Human Vision

God said:

It is all misunderstanding. Misunderstanding is lack of understanding. Whenever there is harmony gone amok, there is lack of understanding which becomes misunderstanding. Lack of understanding is misunderstanding. Ultimately, lack of understanding - perhaps partial understanding - builds suffering. Seeing only part of the picture, you suffer. Not knowing the whole story, you falter and land in suffering.

You have seen this in common life. You interpreted something one way. It was intended another way. Two people see the same act. One sees it as love, and another sees it as a disavowal of love. Each to his own applies to interpretations, beloveds. And now you aspire to come to My view of the little acts in the world. As you do, you take the whole gamut less personally. Seeing less personally, you see more universally. Universal covers a greater territory than personal. For Me, they are the same. I love you personally, and My personal love for you is also universal love for you and all that is.

You may debate. You may say that pain is pain. Yet how much less painful you perceive even pain when you know there is something larger than pain going on. What seems purposeless for you may have great purpose beyond your understanding. Most assuredly, beyond your understanding.

I am not talking in riddles. A person is born, and a person dies. You can look at life in one way and view it as purposeless. Viewed in another way, you would bow down to it. All is temporary in the relative plane of life, and yet there is a stream that runs through life that elevates it to the Highest Heaven. You know deeply that there is more to life than meets the eye. Even when you don't know what it is, you know there is something. You don't know what the something is, yet you know it is there.

It is hard to reconcile life in the day to day with Eternity. It is hard to see even a minute as a dot of Eternity. It is hard to see that Eternity is dot-less even though you know the dots very well and, seemingly, Eternity not at all. Beloveds, when time and space do not exist, how can you possibly know what a day is and which end is up?

Without walls to guide you, you fear you will stumble. With walls, you walk a narrow path.

The name of the game of life is expansion, and expansion carries itself to unboundedness.

Heretofore, you have been bounded by ideas of what you think someone meant or what anything means. All your definitions are of the past, as if holding to past definitions somehow wraps you in swaddling cloth. You need no swaddling. You don't even like it around you when you recognize it for what it is. You would love unboundedness if you recognized it. Your fear of falling is your fear of rising. You stoop so your head will not go through the ceiling. Yet how far can unboundedness go when you have a ceiling? The ceilings you construct lop off unboundedness.

You have decided what is right and what is wrong, and you will only let in your idea of what is right, and you will keep out whatever your idea of wrongness is, and so you hold on tightly to the past and your shortsightedness of it, and so your life is bound in heaps of the past.

Let go of the past in all its forms, and you will be innocent. Your eyes will be wider, and you will see further. You will well see what is right in front of you, undisguised by misunderstanding and, therefore, lack of understanding. You will see yourself before you, fresh as a daisy or as sweet as a rosebud from Heaven. You will understand love once and for all, even human love, faltering or flying.

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Let go of the past in all

Let go of the past in all its forms, and you will be innocent.

I begin this day as a newborn...seeing the world for the first time...I am in awe of hearing the wind howl and the branches - the arms of God - bow and bend...they are so flexible yet they have firm roots so they will not topple over. I hear a bird's song singing so sweetly drowning out the din of the can one sweet sound pierce the garbled noise of the world? It is the sweet sound of God. I see tiny buds on the barren branches..the leaves from last fall are doingg a dance in God's breath. The sky is a color that no artist can mix on the pallette and the wisp of a cloud looks like cotton in the sky. There are wires which go from my house to the utility pole but my eye is drawn beyond that ... up, up, up....

Hi Mary...Thank you for

Hi Mary...Thank you for shedding and sharing the light and love from your sunshine... with all of us! Jimi

I appreciate this letter so

I appreciate this letter so much today, it was just what I needed to hear in this moment. Thank You.

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said Beloveds
Come to My view of the world
Life is expansion

Love, Light and Aloha!