Heaven Sutras 2009 - Selected Heavenletter quotes in a printer friendly pdf calendar

There are four high quality print versions of the pdf calendars available. Please click the links for descriptions on each and to download.
Heaven Sutras™ 2009 Calendar - Rolodex with top border background
Heaven Sutras™ 2009 Calendar - Booklet with left border background
Heaven Sutras™ 2009 Calendar - Rolodex
Heaven Sutras™ 2009 Calendar - Booklet
Printing help/guide
Each calendar contains a daily moon phase indicator and astronomical events for the year. 6 days fit into a US Letter or A4 page. There are 64 pages in total. There is blank space below most sutras and the reverse side of each day is blank, making the booklet version an ideal journal. Using a good quality cardboard for the covers and some creativity, this may form into a beautiful gift.
Please post your pictures here:http://www.heavenletters.org/show-us-your-calendar-photos-13991.html
Here's a video with selected calendar quotes and music composition from Mary Hession: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SneTpFoyzzg
We'd love to know what you think about the calendar. Will you post a comment below the calendar page that you like? Tell your friends!
*You will find a short guide on how to print on the last link. After clicking the download link, a new window will pop up and will either load the calendar in your browser or ask you for a "save to" location. If your computer loads the calendar into your browser, save it to your computer by clicking on File-> Save as/Save Page as.