Life Gives You a Chance

God said:

When you look at life one way, how can you not be happy with all the blessings that are thrown at you?
When you look at life another way, how can you help but be unhappy with the curves that life has thrown at you?
And there is much in between ecstatic and sorrowful. There is disappointing, there is let down, and there is so-so.
If you could soak in the treasure that life on Earth is, you would be elated all the time. You would know that life on Earth is remarkable, an amazing thing, and that you are here populating and receiving all the wonders of it. You would be amazed at all the connections and intersections and seeming coincidences and returns and bounces and delights and surprises and the myriad of twists and turns and turn-a-rounds.
Who on Earth could possibly think up all the stories in life, even in one person’s life? Who could write such stories? Who could keep writing them and another and another? Your life is a serial that goes on and on and has no ending. Like waves in the Ocean, there is another chapter and another chapter and another on into Infinity. Life is more than story, of course, you recognize that. And, yet, you are most interested in the story and how it will come out even for a while. You’ve got to know. You are impelled to come to some kind of understanding or conclusion.
When will the Prince come? When will True Love be declared? When will Life amount to what you want? Why is there loneliness and unfulfillment and heaviness? As you see it, why not always light and loveliness?
Here’s the thing. Even as stories disappoint and certainly aren’t the culmination of your life, you count on them. You would whip the stories into shape if you could. You would wring the last drop out of them. As it is, you think the stories of your life amount to a weather vane that tells what direction the wind is coming from. You consider the stories as an assessment of how you’re doing, as if the stories rank you, yet it is you who ranks yourself.
In fact, you do write the stories. You base your story on what has happened so far. You continue your story from where you left off.
I have besought you to drop the past. If you would drop the past and stop mulling it over, if you would stop drawing conclusions from the past, you would be free to write a whole new storyline, starting today. You would promote different conclusions and different overwhelmings and underwhelmings. As when you breathe in and out, your biology changes. Just as you grow in understanding, your view, your outlook, and your experiences change. This is inevitable.
Now this does not happen in a straight line. Your life doesn’t change evenly. You think you would like it to, yet evenness palls on you. Confess! Despite your protests, you like variety. You like ups and downs. You like to avoid disaster at the same time as you like to have it to avoid. You like contrast. You like different colors. You call some things great, some okay, and some abhorrent, and you would forbid them.
You would like to have the say over life and death, and, in some sense you do. You also like not knowing and to find out as you go along.  
Let’s face it, beloveds, you are an explorer. You like to take chances. That is, you like to have chances before you. You don’t really want to know ahead of time. The thing is: You like life. No matter how much you may protest life as it is, you like it. You like life. You love it. Life gives you a chance. It keeps you in suspense.

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Thank You

The content of your article's are more valuable than gold and I mean that truly as I my calling is being a money-earning genius. Everyday I become more of myself and let go of the past completely. I use to find myself trying to drawn conclusions from the past and after reading this article I realized I need to let it go completely. I was at 95% with releasing the past and now I am at 100%. I agree wholeheartedly with your assesment to let go of the past and create a new storyline. A storyline that is personal and true to you. Don't try to find ideas from the past that dictate the future. Let go of the past completely. Everyday is the best day and the greatest story every told. It really is free and feels exceptional to be one with excellence. To be one with the abundance of the present moment and the future. Always live in the moment with anticipation of future greatness. Thank you.

Your life is a serial

It's all here. It's all in the message of this Heavenletter.

What we see in the World is just a (bitter?) sweet-savoring appetite of Life; shouting out how delicious and grand is this game called Life that is taking place on Earth and that we are alive engaging in full theatrical costume and in universal panoramic cinemascope.

Everywhere someone is popping out shouting "Look at me. Hey, Look at me, I am alive. Please someone,Validate me! I am alive!"
Gloria, I know you like only to see the pleasant and happy side of outcomes. But there are Tornadoes and Hurricanes as well as zephyrs and mild ocean breeze in the collective bag of the Blowing Wind.
Choices have unpredictable outcomes!

This is what many of us are in the process of learning.
We desire to have all Choices of Outcomes submit to our Will and favour our mental persuasion of that Moment. We would bend and wrestle with Reality to fit into our teacup of playful desire.
We love Life. After all the posturing and protest, we ALL love Life. And we must have someone to play with.

It's all Cowboys and Indians, or Explorers and Inventors finding their quest of Pearls.
The suspense and Drama is what it's all about. Or the inhalation and the Exhalation.
What can beat this game of Life we play on Earth?
Tell me.

Love to every Heart
Love to all GOD's Creation

victor j

Ah, Victor, you have been

Ah, Victor, you have been resilient as I hound you about negativity!

Tornadoes and hurricanes aren't negative words!

Beloved Victor, leave out words that of themselves carry a negative vibration. We want the vibration here to be high. What I observe is that it's not necessary to use negative words anyway! We don't need them. Everyone knows words that are often considered the opposites of love and goodness. The opposites really do pull us down. Better to use high-consciousness words and leave out the others, most especially here on the forum.

Thank you for your understanding, dear one.

It is human nature to use

It is human nature to use our past to guide our future. I like how this reminds us that our future can be guided by God, who doesn't want us to look to our past shortcomings, but to the hope and renewal that comes from Him.

Yes! Interesting way you put

Yes! Interesting way you put it! I wonder if moving forward means renewal! Thanks, Abby.

Words Have Power

Gloria, I would like to thank you for the daily posts. The essays are a big component in shaping my day. Words have tremendous power and I make a concious choice to select the statement or paragraph that resonates with me in your writing. How do you come up with your writings? Does God put the words in your heart and they flow on paper? I ask because the writings are ALWAYS relevant to my life and where I am going in my life. Letting go of the past in all variations is crucial and once I read the article I instantly felt the wings on my shoulders lift me. I can create the greatest story of my life everyday and that is what I will do everyday. Thank you for the daily inspiration as I recognize everyday is a miracle and this indeed is Heaven On Earth!

You show a grasp of what

You show a grasp of what Godwriting is, dear Usirah, when you say::

Does God put the words in your heart and they flow on paper?

What a beautiful way to say it!

And our minds have to get out of that way. Our minds think they know too much or think they know what God is supposed to say!

Here's an article I wrote myself:

There Is a Boatman to Carry Us Across the River.

I hope the link works, dear one.


Dear Gloria, let me help you on the link. (Yours didn't work)