If You Were a Novelist …

God said:

If you were a novelist, you would know that every person you meet, regardless of what they seem like to you, would be a great character in a novel. The one who may have annoying habits that are hard for you to tolerate would be great fun or most interesting to write about or read about.

You, too, would be a fascinating character in a book. See how interesting you are. See what makes you, an individual skating on the surface of life, relish all those that you have the privilege to meet. Someone you may find dull and boring in life may be delightful in a book.

Every single person on Earth is fascinating. You would see it so except that you have been programmed to disdain or not quite approve of this or that. It could be that you find teetotalers or drinkers hard to take. Are strict teetotalers better or are sociable drinkers better? Is one nationality better than another. Is blonde or brunette better? Who says, and how come?

Your view of life seems built-in, yet you picked it up somewhere. Somewhere somehow you learned well that some ways are considered better than others, and some people are better than others, and so you fault the beautiful world you live in. It is one thing to rave about one sunset or another, yet you are open to even greater sunsets. You are open.

Yet, under other circumstances, you limit possibilities.

Is one career better than another? True, some will pay better than others. Some careers would be better for you, and other careers would be better for someone else.

Be careful that you do not set standards for others. It’s not your province, beloveds.

Be happy with whoever comes before you. It’s not as if you have to decide on the spot whether you are going to live the rest of your life with this person.

What’s the big deal?

So I say again, Be happy with every one who comes before you.

For Heaven sakes, I’ve seen that sometimes you judge people before you even meet them. Perhaps it is fashionable to chalk someone up according to externals, yet it is not wise.

It is wiser to see what is in front of you. Someone who may continually scan the horizon from a distance may not see what is under his feet. Of course, someone who scans the distant horizon from afar could trip right where he is. On the other hand, he could trip over a windfall.

You don’t want to regiment life very much. Any amount of much is too much. Life is not to be made a prisoner. It is not to go on trial and be sentenced.

Make life a lark instead. Judge not. Prejudge not. Don’t judge later either.

Learning is a horse of a different color. You can learn without prejudice. You can admit you have often been wrong even when you were sure you were right.

What would happen if you embraced everyone and everything? You would embrace if you let go of judging.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you don’t look both ways when you cross the street. This doesn’t mean that you take everyone home with you. It just means you greet everyone you meet. It just means that you keep your own space without pushing others away. This means freedom, beloveds. You have the freedom to greet and to move on. There is no one you have to be best buddies with. There is also no one who has to fill the shoes of rival or enemy or villain either. Do you agree?

Read Comments

General question

General question;

Does God ever deliver bad news or does he talk around it or ignore the subject completely ?

Does God ever...?

Robbie, after reading between three and four thousand Heavenletters, all I can tell you is that God does not deliver bad news, ever.

For quite a while (years, in fact) I felt that God "talks around" certain issues and "completely ignores" others, particularly my own personal predicament. ^_^

In the meantime He convinced me there are no bad news. But as I said, it took some reading. Reading, I might add, with eyes of love for the utterly unique message that starts to emerge at some point or other.

Dear sb, I would love your

Dear sb, I would love your comment to be featured everywhere. It could change the world. Perhaps it already has.

Thanks for the upliftment, friend.

Reality as we see it is

Reality as we see it is often not a pretty picture. Terrible things happen all over the place over and over again. Imagine a world without sickness or death, where there is only life dancing with itself? It might sound physically impossible by our understanding of how life works, but for a creator of worlds, is it really impossible? I don't think so.

I think when we see that some elements of this world are broken and torn and appear irreparable, it is natural for us to cry out for something better than this. There is a really strong case for presenting this world as a terrible failure. But... here this world is, here we are feeling somewhat lost in it, carried around by it often in very uncomfortable ways. To me it seems silly to deny the harshness of life, it is an element we have all seen to varying degrees.

So why on earth would this place be exactly what we need? What is really happening here? Would we be surprised to learn that there actually isn't a place that would satisfy us more and this world is providing to us exactly what we want? In my experience, nothing outside of myself can ever make me happy for long. No matter how beautiful and majestic it might be, I tire of it soon enough. Imagine a perfect world where I felt completely empty and unsatisfied. Now that would be torture.

