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Hi translators!!

I have a question in the letter #5434

It´s in this paragraph:

"This is interaction. This is calm. This is love. Participate in your child’s world. As you treat your child, so will the child treat you. This is not catering to the child. To cater to your child is an offense. Do you see this? Catering to your child may be for your ease. It may be foisting away your responsibility."

And what i would like is if someone could help me to find another word for cater and catering... The translation says that it is to serve, to provide, to attend... maybe it is correct but i can´t see why it is to serve a child a bad thing, if God says that we´re suppose to serve the world.

So i would like if someone could help me.

Thank you

Be Fun for Your Children to Be With
Heavenletter #5434 Published on: October 10, 2015

This Heavenletter has not been published yet
God said:
Fun is not a flighty unimportant part of life. It is an essential part of life. Children are supposed to have fun. Life is supposed to be fun. As it is, children are sometimes chastised for having fun as if the purpose of your raising your child is to squelch them.

If I were to give advice to parents, I would say:

Have fun with your children. You, the parent, have a good time. This is an exquisite time with your child. It will not come again.

This is a double-whammy, because as you have fun, you ensure that your children do.

When you and your child have fun together, you are raising your child well. You don’t need to think so sternly about raising your children. When your children have fun and enjoy with you, you are raising your children well. They will listen to you and respect you and, in turn, be loving and gracious to you and to everyone.

You are introducing your children to the world. Make the world a friendly place for your children, and they will know friendliness.

You are not spoiling your child by allowing him happiness.

As a parent, you need to get away from the idea that your child has to perform as the best behaved child at home or away. You are not spoiling your child by accepting and loving him. This is not letting your child go wild. Give your child the freedom to be happy.

When your child reaches out from his stroller to touch everything in the supermarket, you don’t have to say a big NO to him. Name the items he reaches out to touch. As you move on, tell him the names of what he sees. He can point, and you can name. Later you can reciprocate. You can point, and he can name.

When it comes to the hot stove which your child must not touch, instead of saying No, say, Hot. When it comes to crossing the street, hold your child’s hand and say: "This is how we cross the street."

This is interaction. This is calm. This is love. Participate in your child’s world. As you treat your child, so will the child treat you. This is not catering to the child. To cater to your child is an offense. Do you see this? Catering to your child may be for your ease. It may be foisting away your responsibility.

Look, get away from the idea that you have to be a perfect parent. Get away from the idea that you have to have a perfect child.

Engage your child as you go along in life together. Engage. You have experience in life. Your child does not. Your aim is not to subdue your child. Your aim is educate your child into happiness and how to get along in the world. Let your child learn and have fun. Fun is one of the greatest gifts you can give your child.

And you will be happy to be in the company of your child as he is in yours. Teaching is not discipline. It is sharing. You and your child can also share peace and quiet. Your child is always asking you to kindly introduce him to the world and its ways.

Think more about love and less about rules and less about perfection. You can raise a child in the way he should go without being bossy or overbearing. The opposite of overbearing is not lenient - yet why would you argue with a young child? Raising your child is not meant to be a battle. It is not a military action. It is meant to be love in the highest sense. Raising your child is not intended to show off your parenting skills in your neighborhood. "This way, puppy," is what you say when you want your very young child to come with you.

It is for you to encourage your child’s imagination.

Make it a pleasure to be in the company of your child. Make it a pleasure for your child to be in your company.

Dear dear Nuno, I see your

Dear dear Nuno, I see your point.

I believe God means: OVER-cater. The mother, perhaps, who gives her child a lollipop because she is overwrought and wants a moment's peace. My statement is not meant to knock the mother. It would, perhaps, be more worthwhile for the mother to put the child on her lap and tell him a story. When the mother gives the child the 10th lollipop, she isn't thinking of the child's welfare but perhaps her own.

Now what to do?

What if we say over-cater to the child? Would this change make the Heavenletter more understandable and truthful to you? We could substitute the word spoil as well. We all have our own connotations of cater and spoil in the relative word.

What do you think? What does anyone think?


Yes Gloria in that way i understand... That sounds better. It sure is in that sense that God is speaking.

Regarding the word spoiled i understand and i think there is no need to change it as i see it.

Thank you bery much Gloria!!!

Love Nuno

there are more connotations

Dear Nuno,

there are more connotations of "to cater to" - please see, it is not "to cater" but to "to cater to" - ... for instance look here ...

I think, mother-tongue speakers will reveal more, while reading your question..

