Like a Beautiful Stone

God said:

You see now how there is no traveling. Your body goes somewhere, and you accompany it, and yet you are established on Earth and in Heaven.

No matter the scenery, you are like a beautiful stone picked up in one place, and then laid down in another. The stone is the same stone.

Nothing has changed. You, however, feel you have been picked up and deposited somewhere, and you see this as a difficulty. You are in a dream just the same. You are not a stranger. You are resident of where you have always been. Only you think you are somewhere else. You have always been in Eternity. You are the Infinite of the Eternal.

You are the sun who seemingly travels, yet it is the Earth that turns its face to the sun.

Another location appears, and you are situated in My heart all the while. Established in My heart, you cannot be established anywhere but in My heart. My heart is the Eternal and Infinite, and you are right with Me.

"Abide with Me" is only an expression, for you abide nowhere else. I might as well say: "Come, stay where you already are and cannot leave."

Beloveds, the sentient world you live in is obvious whereas the spiritual land you live in, where you really live, is seemingly obscured.

Yet, nothing is obscured. You live on an even plane which in a moment of stillness is much like a drop of dew. The drop is pending. It is poised. It is always pending in the hush of My breath. You and life are like dewdrops, full, rich, luminous, suspended in air, ready to drop yet not quite ready, getting fuller, expanding, ever-expanding, ever pending.

The moment is now.

You approach yourself. You sidle up to yourself and you say: "Who are you? What are you doing here? Where do you come from? Where are you going tonight?"

Your True Self laughs and answers yourself: "Where I am every night is with God. And where I am every day is with God."

A mountain appears to rise in the sky, and the mountain asks itself: "Who is it who is rising in the sky? Or is the sky coming to me? Am I the sky as well as the mountain? Does the sky like me? Does it embrace me? Are the sky and I related to each other? Or are we the same? Are we illusions of the same?"

The mountain further asks:

"And what are these beings called human beings who climb me to reach the summit of the sun, and what happens then? Why do these beings peer over the edge of the world which has no edge but that they think so?

"The Earth is round, and I am a mountain peak perched on that roundness. Seemingly I cannot scamper, so beings scamper to my place. Did I call to the beings or did they call to me? And if they sang, what song did they sing? How did I hear, and how did I answer? Did I ever cease to answer?

"I am the mountain people climb up, and I am the mountain people climb down. I am inevitably the mountain, and you who climb me are inevitably beings who climb great heights.

"And I am the sky who appears to myself. The sky is my backdrop upon which I appear. All is a backdrop, and all human beings explore.

"We all are immersed in each other. We are lost and found within us. We pursue ourselves to what end? To no end at all, for all is the dewdrop ready to drop incapable of going anywhere because there is no place to go, only ever onward and nowhere. Established in this moment of suspension, there is a hush, and we are that hush as well.

"We hold hands in a mirage, yet, within this mirage lies wholeness, and there are no parts.

"We are secured in the heart of God who is also within us, outside us, and forever nowhere but everywhere with no beginning and no end, no past, no future, only this moment.

"Who is this being who scales me? I, the mountain am also being. In the clouds or in a camera shot, I am being, and being is mighty. Who I am, you are, and where we are, we are not, for we are a simple exhale of God recreating Himself in the form of us.

"Creation creates. It scales and it downscales, and ever soars. Right now we are complete even as we try to complete our already complete ourselves."

Read Comments

ready to drop

I have been increasingly angry with Heavenletters recently, muttering, "Why this roundabout way of speaking about things, why not simply say that God and man and mountain and bug are not-two, why not finally state that all of this is just one single all-encompassing seamless I with not the slightest trace of difference or division anywhere – but able to imagine division, separation, twoness and therefore danger, damage and loss. Why, for instance, speak about "serving" as if it were about servinge someone else, man or God. Has the world not seen enough of this kind of serving and its awful consequences? The word 'God' ist not a helpful one. God ought to drop it. (Hahaha.) The seeming problem of ego would turn out to be not difficult at all."