In this world valuable things are hard to get. The most valuable things are the hardest to get. None of these things can really make us happy, but at least we can imagine that they would because they are so hard to get.

While nothing can ever bring to us lasting satisfaction, it is possible to find it. But don't hope to get it from this world. This world cannot bring you anything but a tease. It leads to nowhere and takes a long time in getting there.

In the middle of life on this world, I find myself experiencing a growing sense of brightness as I learn to look for it. It grows brighter and brighter until I definitely realize there is something there. And it continues to grow until it eventually starts to outshine everything else. The failures of this world eventually point us inward, usually as a last resort, and as we go inside we find within ourselves a greater joy and satisfaction then this world or a thousand worlds could ever deprive us of.

Well I guess tomorrow's

Well I guess tomorrow's message wasn't that inspiring, a little disappointing..

I love the lesson you teach

I love the lesson you teach Robbie. There's no reason to pretend to be inspired. There's no reason to pretend about anything. Your message says that you are not inspired, and the message is clear. It doesn't mean you aren't willing to be inspired, you just haven't yet heard what you need to hear in the way you need to hear it. You also demonstrate that the value of a message to any individual can only be determined by the one who receives it. If this message means nothing to you, then so be it. There's no reason to pretend it accomplished something it didn't. But you would also not be here unless this space relates to a question that you have not yet answered to your complete satisfaction.

I support you in your unwillingness to pretend, and I support you in finding what you need to find in the way you need to find it. A willingness to stop pretending is always necessary before anything of value can be found. And anything of value is only of value because it speaks to you in a way that is meaningful to you.

My unwillingness to pretend anymore has brought me farther than any attempts to be grateful for what has not yet inspired me.

Rather than feeling disappointed, you could be grateful that you have the ability to recognize what has inspired you. Without that life would be much more confusing.

I am curious though, what is it that does inspire you the most?

Some good honesty hear

Some good honesty hear Robbie and AaronB. Real.

Cannot what you don't agree

Cannot what you don't agree with not also be real? Certainly, in the world, partly true exists, from one angle true, or true for one and not another?

God in Heavenletters speaks of what is eternally true, the true beneath the real that the relative world is filled with.

I seek only the truth of

I seek only the truth of myself and my destiny, But what little information i receive seems to slip through my fingers like water, What i want is some kind of solid proof of my dreams, What i want is some clarity to show itself infront of my face, What i really want is God himself to apear before me and tell me to my face without question the truth of my destiny. And i wish some honesty from God.

That is all i want, Some peace of mind..

Robbie, there is no doubt

Robbie, there is no doubt that you can have it, will have it. When we let go of all the down side, what do we have but peace? Of course, we can desire peace and will it, and it takes its time coming. I wonder: If we know what peace, if we know what peace is enough to desire it, then we must have experienced it. If if we have experienced it, we can experience it again. Stay open, Robbie!

a beep

Let God's Answers Come to You like Quiet Snow
Heavenletter #56 Published on: December 30, 2000

God said:
How do you know when a thought that comes to you is Mine or yours? No bell goes off. No light flashes. No angel appears to point a sword to a sign that reads "God's thought" or "individual thought". And so you try to discern and make life harder than it need be.

Sometimes you just know, and sometimes you simply don't. But when you do know, it is not from analysis.

That is why it is well to start off your day by calling Me to your awareness. When I am firmly planted in your awareness, you come from a higher plane. That is intention. Intend that I be your Guide. Intend that you hear My guidance. I cannot fail you. And you will not fail Me.

You will hear Me as an impulse. You will hear Me as a mother understands the meaning of her baby's cry. The baby's cry sets off an attunement in the mother. In this case, I refer to you as the mother and the cry is My song to you.

'Tis of thee I sing!"

We have a golden cord that connects us. Whichever end of this chain that is pulled, the other end feels it and responds. I tug My end a lot, and sometimes you are too busy to notice. But I always notice even the most delicate pull you make because I am sensitively attuned to the beat of your heart. The beat of your heart rumbles in Heaven. And the beat of My heart rumbles on earth. The beat of My heart rumbles on earth through your own simple heart.

