Golden Light Shining in the Firmament Like Stars

God said:

Everyone's heart is connected to every other heart. Hearts hold hands as children hold hands in ring-around-the-rosie. There is not one heart that is not connected to every other heart. All hearts are connected to your heart. All hearts are interconnected. When you consider that there is no time nor space, you can better see how this is so. Connections are made. They are effortless. Hearts co-exist with every other heart. Life on Earth rises and falls according to the heartbeat of all, and now heartbeats beat high notes, and love prevails.

Without time and space, every heart is attuned. There is no possible separation on any scale. If hearts are One with Mine, then all hearts are golden light shining in the firmament like stars.

How wonderful to love in Oneness. There is nothing else but Oneness. There is nothing like it.

And, yet in the world of Earth, love shining is not always visible. In this case, come back to your heart of love and let it be outstanding.

What an outcry there is for love on Earth. Love is waiting for you to claim it. Long live love.

Without love, what is there but striving and even strife? Have a heart full of love, for love surpasses all understanding, and love skips over all misunderstanding. Love knows what is real. Without love, fear and travesty have a heyday.

Although love is natural and love is your birthright, love may have to be relearned again and again. The only lesson is love. Behold love, and fill your heart with it. In the world, imperfection exists a-plenty, and, yet, the perfection of the light of love shines. Perhaps your love needs polishing or maybe not. Perhaps your love just has to come out and let the light of day shine on it. Let the sunshine of love warm your heart.

In Reality, you are a dynamo of love. In Reality, love is ignited in your heart. Your heart is full of love, and yet you may be shy with your love. You may be inhibited with your love. You may resist love and keep it back, keep it yet to be born, keep it shackled by rules and regulations. Will you free your heart and let it love fulsomely?

Now is the dawn of your love. Now there is no dismissal of love, no sunset of love, no termination, for what is love dependent on? The world may have made love a payment due when love is not about accountability. Love is to be freely given without bookkeeping or charges made. Nor is love to be a secret hoard kept for later. Love is to be rampant. There is not to be a sieve for love. Love is meant to be out there full-center, so it is known, felt, seen, without response required, and yet love poured out voluminously. Long live love.

Love is a great white steed that gallops across the frontier. Love is the prow of a ship that furrows through the ocean. There are no gaps left in the ocean. Love splashes and splashes without further ado. Love is a hearth where hearts warm themselves. Love beholds itself wherever it is from. Let love take precedence and belong to all.

Let love come center stage. Let love take over the world and declare itself, declare itself peace, joy, and harmony, and run the world, make the world divine and hearty and heard and listened to everywhere. Love is ready to be heard in every heart. The signal has been given. The flag of love has been raised. One love, One love everywhere, and love for all, and all for One.

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Extra good one today, My

Extra good one today, My Dear!!! Love you ALL!!! ~ Joy

Beloved Joy, what made this

Beloved Joy, what made this Heavenletter extra good for you?

in aour heart it onley what love is

dear God heavenley father,
today it realey relaxseng, in my mind,
i dont have to do enything just onley relaxs,
in aour heart it onley know what love is,,,