Funny, isn't it? My wife and I climbed a mountain yesterday, starting out in almost warm air at its still snowless foot and reaching the ever unbelievable wonderworld of snow and frost sparkling in the sun a few hours later. It seems fitting to use this Heavenletter to vent.

Out of ever indivisible oneness, man is imagined or imagines himself as a physical being and then thinks there must be greater. Thus man creates God, but to make it complicated enough for him (for this game only works when you take it seriously), he assumes it is the other way around. And so on. No, I'm not about to propose another spiritual philosophy. My soul keeps shouting loudly and clearly that there is no other, there is no else, no two. My mind, of course, is another story, but I feel it would be easier to retell this mind story if I had more Heaveletters like this absolutely drop-dead gorgeous beauty.

Growing up in the busy

Growing up in the busy little village called Either/Or at the foot of the mountain called The Mountain, we hear stories that on the other side of The Mountain there is another village called Both/And. How strange! How could that be? Who could go about their day in a village with a name like that? And even stranger, those who claim to have been there say that on a clear day you can see both villages at once from the top of The Mountain. Most people regard these stories as fairy tales, tho still and all they have a certain charm. Well, I suppose they are either true or not, but how could you ever know?

Charles your words stir my heart

Sigh! Is it possible that I lived so many years in Both darn Villages? When the life slipped away from my darling, I found that the Mover wouldn't pick up my age worn furniture and move me. I think I'll climb to the top of that mountain again.


Jochen, You have expressed

You have expressed my feelings completely and, even if it offers little comfort, at least I know that I am not the only one having these feelings. I know there are many people like that but seeing that in writing, precisely at a moment in which I am undergoing so much suffering for lack of trust, faith, or whatever you want to call it, helps, somehow. I keep on thinking that either I have a mental problem or that I enjoy torturing myself, since I have some really epiphanic moments in which I KNOW, and others, almost following automatically the epiphany, in which I question that "knowledge". You have expressed it beautifully: it's the struggle between the soul and the mind. But then, here I am, as I write, questioning whether there is a soul. And here comes the unbearable pain. Again.


Knowing that state of not being able to discern whether I'm having a mental problem or enjoy torturing myself, let me assure you it's neither. Some of us drift into extremes of separation because the depth of love and yearning in their hearts, seemingly nullified by what looks like fear of the same depth, is more than they believe they can manage. But just stay with Heavenletters, Maggie, and try to take those states a little less seriously. You will see the one who is trying to dishearten you – not really to dishearten you but to get you ready to finally choose to go home. Then you won't worry so much whether there really is a soul or not. You will know that what you want and long for is real.

Thank you for telling it in such a personal way, touching and touchable.

Maggie speaks for many

Your thoughts dear one reflect climbing that darn mountain.


Jochen's words frightened me

That is, until I got to "Drop-dead gorgeus beauty," What a word! What a comment!



Jochan, that very confusing reply;
what you say is that man imagines God as seperate entity, or that all these heavenletters are imagined?
I think that maybe we think of God as being greater than us due to thinking in the world, but in fact we are God (at least a bit of him).

Thank you, Diego, for your

Thank you, Diego, for your question. First, I would like to make it very clear (again) that, for me, Heavenletters are certainly not imagined; they are the one real extension of the absolute into the relative I know of; as a matter of fact, everything I ever heard before looks far-fetched and unreal now, it sounds contrived even if it states things "correctly".

The point ist that there isn't really absolute and relative, right and wrong, real and imagined etc. They don't exist. There is Oneness, you can't even say period. Some Heavenletters state this Oneness so beautifully that you think you know what is being said. On one level, of course, you do, but on another you don't yet, or not fully. That's where things can get quite frustrating, at least for me, for the next Heavenletter will speak or "relative" things again, again innocently assuming the existence of time and space and cause and effect and all the things that were so beautifully and satisfyingly finished off only yesterday! It's simply frustrating. The Source of Heavenletters knows, of course, that we are not quite there yet. Things have an echo, they resonate with us, but we aren't really there yet, and what we say, most of it, comes out of – thinking. It isn't really known yet.

So this is what makes me sound a little exasperated at times. Do you understand better now?


thanks for the reply, yes I understand better now.