We are connected by a two-way speaker, My heart and your heart.

Don't concern yourself so much with what you have to do or what decision you have to make. You have made one, and that is to hear My song.

Your intention is like a beep that goes off between Us. And, of course, your intention is in answer to My song. So, of course, discernment is not the trick. Intention is. And I have intention for you. That is My song. It is made of My intention for you.

So what you really are asking is how do you know when you hear Truth or when you hear echoes from the past, for My children dearly want to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Once you start the process, you don't have to watch it. I am the Process.

Once you address yourself to Me, think not of decision but of Me.

Turn the switch on, and allow Truth to appear. Don't worry it. Don't toss Truth around so much up in the air from your right hand back to your left and again.

Watch Me. Allow Me. Know I come. Know I feed love into your heart.

Behind any purpose you have stands your intention to serve Me. Know this, and you have bigger vision automatically.

Be not so concerned with what is right and what is improper. Be open to Our connection. See Me before you. See how firmly you walk when you know that I am leading you.

Let Me be like a perfume you wear.

Let Me be like a tune that fills your mind.

Let Me be like a breeze that stirs your heart.

Let Me be like a sweet taste in your mouth.

Let Me be your vision.

You have pledged yourself to Me. You have no more decisions to make. They are made. Your decisions are made in Heaven. Listen quietly. Do not wrack your brain. Let My answers come to you like quiet snow. Individual snowflakes descend from on high and cover the earth with a whiteness that leaves no doubt of its arrival. But the snowflakes fall gently. The earth makes no big ceremonial. The earth receives the snow. As the earth receives snow, receive My guidance. Quietly accept it.

There is a cry: "Hear me, O Lord!"

That cry was misinterpreted. It was My cry, and I was saying: "Hear Me, My children, O hear Me!"

And that is your cry now as well, that you rest your weary ear on My heart and hear My voice above all others. Hear Me, My children, O hear Me!

SB, thank you.

SB, thank you.

If God were to appear in

If God were to appear in front of my face I would be really impressed. I would feel a sense of certainty and purpose in whichever direction God told me to go in. Or if God showed up and told me every detail of what to do next whenever I wanted, I would find this very relieving and exciting. I would have a sense of purpose and direction and guidance. I would enjoy the sense of certainty that I am on the right path doing the right thing.

We grew up in a society that emphasizes the importance of doing what we are told, instilling a sense of guilt when we don't follow orders, and yet God doesn't tell us what to do. So we feel lost and guilty, certain that God must be disappointed in our lack of performance. But if God wanted a cog, he'd make a cog. But he didn't. He wanted something amazing and brilliant and powerful as you are. He created in his own image and likeness. He created something incapable of being satisfied in the small role society has taught us to become.

If you could be happy with being less, you wouldn't be out looking for more. Something inside you will not let you rest in your smallness, no matter how much you wish it. There is something inside you that you cannot change, and it remains steadfast in its knowing, and cannot be deceived by anything ever. In the end we have no choice but to line up with the truth that has been placed inside of us.

The question then becomes how to line up with the part of ourselves that cannot be deceived. It's important to recognize how powerful you are, and every thought you have is powerful. There is a momentum of sorts, and you can change the momentum, but it takes willingness to do this. In the end there is no choice because the truth of who we really are is not up to us.

Fortunately we have an intrinsic recognition for truth. The sense of inspiration you spoke of is essential and without it we would be completely lost. To the degree that this message resonates with you, something valuable has been recognized. Mastering this sense of internal resonance is how we establish the compass that you are looking for.

You are so right, Aaron

If God did appear in front of our face, it would be a disaster. To the degree we were absolutely certain of His direction would be the degree to which we would lose our freedom. But He is far too kind and far too generous to do this. Instead, as you so rightly recognize, He plants a quiet seed of truth in each of our hearts. We can look for it, or not. We can seek or we can ignore even the possibility it exists. But, as you also point out, this truth is in its nature very insistent, and it will not go away.

