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Home is You - Right Now...

The following words are from Mary McGovern a neo-Advaitist from her web site: Grace is Now.

Home Is You - Right Now
Everything you've ever wished for...
Everything you've wanted to become...
Every goal, every dream you've had or worked toward...
Every moment that you anticipated with excited impatience,
expecting a delight...
Every time you did your best to love, to forgive, to "be a better person"...
Every beautiful sight, sound, or touch you've experienced...all of it..

All the progress you've made....simply to arrive nowhere, to realize that you are that which you seek, more alive and precious than anything a mind could imagine...
You are THAT, you are HERE, you are NOW...
There is absolutely nothing to do, nowhere to can only be YOU, you cannot be anything or anywhere else.

There is nothing better than THIS! There is nothing better than YOU, here, right now.
It's all just here - nowhere else, no other time - now, now now....YOU. This is It.
Before the next breath, YOU are here. Before the next thought, YOU are here. In order to even seek, YOU must be present. See that the search for your own True Self cannot even occur without the presence of your own True Self! There is no way out of This - you can't "move" in thought or action without bumping into YOURSELF....what a relief! You are home....home is you.....and not in some "future" time when "something" happens. No, you are THAT, right now, only now.

Yes, Jim, this does not

Yes, Jim, this does not sound very far from what we hear in Heavenletters:

Now, even as I say that you walk a path, you are the Stillness that does not walk anywhere. You have already arrived at your destined Destination. You never left it, beloveds. You are journeying to where you never left and already are. And yet this is a mighty purpose in your life — to find yourself where you never left, to discover that you can't go anywhere because you never left AND, all the while, there is nowhere to go anyway!
You ride a silent elevator. You are wafted on the wind. You await yourself in Heaven while you frolic on Earth.
Feel how beautiful this is. Feel your Oneness with Me and with Heaven and everyone. As you do, you who are Stillness, expand into the Vastness of Nothingness, and you rise even higher. Think of all you receive and all you give.
Beloveds, even in this illusory world on Earth, there is no place you have not been. There are no shoes you have not walked in. There is no heart that hasn't touched yours. There is no joy or woe that hasn't entered your heart. There is nothing in all of Heaven and all of Earth that is not yours. All there is has been lodged in your heart. You are a throb of everyone's heartbeat.
What anyone has experienced, you have experienced. There is no getting away from this. You are every cry on Earth, and you are every laugh. There is nothing known or unknown in the Universe that is not yours.