Loneliness Is Far-Fetched

God said:

When you are in a crowd of people or alone, there is not much difference. Whatever the circumstances, you keep company with yourself.

You have known loneliness very well in a crowd as well as by yourself. All loneliness is a waste of your thought. Sense of loneliness comes from your thought, your mistaken thought, that you can be alone, unknown, uncared for.

You try to swallow your loneliness. You talk loud and say, "Look at me, I am here". Or you say silently, "Never mind". Or you do both at one time or another. Pull or shove. Come near or go away. Stay here or never come.

You crave attention. How you long to be recognized! All the while, it is you who has to recognize. You seek self-realization, yet, you are the one who accepts one thought over another.

The feedback you need is that which you give to yourself. No one outside you can assuage your heart. Not for long, that is. Of course, I assuage, but I am not outside you.

And yet, to acquire self-realization, you have to get your attention off yourself. Self-centeredness is conducive to self-centeredness. Your thoughts go around in a small circle when they are about you. They go from self-pity to self-aggrandizement. You may think no one understands you. But it is you who doesn't understand. You may think no one notices you, but you are the one who doesn't notice. Have you not been habituated to circuitous thoughts that often keep you apart, insulated and isolated?

Ultimately, you are the one who realizes yourself or discounts yourself.

Listen to your plaints. Whatever the words you use, you, undoubtedly or by and large, are saying, "I am not appreciated". Or, "I am not appreciated enough". In one form or another, you are saying, "I need to be more loved", or even, "I am not loved at all". In one way or another, you convince yourself that you suffer and suffer alone.

The word "I" in the English language is wisely capitalized.

If you would like to change the way you look at life and your place in it, try in your mind, when you utter the word "I", changing it to My Name, God. You will begin to hear the true and the false of what you say or the accurate and the foolish. All conversations are with yourself.

And when you say the word "you", try changing it in your mind to God. The unassailable truth is that God talks to God, and your thoughts will be more useful when they have Me in mind.

Try out: Instead of your thinking, "What do I want to do today?" think, "What does God want to do today?" Instead of saying to someone, "What are you looking at?" say, "What is God looking at?"

The whole timbre of your day will change when you remember Who you are and when you remember that everyone else is the selfsame Who, You/Me, the We of Us.

How incomplete is language! Grammar is mistaken. There is no object. There is no plural. There is only subject, and there is only singular. And yet, there is no individual so there is no singular. There is only Oneness.

Language is fraught with falsehood. Language arose to describe the untrue. The True has no need of language. The True surpasses language.

Yet I advise that you watch your tongue, and most especially, your thoughts which are formed in words. Change your words. Change your mind. Change your thinking.

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How incomplete is language!

How incomplete is language! Grammar is mistaken. There is no object. There is no plural. There is only subject, and there is only singular. And yet, there is no individual so there is no singular. There is only Oneness.