I think He cares very much what we choose. He sits back patiently waiting for us to discover and make full use of the guidance He planted deep in the clouds of our confusion, knowing full well we will one day wake up and accept all the good things He intends for us.

Everyone tells me to believe

Everyone tells me to believe in signs, I have been reading the stars in the sky's for information, and I get an impression, that my dreams will come true, and I arrive to the date, and it hasn't happened, astrology says my dreams will come to fruition, the date comes. And nothing, it's been like that for 10 years, it's getting hard to believe anymore :(

Dear Robbie, I really like,

Dear Robbie,

I really like, you want to have a proof of God. I am not able to hand this proof to you. But I can tell you about my experiences. The miracles, that happened to me, have taken place in me, not outside of me. I had never been touched so deeply and in long terms since I have been in this times. To feel joy, happiness and love is what I desire now. Heavenletters have always helped me, to stay on that path. So I would like to encourage you, to look for the changes of life or the dreams to come true, within yourself. I found the love to God within me. And by the time, I found out, it is always up to myself, what I allow to happen in my life.

My experience with Heavenletters is also, that God is with me in my different pains I have faced in my life -- without a shugarcoating. I feel safe because he is at my side and we do not talk around it or ignore it. The opposite takes place. I'm always taken by surprise by these letters, nowhere else I have felt understood just in my secret, innermost needs so honestely!

So I want to encourage you to open a door in your heart for the messages that are meant for you in Heaven Letters.

Love and blessings! Uta


Everyone has dreams. Some have come true and some haven't. We've all experienced wonder and excitement and heartache and brokenness as our dreams unfold or fail to unfold around us.

No one asks you to throw away your dreams. They are important to you, and that alone makes them important.

Wouldn't it be nice if there was a growing sense of peace and joy on the side? I can't imagine how it would hurt anything. Sometimes we feel as if renewing our sense of urgency helps, but urgency drains the energy we need to get anywhere. When we feel light, we joyfully can pursue our dreams, and we can feel wonderful while doing it. Imagine two people pursuing their dreams, one in a panicked fervor and the other blissfully engaged? I know which one I'd rather be!

So I wouldn't encourage you to alter your dreams. Instead I would suggest that there is something on the side that you might want to try out. There is a sense of brightness available and it doesn't require you to change anything else.

As you appreciate the value of this brightness, the practical steps of achieving it will be available. However sometimes we refuse the light until all the darkness has been vanquished. This can be a very frustrating process. We all have the right to feel betrayed by life and in the process we shut out the light. But as we crack open the door and let a little bit in, very quickly it lights up the whole room.

When we value letting the light in more then we value keeping it out, it will come in and cannot be stopped. Our values influence our choices throughout the day without us even noticing. Once we decide we would like to brighten our lives up some, even while our life is still far from perfect, it will happen.


Aaron, I think your suggestions are sound, certainly they are friendly. Dreams gone sour or dreams not truly believed in are probably everyone's experience to a greater or lesser degree. But I suspect that Robbie will not agree that he "refuse[s] the light until all the darkness has been vanquished." Of course, this happens; it happened to me; but I would not have agreed that I "refused", for even if that proves true from a higher perspective, down here it doesn't feel like that at all. It's not possible, and not advisable, to accept a label like "refuse" when your actual experience is different. That would be pretense.

I guess it all depends on what kind of biographical story we carry around in our hearts. According to Heavenletters, that story never really happened as there is no time, thus no past, no future. But our stories feel very real to us nevertheless, and to the extent they do, we will be under their spell, a spell that is not broken by reason. But some day there will be a Heavenletter that simply finishes you off, simply breaks that spell. That's because they are love turned into words, words subtly attuned to our true needs. Nothing less will ever do for any of us. But we will learn to do just that for ourselves and each other, it's promised.