The word origine is more like the origin of the stems of other words like "to capture", like "capable" etc, than from "to bring sb. sth." or from "to provide sb. with sth." ....
>>perhaps from Vulgar Latin *accaptare, from Latin ad- "to" + captare "to take, hold," frequentative of capere "to take" (see capable".<<

In love,

P.S. I am seeing right now, Gloria and I worked on the answer at the same time.

Dear Theophil, the list of

Dear Theophil, the list of synonyms you pointed to are so helpful.

I particularly appreciated coddle, overindulge, and pamper.

The thing is that these words are relative and not everyone would agree as to what is coddling and what is love.

Theophil, do you mean you had the same question to work on as Nuno did?

In that case, my feeling is to change cater to to one of the synonyms you found that may be more easily understood in the first place.

Thank you for your help!

the same question

Dear Gloria, I am quite sure that I worked on the same question as Nuno did.

Yes, that is right, one of these synonyms are perhaps more easiliy understood in the first place. Let me smile a little bit ... is there not a right of the one word which is taken in the first place? Isn't it, that "to cater to" has something in your mother tongue (as we say it in German)? Doesn't it have une couleur spéciale?


Ach, this is always the

Ach, this is always the question!

We don't do everything for ease and clarity. We don't, if I may say, cater to clarity at the drop of a hat. You are giving me an opportunity to say more of what I surmise the process of Godwriting is.

If you or anyone were to hear God whisper in your ear at the same time as I do, you would hear God speak in the beautiful German language. God speaks at a deeper level than speech. We would sense what God is saying in our particular language. It is God Who is speaking, yet we would be picking up and picking out God's words in our language. I mean, we would hear the word we hear. We don't debate about it while we are Godwriting. It is in a case like this where we are proofing a Heavenletter that we question a particular word in terms of its usefulness to a reader. It's okay for a reader not to be absolutely clear in his interpretations - I for one do not grasp the DNA passages -- and it doesn't seem to matter if I do or don't -- yet, in a case like this, where a word might misdirect a reader, and there is a valid reason to change that word, then I think it is a responsibility to change it.

If someone who is a native English speaker were Godwriting at the particular moment I am, he might pick up a different word with the same meaning. We would both be true to Godwriting, yet we "hear" the word we hear. Of course, Godwriting isn't a science. I believe it is considered telepathic. We do our best to be true to God's intent.. You may be sure I have wrestled with this issue.

When we are Godwriting, we write as fast as we can. This is necessary so that we get away from thinking. We are listening, not thinking. If we're thinking or weighing something, we would be Godwriting.

I will tell you something else. God doesn't let me change a word unless it's fine with Him! If He prefers not, it's like He stops my hand and doesn't let me. .

I can't wait until we have an online and interactive Godwriting workshop, and translators and administrators who are eager to learn Godwriting -- we can do it simply without all the travel and arrangements. We will have to try it out. I am certain that God can do it.

Now I will see about what God okays in English -- coddle, pamper, or over-indulge.

I love to talk about Godwriting. Thanks for listening. .

This is that paragraph as it

This is that paragraph as it is now:

As you treat your child, so will the child treat you. This is not catering to or codding your child. To cater to your child is an offense. Do you see this? Catering to your child may be for your ease and may be foisting away your responsibility.


An online and interactive Godwriting workshop... that really sounds interesting and wonderful!!!!

I really enjoyed reading what you wrote about the way you hear and write what God says!!

It looks so cool!!! :)

And the way the sentence was changed looks good to me!!

Thank you

Love Nuno

Dear Gloria, Thank you so

Dear Gloria,

Thank you so very much for sharing it all with us... it really warms my heart and soul...
Excited to get to this moment we do some online interactive Godwriting workshop, as you mentioned.


Hi Teophil!!

Thank you for the link and for your explanation, it was really enlightning :)

Love Nuno

P.S. I have already add the two new German translators to our email list.

To Cater

Gloria just to be completely clarified, would it be fine to use it like this, SERVE TOO MUCH in portuguese of course, to express what it means To cater?

For me it looks the better way to say this in portuguese, in the way i understand it.

Dear Translator, you are the

Dear Translator, you are the decider of this. You are not taking liberties, dear friend. You have all the information you need. You know Portuguese. This is your choice. It sounds like a great choice, Nuno, yet you are the decider.

A thousand blessings!


Ok Gloria!!! :)
thank you for your support!!

Love Nuno