Some people say that all these words are kind of like an evolutionary thing, and that we are automatically programmed to this information, not because it God but because it's in our DNA.

so I still don't fully understand

Dear Diego, I'm perfectly

Dear Diego, I'm perfectly happy with lovely speculations of this kind and even happier that I'm not competent to say anything about them. Years ago, I might have asked how what is called information gets into what is called DNA or what is "unrolled" in evolution and who is doing that unrolling or unwrapping and what was wrapped there und by whom and what for.... Not so today.

I still like your question and your wanting to know, and I can promise you that Heavenletters will answer everything. Well, no, strictly speaking, I can only say that they do for me.



Once again, This HeavenLetter holds such a Holy LIght and the Hush of All of Heaven is in it!

And I particularly LOVE also, your saying in Love: "You are the sun who seemingly

travels, yet the sun doesn't travel, it is the Earth that turns its face to the Radiant Sun of


"Each of you is the simple exhale of God, WHO is always re-recreating Himself in the

FORM OF MANKIND." So, Today I am choosing to experience Heaven upon Earth!


Gloria hears DEEP Words

So beautifully He speaks through her that 'nowhere' is "NOW HERE" by using the propper space in divine, cosmic consciousness.

The "Mountain Consciousness" is sort of divine perception in the above NOW and the cultivation of the divine "HERE."

"I am the mountain people climb up, and I am the mountain people climb down. I am inevitably the mountain, and you who climb me are inevitably beings who climb great heights."

To know this is to grow this kind of consciousness. Thanks Sweet One


the pending drop

An impalpable chatter, a divine "divertissement" while "we hold hands in a mirage".

Emilia invites me

Come and let me hold your hand. An 85 year old man will burst your mirage.


The complex and the intricate

This Heavenletter has been hard for me to think about and come to a satisfying understanding of how I react to it. It reminds me a little of poetry, the way a poet plays with familiar images in ways that evoke feelings and insights that go beyond the usual world we inhabit. It also reminds me of the writing of mystics who try to put into words what they tell us cannot be adequately expressed.

The letter itself is made up of complex thought patterns that we have become familiar with over time on this site. It is as if these thought patterns are different color yarns that are here woven into an immensely intricate quilt, a quilt that is nonsensical to the rational mind, but by no means nonsensical to other levels. Something somehow is reminded and responds and is moved.

I don’t know if this adds anything to the comments above, but it helps me to come to terms with the experience of both being uncomfortable as I read this letter while at the same time being comforted and reassured.

A pleasant day to all……Chuck

Chuck Gebhard, you asked for it

My thoughts about your words turn on a light in my mind but my dimmer switch is working overtime. Then I flash my bright lights and the voice tells me that Chuck is having fun running through my mind, making me look for yarn, quilts and complex inner patterns, when all I saw at first blush was "Like a Beautiful Stone." Chuck you make my heart thump. I sure enjoy you.


The suffering of the mind.

No matter the words, the concepts attempting to define or distinguish between the body, the mind and the soul, they all come through our physical brain. Physical, emotional, mental or spiritual pleasures or displeasures find their way to express their degree of "awareness" through our physical brain.

The brain is built on the TWONESS of its complementary hemispheres. From an evolutionary point of view, the two hemispheres have been "isolated" from each other. Even if the "callous body" connects the two hemispheres, it is only for a very short period of time, every 90 minutes, that the two hemispheres can "talk together" consciously. The rest of the time they seem to function more in the monologue mode. Of course, with Heavenletters, we can increase the frequency of this connection...

The left hemisphere functions on the principle of OBLIVION. It has to construct a mental signification of the world through observation, experimentation and generalization. The right hemisphere functions on the principle of RECOLLECTION as if it always KNEW despite the OBLIVION of the left hemisphere. We usually associate the right hemisphere with the creative, dreaming, uniting function of the brain.

We always have to remind ourselves that we chose to experiment the oblivion of what we were before we came down on Earth. We accepted God's challenge to sink into the deepest oblivion of ourself to experiment the recollection of our real Self. But we brought with us that sparkle of recollection when we accepted to sink into oblivion. Then started the combat between the Dream World and the Reality World.

