God's Very Self

God said:

Captains of Fortune, you set sail today. Every day you take a voyage. You are at the helm. Set sail for the shore you seek. Follow the stars to your destination. Follow your heart to your destination. Follow Me, for, am I not your Destination?

Is there somewhere you would rather be than with Me? Is there something else you find more entertaining than I? Is there something else that offers you the treasures I hold out to you? The treasures are right within your grasp. Hold your hand out, and I will give great treasure to you. I will give Myself to you. I will give Yourself to you.

Actually, I have done all that, only you have been a little slow on the uptake. Your mind was somewhere else. You didn't miss the opportunity. You missed the recollection of it.

In your daily life, have you not done that? Have you not put back the cover on a jar, and then wondered what you did with the cover? You didn't remember putting the cover back on the jar, but there it is. This has happened to everyone, hasn't it?

It is like this with Our Unity. I am right here centered in your heart, and you look around and say: "Where is God?"

You don't say, "Where did I leave God?" You don't say, "I had Him a minute ago." When it comes to Me, your memory is less together than even when you forget where you put a bottle cap.

You don't say, "I put God down a minute ago, and where is He now?"

You say simply, "Where is God?"

You don't say, "Where has He been?"

You simply say, "I have never seen Him. He hides from Me."

I never hide from you, and yet your eyes cannot see Me. Only your heart can know Me. And yet I am not hidden. I entered your heart long ago, and I never left. I am in your heart. I am deeply embedded in your heart. There is no way I can leave. I am inextricably in your heart.

You might say I am a silent partner, yet I am not silent. I come from Silence, yet I speak to your heart. I speak, not in words, but in love. I hug you. I nudge you. We embrace. You have the ears to hear. They are in your heart.

Come closer with your attention. You need do nothing to prepare for Me, for I have already arrived. It is this you are unaware of. I am present, and you have missed My Presence. In that case, prepare for Me. Lay down a red carpet. Anticipate Me in your awareness. Anticipate Me, and, soon you will begin to see the signs of Me. It is in your awareness that I arrive. Your awareness arrives to Me. I do not arrive. I am already here. And so it is your awareness that finds Me.

You are dazed for a moment, and then you say, "Hullo. Hullo, God. Have You been here all this time?"

I say, "Yes."

And you say, "O God, what a clunker I have been."

And then We have a good laugh together, not at your expense, but at your joy. We are enjoined in joy.

My friend, My Very Self, what shall We do now but be? My friend, My Self, what shall We do now but be One in harmony? No longer are there questions that you wrest from the soil of Earth. Now you are questionless. Your quest has been answered. You answered it. You answered the call to Oneness, and Oneness became you.

I held the door open for you as always. This time you walked in. The door stays open. Our hearts are open. There is no closing them. My prodigal son has returned.

Read Comments

When the eye meets the heart.

We feel we are limited forms because we believe that our forms are real. We perpetuate in our mind this sense of limited forms through our perception that time and space are real. Time and space are head and tail of each other. Time defines space and space defines time. Both have in common of expressing DI-STANCE which means two stances, two positions, hence apartness, separateness.

Consequently and Paradoxically, Present cannot belong to space and time since time and space always express a separation. Only past and future pertain to space and time. How can we conceive of separation in the Present? Even what our eye sees or what our ear hears is always a past event like the light of the sun we see in an instant has already past 8 seconds ago. So it is impossible to "see or hear" the Present through our form which defines our personal identity.

In reality we are searching for God in space and time where we think forms are real. So we are searching God in the past and the future but never in the Present. No wonder we don't see Him.

We have to grow in our awareness of what timelessness is, which is another word for Present (not the present perceived theoretically has an instant between the past and the future). We search mentally for awareness in time and space where it is not.

The heart is another name for Present which is also the name of God. When the eye meets the Present, it embraces the heart and they both have a good laugh together.

Beautiful Normand.

Beautiful Normand.

"O God, what a clunker I

"O God, what a clunker I have been." - I love this!

Prodigal Son

The parable of the Prodigal Son has always bothered me. I have always viewed it from the standpoint of the Obedient Son. Having been responsible from an early age - first to my younger siblings and then later to my country and then as a provider for a wife and children - I never indulged in the immoral behavior euphemistically called "sowing wild oats". I never threw money away on cigarettes, alcohol or drugs but always made sure my family's needs were met before mine. So you can see why I identified with the Obedient Son in the parable.

So what happens? The immoral wastrel of a son returns and has a feast thrown in his honor. The Obedient Son is toiling in the fields and not even made aware of the event (much less being invited). And when he returns to the house after a long day and asks his father what's going on - the father not only doesn't apologize - but berates him for being ungrateful!