So what would a letter from heaven say to Robbie now? I don't know, of course I don't. But I imagine it saying, I would love to hear it say: "Robbie, it's all right to feel the way you do. The way life seems to have taught you to view the world and itself and yourself and your fate, what else can you feel? Yet you may have had inklings that it's not the most practical, not the most fulfilling way of seeing things. If that is so, just turn do Me which is turning to your Self, those upper reaches of the river of yourself that are not currently seen by your myopic vision. Don't be mad at Me saying 'myopic'. Close those eyes, just for a moment, to everything you normally see and think, listen to Me. Do it again tomorrow, this turning away from everything known for a God-moment. You will learn to entrust yourself to Me, and to that degree the urgency of your plight will become less painful. Fulfillment is your's already, now you will, just like everyone, learn to adapt your gaze to it. Long for it but leave it to Me."

The words I say are for

The words I say to Robbie are really for me. I look for in myself what I hear from Robbie and I speak to Robbie words that feel meaningful to me. What do I need to hear I ask myself? What actually touches me right now? As I use the word refuse, it is in recognition that I sometimes do feel cheated and I endeavor to punish the world for it. In the end the frustration of vanquishing the darkness is my own. I've tried many times and to the extent that I don't completely know what I'm doing, which I don't, I am likely to do it again. Eventually I become so frustrated I give up, and in those moments of giving up what isn't working so well the door in my heart cracks open. Yesterday throughout the day I liked seeing that in the middle of all my struggles and all the perplexities of life, that I can open up to receiving this brightness right now. There is nothing that needs straightening out first.

In the end everything leads to truth. Many times in my life people I trusted have spoken words that felt helpful at the time, and in following them as fully as I could, I discovered a deeper truth. I love my innocence and naivety. I love that in throwing myself into anything fully, all things lead me to a deeper understanding. Whole heartedness has served me far more than scepticism. The truth is we cannot be completely deceived and any thought that causes us to look a little deeper into ourselves will bring us closer to the truth that can only be found there.

Isn't it wonderful that you don't have to be quite so careful with me, and I don't have to be quite so careful with you? I can't deceive you and I know it. Even if I mislead you and you fully believed me you'd find out for yourself that what actually doesn't work actually doesn't work. But then who would mislead you but someone who is already mislead? And by finding the truth in yourself, you are helping me to find the truth in myself. And for that I can be only grateful!

Beloved SB, you reveal so

Beloved SB, you reveal so well God's answers. Yes let's listen to what God says.

I like how you think!

Of course, God also tells us to go for what we want!

SB, who are you? Do I know you?

But its all very confusing

But its all very confusing and misleading,
On heaven letters, God tells me "Dream big" "Dream bigger" and "What you think is your destiny is only the tip of the iceburg" "You are ment for more than you allready think" ... Things like that, Which confuse me because my dreams are too big to be true as it is..

Heavenletters/ God, Says i am to shape my own future, But i would really prefer it to be in his hands, Much safer him guiding me than myself, I feel if i am to shape my own future with my pessimist ways of thinking hell will break loose, I really wish he would direct me on a happy and safe path..

But thanks everyone for your input..

Your welcome Robbie! I

Your welcome Robbie!
I believe, God in Heavenletters invites us, to have big dreams, the bigger, the better. This should never be wrong -- my dream is to life Heaven on earth. Too big? I don't mind. I have my struggles like pessimism and other things with myself too, we all have them in our lifes. To open my heart instead of my thinking mind, started the change to trust in my life.
A thouthand blessings!

In a few words, Uta, you

In a few words, Uta, you express mountains.

Heavenletters/ God, Says i

Heavenletters/ God, Says i am to shape my own future, But i would really prefer it to be in his hands, Much safer him guiding me than myself, I feel if i am to shape my own future with my pessimist ways of thinking hell will break loose, I really wish he would direct me on a happy and safe path..

God wouldn't put in your hands what is beyond you to manage. That would be an act of cruelty, and God isn't cruel. The question of how to shape your future is a big one, and pessimistic ways of thinking do work, just not very well. What would be deceptive is if God taught you that you were powerless when you are not. If God intervened between your thoughts and their effects, he would be doing you a great disservice.

Rather he granted you the exact remedy that you need. You have the ability to discern the effect of a direction of thought before you think in that direction. Some thoughts reflect back a clear sense that you ought think no further in this direction. Other thoughts reflect to you a warmth and peace that feels wonderful to you.