This style of Heavenletters always makes us ask ourself why things don't move fast enough, why we can't get off those mental considerations and all this turmoil brings us back to levels where we run alongside of all that we have not yet liberated. And this maintains us in a "state of being" that does not seem to correspond to us.

What do we have to liberate? Our past of course. Our numerous "past existences" have been exploring all the imaginable facets of OBLIVION of who we are: poverty, failure, self-denial, power, control, homicide, suicide, persecutor, persecuted, rapist, raped, lost of parents, genocide, desillusion, etc. Power and Fear are the two basic dynamic elements that have maintained us in the heart of illusion. Fear is associated with loss and separation. To let go the past does not mean at all forgetting the past, because we can't forget. To let go the past means to let the Past expresses freely itself to us, to welcome it without judgement, because basically it is only energy. What we really expect through that process of liberating the Past, is that this burried part of ourself heads up to the surface. It is us who are emerging to the surface.

We all suffer on this earth from this system of belief that denies the fact that we are Creators and not prisoners or dice players. If we have created the illusion of our prison, we certainly can create the illusion of our Freedom and Sovereignty.

Norman storms heaven's gates of consciousness.

Your eloquent summary say: "We all suffer on this earth from this system of belief that denies the fact that we are Creators and not prisoners or dice players. If we have created the illusion of our prison, we certainly can create the illusion of our Freedom and Sovereignty."

This post shows us how we are enveloped by the physiology of our brain and all its beautiful array of neurotransmitters and we bow at its complexity and beauty. You tell us much about the heart of our heavenly Father. Thanks Normand.


George, I just love your

George, I just love your headline. I imagine reading that title on Time's magazine cover page! (Just laughing).

Who I am, you are, and where we are, we are not

The myth that is going to survive all others is that of the tail wagging the dog. So many variations of it. I love them all. Or let us say, I started loving them again when I was taught by Heavenletters to not construe anything as the reason or cause for anything else any more. Without seeing cause or reason, how entertaining everything is! (Perhaps even toothache, but I'm not too sure there...) When apparent evolution or history do not have to be the cause or reason for anything, how thrilling they get as generators of more and more fascinating images. If apparent brain anatomy and physiology does not have to be the reason or cause for anything but caleidoscopes of ever more intricate interactions that lead to answers that lead to an exponential explosion of more questions – I can stand in awe at the sheer inflationary power or the human mind bent on keeping and thickening the smokescreen. Yes, it's wonderful.

Unless you believe you're unhappy and suffering for some reason. That's when the merry-go-round of scientific, psychological and spiritual explanations can start making you really sick, and the one thing left that can give you relief is God saying somehing like You need no map. There is no map to Me. In truth, there is no path to Me. Where is it you have to go to find Me? (

I wish I could somehow explain how desperate you can get hearing someone explain what the bee ist doing in the flower and why. Perhaps Maggie knows.

A word of wisdom

When you are displeased, you do not have to say you are. Be mum. No one wants to hear your displeasure. You do not want to hear it. Find something you are pleased about. You can find it. Of course you can.

for we are a simple exhale

for we are a simple exhale of God recreating Himself in the form of us

It has said Angels envy us for we are in a human form.

only ever onward and nowhere

Three days later, what do I remember of a Heavenletter I called a beauty? Almost nothing. But when I read it, everything is there again and full of life. As God has said, it's not necessary to consciously remember anything. One of the things that linger is that timeless sense of hushed suspension in the middle of life's hustle and bustle:

We all are immersed in each other. We are lost and found within us. We pursue ourselves to what end? To no end at all, for all is the dewdrop ready to drop incapable of going anywhere because there is no place to go, only ever onward and nowhere. Established in this moment of suspension, there is a hush, and we are that hush as well.

Jochen's words are from a poets heart

You make me remember what isn't there by the infectious drawing of your words of remembering.


2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said yet you are
God recreating Himself
In the moment now

God said your True Self
Is where you already are
You are right with Me

Love, Light and Aloha!


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