Love Is Not a Poker Game

God said:

Do not be afraid to be tender. Let your heart be what it is. Allow your sweet heart to be the softness that it is. Your heart doesn't want to be toughened. Hard-heartedness is a sham in any case. Be the tenderness of love. The texture of your heart is not meant to be leather-like. It is meant to be the sweetness of sweet cream. This is true for man and woman. There is no valor in hardheartedness.

Is this such a novel idea? That the Human heart is meant to be soft? Your heart is meant to melt and be melted. Your heart is to be malleable with love. Love is agile. Love is not to be tied in knots.

Unknot your heart. Let it be what it is. It is not a protective device. It is the most welcoming thing in the whole wide world. Your heart, the very one in your breast, is not comfortable with boundaries. Love is not meant to have them. Treat yourself to boundless inpourings and outpourings of love.

What fierceness have you made to hold up your heart? Your heart is to be supported by love alone. What reinforcement could love possibly need? What army equals it?

The power of love is not something to mock. There is no power like love. Love is the Power. It is the Power and the Glory of God. Therefore, it is yours.

You think control is strength. Control is a cry for strength. Where there is the strength of love, there is no need for the prop of control. Control is weak, and control weakens.

Control is a myth you have perpetrated upon yourselves. It is ineffective. But ego likes to strut around with it.

Good comes out of freedom, not control. This is true in the classroom as well as in life. Love is the gift, and freedom is the gift love gives. Freedom isn't uproar. Uproar is protest for lack of perceived God-given love and its partner freedom.

First, free your heart. You have tied it down. You have given it an operating manual, rife with restrictions. But the heart is to be free to love more, not less. Not more or less, but more. The heart is meant to love. Your heart is meant to love. Your heart beats for love.

If you have not been the receiver of all the love in the world, then stop blocking it. If you have not been the receiver of all the love in the word, then start being the giver of it.

Remember, love does not have to be noisy. It does not have to be announced. It does not have to be framed in gold. Nor does it need a scroll attesting to it. Love, your love, just has to be allowed.

Love is not foolish. Expectations concerning love may be foolish, for expectations about love can only be less than the reality. Love is the freest thing in the world. You cannot put a price on it. It has no cost. Embed that in your mind. There is no cost to love. There is no expense to it. There is no loss, for the giving away of love is its profit.

Nothing is at stake with love. It is not a poker game. There are no wins, no losses with love. There is no hierarchy with love. There is also no impediment to it except in the minds of humankind.

Can love be wasted? No. Not a drop. The waste of love is not to use it. Keep pouring out love. Love reaches everywhere. Your love reaches everywhere. Love is invincible. Your love is invincible.

You do not yet begin to know what love you are capable of, and what love itself is capable of. Yet you barricade your heart against love, as if it were smart to be above it. The truth is you cannot be without it. Love doesn't need you. You need love. It is your requirement. Without love, everything is tasteless. You are meant to love. It is your destiny.

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