs or body organs are not functioning well. Nor do they believe they have the power within themselves to heal their wounds or illnesses. This letter completely clashes with what they have been taught and the observations from their day to day lives.

God goes on to say later:

My love for you never ceases, not for one moment. In the world, love is fickle. We are beyond the world.

Life on Earth is itself ephemeral. It is wonderful, yet it is ephemeral. Our love is eternal. It is infinite. We can’t help it. Our love is here to stay.

To accept these statements, you must see yourself as an eternal being, as well as believe that God is unconditionally loving. You must also see yourself as a powerful being rather than a victim of bad genes and, contagious diseases and random injuries.

The contrast between this letter, which rings true to me, and the beliefs my patients hold creates a kind on conundrum for me as a physician. I feel like my work in relieving pain and preventing disease is superficial and rarely approaches the real emotional and spiritual problems that I know generate the illnesses I deal with every day. (Make no mistake, stopping pain, preventing disability and extending life are what my patients tell me they want. They are very clear about this.) I also do not see my proper role in my medical practice as trying to convince anyone to change their religious or spiritual beliefs. For me, this is a difficult problem. I am good at dealing with medical problems at a superficial level and fulfilling the traditional role, but I wonder if I should be doing something different?

Peace and love to all…….Chuck

Beloved Chuck, were I to

Beloved Chuck, were I to have a serious illness and be in pain, I don't know how I would be. Regardless of my beliefs, how would I deal with medical difficulties?

As a physician, you are in a spot.

Thoughts are so important. Your thoughts are so important. Wasn't there a doctor in Hawaii who healed others by his thoughts alone? I also read somewhere that it is the physician's being that really heals. The consciousness of the doctor has to make a difference. If a patient believes in his doctor, the patient will get better. Is God the healer and you His instrument? This is such an interesting and deep heartfelt question you pose.

My personal feeling is that someone does not have to believe in God the way we do in order to get better or to die in peace. I am feeling that God will take care of us regardless. God's taking care is not dependent upon what the patient believe or doesn't yet...

I know I would be grateful to have you as my doctor.

Thank you, Gloria

Thanks, Gloria, for your lovely response to my concerns.

Yes, there is a psychologist who healed an entire mental ward for the criminally insane in Hawaii, just with his thoughts. I am told he did such a good job they closed the ward for lack of patients. I had been reading about his healing work recently, his name is Dr. Hew Len.

I completely agree that it is the physician’s loving regard for his/her patient, along with the patient’s faith in their doctor that are the most crucial factors in medical care. Clearly, too, it is always God who does the actual healing. A medical practice is just an elaborate conduit for the flow of love. I also agree with your personal sentiment that there is no need for a belief in God for healing, or many other good things, for that matter.

I guess what I am getting at could be described as a concern about efficiency. Having read your comment and thinking further about my questions, I am beginning to feel that they may not actually be real issues. I may be letting myself worry about nothing. Not the first time I’ve done that!

You are a conscientious

You are a conscientious caring doctor.

Chuck is walking vibrations that illustrate this Letter.

It would be such a shift in the Mind of the Universe to give written stuff in the place of Living Letters right from God.

They couldn't read the Heaven Letters but they can't help but read you as God's message right to them.

The healing flows through TRUTH and you are the Way, the Truth and Their way to life. You are beautiful.

Read your own stuff Doc and you hear what I say and know it's THE WAY.


"too huge a leap"

Thank you, Chuck. I love your comment very much. I think it is crucially important for us to address the "clash" you are speaking about. Well, once again I can only speak for myself, of course. I have that clash within myself where it feels more like a rift. Unlike most of your patients, I can hear God's message, no problem. But I'm shocked to find that I don't really believe a word of what I understand oh so well and happily agree with and believed I believed. Looking more closely, my agreeing with Heavenletters is a sham, and in truth this body is the beginning and end of me and what really reigns my life, dear life, is fear, not God or love or Oneness who, if I'm honest, are toothless when it comes to physical illness or any of the difficulties that come with perceived physicalness.

Sometimes when that rift gets big enough, it almost seems to want to close. For instance when I read this (from Heaven #56):
There is a cry: "Hear me, O Lord!"
That cry was misinterpreted. It was My cry, and I was saying: "Hear Me, My children, O hear Me!"
And that is your cry now as well, that you rest your weary ear on My heart and hear My voice above all others. Hear Me, My children, O hear Me!

Sometimes the rift almost closes, and if it did, there would be nothing but love. Perhaps it's not worthwhile to think about anything. Perhaps most of it or even all of it is just a smokescreen, shirking the issue of love, the one issue there is. "Trust in God but don't forget to bind your camel" sounds wise. I suspect it isn't.

I realize I'm not being very clear.

I'm not able to love myself

I'm not able to love myself because I see only my self... I don't see Him within me. If I could truely open my eyes and see Him there... what joy! I may know He is there but I'm not truly aware of it.

I wonder if I'm able to see Him there and still live here on Earth.

A few days ago as I was thinking about my health problems... I asked myself why don't you just surrender? Is not that you are followig your rule of being healthy? What does it mean to be healthy? Why do you struggle? -- Now I want to make peace with the seemingly illness.

For me the body seems to be a heavy bag that I tend to complain of dragging it here and there... *smile*

Beloved Oldooz, how well we

Beloved Oldooz, how well we human beings have been taught and learned not to value ourselves.

Why should you have illness at all?

As the sages say, it's a

As the sages say, it's a "hall of mirror". I keep reminding myself no to be hypnotized by the images I see. Illness is now one of those images I see in the mirrors.

