Happy New Year from God

God said:

Here it is. The first day of a New Year. Why, it looks like any other day. It is winter or summer. There is daybreak. There is weather, and there is a radio that announces the weather. There are clocks that tick and clocks that are silent. Where did the cuckoo clocks go?

This is a splendid New Year’s Day. It has been getting itself ready for you for Eternity. This is the year you have been waiting for. Wait for it no longer. It is here. The day you have longed for is here. It is here right now. It is a beautiful dance floor prepared for you. All you have to do is to get up and dance on it. Are you ready?

Everything is here. Everything you could possibly want is here. Everything is yours for the choosing. In fact, you have chosen this most wonderful year of your life. Yes, it is here, and you are here, and what can be wanting? This is the year that your dreams come true. Your dreams are served to you on a silver platter. Your dreams are canapés. You request them, and they are served to you. You serve them to yourself, you understand. Oh, well, yes, with a little help from Me. You have desired all the good that is to come at My urging.

Now I urge you to get up and avail yourself of the glory I have laid out for you.

It is not a scavenger hunt. All is laid out right on the table. Serve yourself. There is nothing that you cannot have except selfishness, beloveds. Selfishness, you cannot have. How to explain this? You cannot have unselfishness either. It is not an issue. How can there be selfishness or unselfishness when love rules? Giving love is the same as serving yourself. There is no better service to you or anyone. That you love is what I desire above all. That you love is My New Year’s resolution. That you love is what I have always wanted. You must have known that.

From the first moment I saw you, I knew you were the one to give love. You would be the sun that helped the world to grow and blossom and bear fruit of divers kinds. I saw you, and I knew you were good and the world was good. It is good, and now you are going to make it a world of splendorous love. You are going to polish love and make it shine. You are going to shine the world and see My face everywhere, for, of course, I am the Face of Love.

This is the New Year of God. Of course, I am the same as always, and yet this is the New Year of God. This is the year that My wishes are fulfilled. This is the year that I can sit back and leave the world to you, and I can say, “It is good.”

This is the year I can lie in a cloud and look up and look up to My heart’s content. I have asked you many times to look up at Me, and now I look up at you. I recline, and I look up at you for you are moving Heaven forward.

You are My heart’s desire, and you are the fulfiller of My every dream. My dreams are never wasted. They always come true, and you are the ones who make My dreams come true. All along, you thought it was I who was the fulfiller of dreams, and now you learn that it is you. You are the dream and you are the one who makes dreams come true.

Happy New Year.

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Happy New Year!

Hello. Happy New Year to everyone! May this new year bring much luck and many blessings to you and your families and God Bless you!

Thank you Maria, also to you

Thank you Maria, also to you best wishes for 2010.
a big hug

same to you

my dear freind Maria happy new year to,
your beateful heart and thank of your blessing

We make God's dreams come true

Beautiful Ones,

This is amazing!!!! My heart has jumped for joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for this incredible inspirational song of the heart.
Happy New Year and what a beginning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I promise you God, I will make all of your dreams come true!!!!

Eternally yours,

Jacqui sings The Song

Jacqui you lead life's Chorus with your beautiful thoughts.


"This is the year that your

"This is the year that your dreams come true. Your dreams are served to you on a silver platter. Your dreams are canapés. You request them, and they are served to you. You serve them to yourself, you understand. Oh, well, yes, with a little help from Me. You have desired all the good that is to come at My urging."

most wonderful wishes to all for a wonderful 2010 !

my sester

my dear berit happy new year to you and your famely
i wish of this year to all of as,, we are happy to in our life
love and light love and peace

Sweetest Carmen, my beloved

Sweetest Carmen, my beloved sister... to you and your loved ones my very best wishes for a new year of love and joy and all that your heart desires.
I wish I could really hug you for real !!!!!
love you so much


Hi All, Yes Let 2011 be the year we have been waiting for Thanks God for your uplift. In secret geometry 11 is a power number and 2 times 11 must be more powerful. So the love we send and reseive is more powerfull then in 2010 so let us all go for it, LOVE To All Jack

Jack's Love!!!!!

We can't help it, your love is the flavor of life.


Berit is a Dream Catcher!

Berit you help us catch our dreams. Thanks Sweet One!


roses of the garden,

dear God heaveley father,
your heavenletter it de same like a roses of the garden
we pick-up to every roses and smel in our nose and put
in to our heart and mind to remember who we are, the must
i am the dreameng to the chaildren of the world love to God
and love them self and love to eny-one that all my wishes
for meny years so be and peace to the world and love,
happy new year to every-one

dear Gloria,

happy new year you and your famely,
i want to thank God and you, of this passeng 2010
God writteng and you, and welcom of this 2011,
am so happy and love you whith all my heart you born of this earth
whith God breing the loveng heavenletter of this earth and God know
he know my heart, i wish to my self to see you and take you hand
and put in my heart it my new dream, for now in this moment
i put my imagen we sail the ship of God whith sester and brother
young and old and chaild and make the party and joy to the World,
loveng and peace love and joy love life

Gloria tells Carmen what we all think!

Our thanks to Gloria for telling Carmen what we all think and feel. Gloria does it so well.


Happy New Year

What a wonderful message and confirmation of what I am sensing this morning to be the tone of the new energies. I have had a sense that possibilities that we've been dreaming of could be ready to begin manifesting. This is in large part because we are ripening in our knowing of our Divine Connection, and partly an amazing timing we are entering into. In that sense, of course, it is all One and it is all God. I love the visualization of seeing God on a cloud, reclining like he's sunbathing at the Hilton Resort;)))

Thank you for your sharing. God Bless and Happy New Year!

Happy New Year's Day!

The New Year marks a day of accounting.

We add up what we hold, never dreaming that what we hold, holds us.

Let love wash the window of your heart so you can love fully.

Let love wash the workings of your mind so you can know who you want to be.

Let love be the workings of your intentions for this year so you can be who you are.


Take a jacuzzi with God

Good morning and God morning to all. So...I guess no more waiting...the waiting is done.. it is said and so it appears...deep within. But of course...the waiting can continue...or it certainly can appear to continue. But...what truly is the use of this?! I choose...rather...a sublime surrender into the Divinity that I AM. Yes...Relaxing into the divine...not a trace of resistance...like slipping into a jacuzzi with God...for a deep, long, lingering soak. I love jacuzzi's. God is the jacuzzi, God is the warm, steamy water...and of course, God is Love...God is always love...God is delightfully, gratefully and eternally love. I love getting a long soak from God...with God...as God...as Love.

How about you? from Jim and Jimi.

Sweetest Jim & Jimi, ya, the

Sweetest Jim & Jimi,
ya, the waiting is over.... God gently reminded me that I am all that I was searching for and so...the searching is over. God is all there is this..and there is only God...so ... I would love to feel God in a jacuzzi...I never tried....but God will see to that too I think...
I am softly and sweetly and hopelessly in love with God..I love those waves of unspeakable bliss...
loving you always


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