Ideas vs. Energy

God said:

Why not be happy? If you would prefer to be happy rather than unhappy, what do you allow to hold you back from being happy? Contrary to what you may have thought, it is not what happens to you from the outside that holds you back. Rather, your happiness and unhappiness depend upon a rating you place on what seems to happen outside you. You rate what occurs outside, and, according to your rating, you decide you are happy or unhappy or angry or content and so on.  
Of course, the energy that seems to come at you plays a part. It ticks you off, or it pleases you. You, however, think that what occurs is a cause. Yet, you must see that you, the same you, feels good energy when someone brings you food. If someone took away your food while you were still hungry, your energy would deflate. Too often you see energy coming at you as the cause. Beloveds, We are talking about your energy, your reactive energy that comes at you.
So, yes, there are ideas, and there is energy. We could say that hot and cold are ideas, yet in the arctic areas, you would shiver, and in the tropics, you would perspire. No one would say that there is no difference between hot and cold. Hot and cold, sweltering and freezing may be concepts and, yes, in the world, these concepts have their physical counterparts in what is called reality.
Yet, there are concepts that everyone understands and not everyone really grasps. Death is considered a reality. So far as the body goes, death is definitely a reality. Yet the concept of death is blatantly untrue when it comes to the essence of you which never ever can possibly die. Souls do not die. Souls are not removed. Therefore, there is no death.
What you see may not be what is.
One person loves a movie that another walks out on. Is the movie good or not? It is as you perceive it.
By the same token, there are many who look at the world as devastating. Some may blame governments for their force, for instance, and the protestors use the very same energy they protest that the government displays. If you want to strengthen oppression, keep thinking about negative current events, for so you uphold them. Look closer to home, beloveds. Do not oppress yourself with your ideas.
And there are those who rampantly see the beauty of the world and, so, they expand the beauty. They may be artists or composers, or they may be what are called ordinary folk.
By and large, My children feel one way one time and another way another time. Most likely, you fall into this bunch.
Since these are all ideas, ideas can change, and you can change your ideas. Realistically, you can. You can be supportive of what you want to be supportive of. Often, beloveds, you proclaim what you exclaim. Pro or con, you are saying, “Look!” You turn your attention and the attention of others to where your attention is. “Look,” you say, “it’s Superman,” and everyone looks up at Superman.
And if you say, “Look at this catastrophe,” everyone looks at where you point. Give thought to what you point to. You are responsible for your thoughts, and you are responsible for the messages you send. There are heavy thoughts, and there are thoughts that are light and lighted as well. Choose your thoughts. You have some say over what you fill your mind with and what you share with others. The world you live in is as you see it.
The world may be difficult. However, you don’t have to imprison yourself in your concept of the world. Your mind is free whatever regulations there may be. You do not have to accept the consciousness of the world. You can rise higher. You can lift the world to the height you are at. You can also put down the world in your thoughts, and you can also pull down others’ thoughts. You have a choice, beloveds. What are you going to point out? What ideas and tone in the world do you promote? What upliftment do you want to give to the world hungry for upliftment?

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Well, dear God, here is

Well, dear God, here is something that uplifts me:

Where new subscribers have come from, January 27, 2014 -- February 10, 2014

Where a new subscriber comes from does not tell the whole story. For instance, from Japan, in this batch of new subscribers, comes a subscriber to Spanish, and another new Spanish subscriber comes from Oregon in the U.S.

From Saint Kitts, comes a subscriber to Italian.

From Belgium come French and Dutch subscribers and subscribers to English Heavenletters.

From Korea come 3 new subscribers to English Heavenletters. The world really is becoming One. Incidentally, a subscriber from Korea has been sending the largest regular donation to Heavenletters every month for quite a while. What a wonderful world. There are all possibilities, and God does provide, and we do not know where everything will lead.

As you will see from the new international subscribers, we have many subscribers from many countries. Heavenletters truly go all over the world.

New Subscribers from International Countries who have recently subscribed:

Papua New Guinea
South Africa
St. Kitts

And from International English Speaking Countries, new subscribers come.

New Zealand
United Kingdom

New subscribers came recently from these U.S. States:

New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
Washington, D.C.

Some side notes:

When there are six new subscribers from the Netherlands and five from France in less than two weeks, I do mention it.

Interestingly, we now have two active Hollywood actors. The newest subscriber is Eric Henry. I will do a blog about Eric as soon as I can.

Carla-Rae Holland is our first Hollywood actor, and she already has had a blog or two.