Chuck, made a good point in his comment. I should not forget that "it shall pass too"... *smile*

Dear Oldooz, do you know the

Dear Oldooz, do you know the Heavenletter The Hall of Mirrors? Please find it here:

If you read it, be sure to also have a look at the Heavenletter following it....


Let there be no delineation between your heart and Mine. Life will play itself out, and sometimes life, as it plays itself out, wounds your heart. Life holds only rubber knives. Knives come out as if they never had been.

I am all for leaving life to play itself out, sometimes there is no other option anyway! The wounds of the heart may seem like rubber knives - as if they never had been but that is from Your perspective! I do not doubt Your Word for a moment and yet it takes a lot of loving to absorb a heartbreak and move on. It's not easy in this life - another perspective.
I must admit that it sounds flip the way it is expressed in words in this HL. Can You please find another way of saying it God?

How Blessed we are in Your Holy Presence and by Divine Grace we live in Thee!

"You have to pull the knife

"You have to pull the knife out from your own heart. Then you discover that the knife is made of rubber, and your heart heals. I understand the price you pay for heartache. Let it go. Don't hold it to you. You don't need the heartache. You need the loving. No one hurt you, darling. It sure seems so, yet it is you who put the knife to your own heart. Pull it out. The knife in your heart is of no use to you. Toss it away. Come to Me, My darling angel. Forget heartache. Remember Me."

i am belive so

dear God heavenley father,
i am belive so, and hear you when you talking in my heart
when i feel peind in my body and i hear you,, you learn me
how to take the peind in my body, this is the precious gift
you given to as and am thankfulnes, and also i belive we can
giveng energy to another who sicknes, because i try to give
som one, and thank you so much you learn me how healer,
your heart and my heart is one, this also precious gift
thank you dear God

Lovely, mind-expanding comments

George, your comment is oh so pertinent and useful: “They couldn't read the Heaven Letters but they can't help but read you as God's message right to them.” This definitely is wonderful advice to keep in mind when I start to worry along the best way to be effective as a physician. As Gloria has so rightly observed, my patients do not really need to read Heavenletters, they really don’t even need to believe in God. George, you sure do have a lovely view of the world!

Jochen, I have to completely disagree with your concern about not being very clear. You are always quite articulate and very clear. You quite courageously state that fear rules your life. How can this be anything but clear? I also disagree with your implication that in this you are different than most everyone else. I think you are just articulating what is for many of us unconscious. Sure, we are conscious of some of our fears, but there are many that lie deeper, and I think these truly are the ones that tend to rule our lives and are addressed in Heavenletters. If I am hearing you right, you are saying you really do not believe in your heart that our mind and our thoughts are the source of our illnesses, and again, in this you fit right in with much more than 99% of the rest of mankind. How does this change? I think it can only change with direct experience that supports a new belief, and this can be tough to come by. As you so rightly point out, just talking about these things is not the same as believing them. While it is first necessary that the mind be willing to entertain these kinds of experiences, the mind’s willingness alone is not sufficient for the changes to begin to manifest. At least not at the speed we want and expect.

Oldooz, I think I can speak for almost all of us when I say that I also do not see our Creator when I look at and consider who I am. This is even harder than seeing Him in others. It seems that it is relatively easy to see Him in the stars of the night sky and the exquisite outline of a mountain range, but it is much, much harder to see Him in strangers, especially when they are engaged in unpleasant actions, yet it almost impossible for us to see Him in the mirror over our sink. If I am reading Heavenletters correctly, though, I see it stated many times that we can come to see Him in every part of our world and still continue our lives quite nicely on this physical globe whirling through the cosmos.

Such lovely, helpful comments that follow this letter!

Peace and much love to all my brothers and sisters across this beautiful world…..Chuck

Chuck, I don't want to make

Chuck, I don't want to make you proud, so I'm not going to comment again on the beauty of your clear and loving heart and mind.

There is one small thing I would like to add since you put the problem so well when you said: "While it is first necessary that the mind be willing to entertain these kinds of experiences, the mind’s willingness alone is not sufficient for the changes to begin to manifest."

In my experience, the mind's willingness is not only not sufficient but can be extremely deceptive. It deceives you into believing that you are willing when nothing could be farther from the truth – and believe me, after several decades as a most committed seeker I know exactly what I'm speaking about. Heavenletters have pointed it out to me, and I'm not amused!!!


Healing is Repairing

Healing is not creating. It is a restoration process to re-enable us to create.

What we are really healing from is separation. Medecine, therapies of all kinds, even technology and science in their broadest sense are temporay means to restore joy and happiness. But they don't and they cant restore it really because they don't include that basic dimension of separation which is the cause of all our troubles on Earth. Illness is an illusion since it was generated by illusions. So the basic cure is the cure for stopping generating illusions, especially about who we really are. And accepting who we really are.

We also have a tendency, in the relative world, to make a separation between those who are "healthy" and those who are "sick". In God's view, it is an illusion. Since we are all "One", we are also all "sick" and "healthy" at the same time. We all have to learn that curing the other is also curing ourself. God created us healthy and perfect. So we have to project that image of basic perfection and health in those that we consider "sick". Doing otherwise we accept imperfection as our natural state, which is contrary to God's will and a negation of our Sonship. A miracle healer must proceed that way.

The only true and real cure to illness is the decision to heal the separation, which is to let it go. Healing is totally related to time while creation is totally independant of time. Finally, it is through the re-union of God's will and our free will that the healing restores our prime condition of Son of the Father. And the relation between the Father and the Son is Love.

Love is the Healer

This is extremely good news. Thank you for sharing. Always deepens the knowing. Blessings.

Thank you, beloved Darryl!

Thank you, beloved Darryl!