In my experience, the choice was to think as God would have me think. For a while the result was mostly not following directions of thought that felt bad to me. I could tell what thoughts felt painful, and I could choose not to go in that direction. Occasionally someone would speak to me words that felt uplifting, or I'd read them in a book, or while writing something would occur to me and a burden I'd been carrying would be addressed, and I'd feel myself able to let go of something I hadn't noticed I'd been carrying.

It does take effort. After a while my mind slowly started to change. Thoughts that felt painful started showing up less, and thoughts that felt beautiful started showing up more. It required some consistency, but eventually a new pattern began to form. The real question is what was I looking for? I used to get really excited when I found flaws in everything around me, I had little use for seeing the beauty in things, because I could not add this to my arsenal of evidence. Beautiful thoughts were useless as evidence against those I blamed for my suffering. But as I started to notice the beauty and splendor of beautiful thoughts, as I recognized their tremendous value to me, I changed what I was looking for. Your mind generates the thoughts that you respond to the most.

God also tells us not to be

God also tells us not to be attached to outcomes. If we wait to be certain that a dream will come true before we dream -- well, if you doubt what is in your heart, how is it going to come true. Dream your dreams. That's it. No need to hassle about them.

Letting go

Actually Robbie I think u have it right........our dreams our making it happen are the error. We are supposed to reach your conclusion.....ie we can t do it alone, it's unmanageable, and we have to put it all in gods hands. No need to add nuances or subtleties youre there, u got it. You are not responsible for any of it. It's al in gods hands. Your helplessness has saved you. Egoes want us to make it a project, to achieve something. Go with your helplessness. You are the teacher here.

I feel the same when I read

I feel the same when I read Robbie's words of wanting God to direct his life. Who wouldn't want their life in perfectly safe hands? I like your suggestion that there is no need to add nuances or subtleties. Robbie expresses such a beautiful message so clearly and succinctly. Sometimes I want to look for nuances and subtleties, thanks for helping me to see that a beautiful message such as Robbie's can get a complete message across without needing to add anything to it.

Burt, good to hear from

Burt, good to hear from you.

You know what? God says that everyone is right from his point of view!

He also would tell Robbie to take responsibility for himself and get out of the past and think differently. Feelings follow our thoughts!

I'm confused, because all

I'm confused, because all signs say things which no longer seem possible to me, it allways seemed true but things are past their expiration date.

It is your choice, wether to

It is your choice, wether to believe in these signs you mention or not.
I studied astrology for a long time now. Actually I am not interested in signs and dates. What interests me is to learn more about me and for what reason I live this life on earth.

Robbie, it's okay to be

Robbie, it's okay to be confused. God in Heavenletters seems to have a high regard for those who don't think they know everything.

Why would god give me signs

Why would god give me signs to something not true ?

When you spoke of signs

When you spoke of signs before I focused on dreams, because I assumed signs meant less to you then the dreams the signs guarantee will be fulfilled. But then as you mention signs again, perhaps you are seeing signs as more than just a means for accomplishing dreams, but a way for you to know there is an order to this life beyond what you see.

I am curious what feels more important to you, that your biggest dreams can come true? or that as you learn to clearly interpret signs such as those found in Astrology a beautiful pattern emerges that brings a sense of rhyme and reason to the apparent chaos of life?

Of the two, dreams seem possibly misleading because they haven't fully satisfied me yet. But a desire to see an order to things and experiencing that order in a way that is real to me is bringing me to a place of trusting that my life is directed beyond my ability to completely understand at this moment. I want to see that I am known, and that I am not an insignificant byproduct but rather an essential part of the beautiful and loving work of a beautiful and loving creator.

As you find what you seek, so am I. An entire world benefits by the sincerity of your seeking and your unwillingness to be satisfied by anything less than your recognizing exactly what you are looking for.

Everytime I experienced to

Everytime I experienced to listen to Gods words, it was always something true. Even if I was not sure about it at that time. How do you know it is God? Love, Uta

God bless you, Uta. You keep

God bless you, Uta. You keep coming back to God.

Sometimes we are so eager we

Robbie, sometimes we are so eager we misinterpret.

In any case, we are responsible for ourselves.


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