Oh, yes, my eyes still light up at Hollywood! And this is one of those times when I crave that I already knew how to post photos on this forum. I will post their photos on the blog however. Look here.

More about Translators

We recently have a new Portuguese translator for 155+ Portuguese subscribers who have long been without Heavenletters in their native language. The new Portuguese translator is Nelia from Brazil, and she is cooking up a storm. Anais and Philippe have joined Normand as French translators. A news flash just came in that Adela from Paraquay, the country called the Heart of South America, is joining the Translator Team as a Spanish subscriber. Welcome!

Carmen A. volunteered to translate Heavenletters into Spanish, and there are a few other applicants brewing. Carmen, for some unknown reason, your email which reached us, and which we replied to gets bounced from that same email address. Please give us another email address so we can reach you!

We are always looking for more translators of all languages. We would be delighted to have you apply. All translators are volunteers, and we have the best translators in the world. For no amount of money could we find better. The translators that translate Heavenletters -- their hearts are fully into it. They know they are giving a great gift, and they also know that they receive a great spiritual gift as well.

Welcome to all new Heavensubscribers and new Global Translators and resounding applause for all the translators who have been serving year after year. Muchas gracias.


Muchas gracias indeed!

Hi all, I just want to add my thank yous to all the global translators (and tech angels too)
Thank yous to you all for all that you do!!
~ Adam

Thank you to our wonderful translators!

Just wanted to jump in here and say thank you to all our wonderful translators. My appreciation for all the various languages has only deepened over the years since I discovered Il Divo. For those of you who may not know of these marvelous musical men, they are a combination of classical and the popular. Anywho! They sing in many languages, and that is how I was able to make a deeper connection with the way humans communicate. Just like in my response to Il Divo, the translators are enabling a deeper connection to the One Heart of Humanity.

I like your post, Nancy!

I like your post, Nancy!

I love your sentiments and

I love your sentiments and your graphics!

Translating and especially

Translating and especially translating Heavenletters is certainly a gift that as translators we want to share with potential and actual readers of as many languages as possible.

Giving foreign readers the possibility to enjoy Heavenletters as much as we do because we understand English is a reward in itself.

Why not be happy?

If you would prefer to be happy rather than unhappy, what do you allow to hold you back from being happy?
Contrary to what you may have thought, it is not what happens to you from the outside that holds you back.

Rather, your happiness and unhappiness depend upon a rating you place on what seems to happen outside you.
You rate what occurs outside, and, according to your rating, you decide you are happy or unhappy or angry or content and so on.

One person loves a movie that another walks out on. Is the movie good or not?
It is as you perceive it.

By the same token, there are many who look at the world as devastating. Some may blame governments for their force, for instance, and the protestors use the very same energy they protest that the government displays.
If you want to strengthen oppression, keep thinking about negative current events, for so you uphold them. Look closer to home, beloveds. Do not oppress yourself with your ideas.

And if you say, “Look at this catastrophe,” everyone looks at where you point.
Give thought to what you point to. You are responsible for your thoughts, and you are responsible for the messages you send.

There are heavy thoughts, and there are thoughts that are light and lighted as well.
Choose your thoughts.

You have some say over what you fill your mind with and what you share with others.
The world you live in is as you see it.

The world may be difficult. However, you don’t have to imprison yourself in your concept of the world. Your mind is free whatever regulations there may be.
You do not have to accept the consciousness of the world. You can rise higher. You can lift the world to the height you are at.

You can also put down the world in your thoughts, and you can also pull down others’ thoughts.
You have a choice, beloveds. What are you going to point out? What ideas and tone in the world do you promote? What upliftment do you want to give to the world hungry for upliftment?

Beloved Creator, nothing would make me happier than to help spread the knowledge and experential joy of your constant, unconditional love, everywhere to everyone and everything.

Thank you God ♡ Let's make it so! ~ Adam

You are spreading the

You are spreading the message, Adam!

Why not to be happy

Why not to be happy with such a great translation team? It not only wonderful that Heavenletters are being translated into so many languages, but also that in some cases (in my case f. e.) other translators' jobs help me improve my own translations. Translating is also like a personal chat between me and God.

And, of course, the best reward is to know that Heavenletters are reaching hundreds of hearts

Thanks dear translators. Thanks dear readers

Jaime Rendón
(Spanish translator)

Jaime, and how beautifully

Jaime, and how beautifully you also express yourself in English!

Thank you Jaime!

"And, of course, the best reward is to know that Heavenletters are reaching hundreds of hearts"


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