Here's Heaven

God said:

I AM forever, and yet I bequeath to you. I bequeath Immortality to you, and I bequeath you the temporal world. I surround you with a body, and I tell you to enter the world and make it wonderful. For what other reason would I send you to Earth?

Will you keep it in mind that you are to be a blessing to the world?

It is not that you are to appease the world. You are to love it, appreciate it, tend to it. It is your garden, after all. If you have to bend down and pick up the world, bend down and pick up the world. In so doing, you pick up your own heart. For all intents and purposes, beloveds, you live in the garden of your own heart.

The world is innocent. It is of your making. Whatever the world has been, it doesn’t have to stay the same. It is not true that the world was created in seven days. The world is always in process of being created. You are creating it now. At the very least, be a balm to the world.

Of course, I laid out the ingredients of the world in no time at all. Where I exist, time does not exist. Seven days or seven seconds or seven eons is the same to Me. Where I AM, time doesn’t march on. And yet there are generations of you, one after the other. You are the generation to succor the world. You are the ones turning the world over carefully in your hands and blowing it kisses. You are the lifters of the world.

Lift yourselves, beloveds. Lift your spirits, and you breathe love and life into the world.

The world is not a static thing. The world is in process of revealing its holiness, just as you are. The world doesn’t know its magnificence any more than you know your own.

In the past, the world has taught you to modify yourself to fit into the world. And now you will modify the world, expand it, bring it to its senses, all because you love it. Love the world, and it will reproduce your love. The world will stop stiffening, and it will bend, and as the world bends, it grows bigger. Bend and grow. The world is becoming a softer clay. It is becoming much less stiff-backed and much more amenable.

The world loves you, only it hasn’t quite known how to show you its love. The world has been more like an awkward teenager who sputters and stammers when he first falls in love and doesn’t how to express himself. And so you will help the world learn to express its love by expressing yours. You are the model for the world. You are its spokesperson. You are introducing the world to itself. You are painting a picture of the world. Take a bigger canvas. Make your picture really big.

Go within. With every breath, expand the world. With every word, expand the world. Will you please take responsibility for the world? Don’t go into its history. Breathe new life into it.

The world does not complain, beloveds. The world doesn’t say to you: “Light me up.” It doesn’t know how to ask you. It knows only to keep rotating. Without being asked, light up the world with your love. Fasten the world to your heart, and carry it as a banner. Hold it proudly. Proclaim your love for it. Hold hands with it. Become engaged. Join hands with the world, and introduce it to Heaven. Say, “See, here’s Heaven. This is what it looks like. This is what you are growing to.”

Read Comments

you are the ones

"You are the generation to succor the world...Will you please take responsibility for the world? " It takes my breath away to think of this honour, I have been chosen, you who read have been chosen to lead the greatest adventure. Is it conceivable? Yes, to me, it is. Then, if I really believe it, what am I doing still embeded in my little life and circumstances and figures around me, am I fool to lose my precious time in all those meaningless details? Yes, I must be fool or I do not believe a word of what You say. There is no other excuse!

a word of disagreement

Emilia, dear, we seem to disagree, but not on our taking responsiblity for the world. Nor about our being honored and chosen to embark on a great adventure.

I know you from your comments and I know your life and circumstances are not "little." Nor are you a "fool." Nor are you wasting time "on meaningless details."

You are already succoring the world, hon. You grace us with your words frequently. Grateful for your voice on these forums.......Chuck

Equally grateful for Emilia,

Equally grateful for Emilia, and Chuck, is Jochen


I wish I had more "words of disagreement" like those you have adressed to me, dearest Chuck! I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Knowing that maybe I am already succoring the world moves me to tears. You know, all my life I have been waiting for something great to accomplish and I didn't know what. Now I cannot miss this "only opportunity" , as a matter of fact I am not much interested in anything else. Thank you again, also to you dearest Jochen, and I return to you both my greatest appreciation. We are not alone.

Breathe into it...

God is Love and so am I. I breathe Love to the world by doing all things with the Love of My Father and He and I are the Co-Creators of this "New Earth" we dream of having. I am ready and willing and Our Father is showing us the Way to accomplishment.
Thank-You for Your LOVE and Your gift of Grace that enables me to do and be as Your Son, heir to the Throne.

GOD BLESS each and ALL!

I thouroughly enjoyed that!!

I thouroughly enjoyed that!! Thankyou,


we do our best what we can whith your help,
im appriceate to you , you give as breath of this world
you give as a sound to express the wolrd of your love,
you give as feet to walk to this earth to spreing your love,
pleace God help as to expand of your ligth to the world,
and thank God to let as know, you sorround as in our body,
love ligth,,

2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said love the world
You are creating it now
Make it wonderful

God said tend to it
Be a blessing to the Earth
It is your garden

Love, Light and Aloha!


I had forgotten this somehow. I have had moments when it has been absolutely clear to me that we are here to usher in the awareness of Garden of Eden so that ALL may know Heaven.

In these past days I have been getting into some teachers teaching about realising The Self, and one of them was talking about being liberated and escaping the world of birth & death. Samsara they call it. It is something about this idea that makes me feel uneasy.

What if the world is not at all what we have thought? What if there is nothing to escape? What if I am not put here against my own will? What if I actually WANTED to come here with all my heart? That feels true.

Then this voice creeps in and it is telling me that I might be missing out on true freedom, and the Highest Truth. That somehow these teachers know something that I don't.

Can we honestly even say that there is such a thing as death and birth? If You are I, then I have never ever been born, and I have never died, and I am beyond even the idea of lifetimes. Even the word has "time" in it, but there is no time.

Guide me to clarity, God. I want to see it as You do, it doesn't actually matter what some guru says. I can learn from all, but in the end, the only thing that matters is Truth.

Aren't We here to enjoy and spread joy while being aware of Our Eternal Nature? Aren't We free already?


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