What's up with that?


I love your question. In order to keep the God vibraton here high, we ask that posts stay away from references that come from one religion or another and could possibly lead to a debate. In this case, this is such a basic question:

How can there be injustice or seeming injustice?

Life does not always seem to be fair. Why do the good suffer? Why does a hitman, for instance, live to a healthy old age and an innocent baby die? Why does someone incompetent get a promotion, and someone else who would do a much better job, get laid off? And why is one sibling favored and another less favored when, from everything we know, the unfavored sibling deserves favor?

Clearly, life doesn't always work the way that makes sense to us.

I will ask something of your question another way:

What can be the good that comes out of what certainly seems to be unjust?

I don't really have an answer, though I can elaborate on my experience,. I sure would love to hear Heavenreaders' ideas, what you really think for yourself.

Omni, maybe, just maybe, one day, in my personal Godwriting, I will ask God: "What is up with that?"

Omni, perhaps you have some ideas?


Hello Gloria

Since the HL spoke of the 'prodigal son', I assumed the topic was proper. If I was mistaken, I apologize.

The question: "What can be the good that comes out of what certainly seems to be unjust?" probably has a different answer for each incident of perceived mistreatment. For me, the closest to my own thought is the old proverb "Virtue is its own reward". Doing things for rewards or to please someone else or because it is 'expected' is not empowering. If one believes this, there are many positive ramifications and the biggest may be being an antidote to peer pressure, which to me is one of the great temptations that lead people to do things they know in their heart is not the best.

Sometimes an injustice may be an example of how NOT to act. For example, the actions of the father in the story of the prodigal son told me (as a parent) to be sure to acknowledge the responsible acts of my children so they knew they were both visible and appreciated.

Just a few random thoughts.

Prodigality, free will and innocence

The allegory of the Prodigal Son is essentially a lesson to lead us out of our dualistic conception of the world where everything is binarily divided into good versus bad, hot versus cold, nice versus ugly, kind versus bad, etc.

Free will/free choice comes with duality. With free choice you can decide to do what you want: war, peace, construction, destruction, love, hate. But it pertains only to the perceived world.
Truth or Love cannot have any opposite because Truth/Love is all there is. It is timeless, eternal, unchangeable.

We perceive what is not True or what is not Love as opposites of Truth and Love. This idea of seeming opposites contains time and space.

Why did God give us free will if He is to punish us from using it? Certainly because the whole experience of duality in the relative world is precisely a virtual experience, a timely experience where we are playing or enacting what we are not.

And we always feel guilty when we are playing something we are not. God sees us as innocent because that is how He created us. And our innocence is unchangeable, unalterable. God doesn't see guilt or sin in us because what is not true doesn't exist.

The lesson of the Prodigal Son is that we have to project the vision of innocence on all humans without exception. When we see guilt, error in the other, it is our own guilt that we see but that we project outside of us.

In Heaven, there is no free will and there is no need for it. But on Earth, free will is a device given to us to return to what we really are, innocent.

Finally, we have to remember that God does not discriminate between obediance and disobediance. God does not ask us to obey Him, He just know that if we do His Will, it is because we know His Will is also our Unique Will.


It's so lovely to read this Heaven Letter this a.m. It is true solace and comfort beyond words to describe - as you tell us that Your Heart abides in a Divine Silence, yet You are constantly holding out love for us to feel deeply. It is time for me, to lay down a red carpet and to feel these nudges and hugs and to feel Your Eternal Love. Only our hearts can actually KNOW YOU !! This prodigal child IS returning and I'm thrilled at the wondrous reception! Thank you, God, for Your Heart;s absolute Pure Intent. There's never been anything like it.

Beloved Omni, least of all

Beloved Omni, least of all do you owe an apology. And, yes, God brought up the prodigal son!

Your response here is certainly part of the puzzle.

Meanwhile, who are you? Besides all the lovely things we already know.

I'll wait for more responses from Heavenreaders before I add more.



I guess I would call myself a Will-o'-the-Wisp. I flicker in one place for awhile, disappear, and then flicker somewhere else.

People call me a healer but I wouldn't know how to heal a single damaged cell. But I have Beheld healings.

I let Spirit lead me where It will though I still resist too often.

Those are the essentials that first come to mind.

Beloved Omni,We know Who

Beloved Omni,

We know Who You Really Are!

How about sending an informal candid photo! A name? Do you subscribe? Where do you live?

Loving you,



When the boozer and roughneck comes home and repents. Of course there is joy even the goody son is glad. Simple is it Not. Love you all Jack


I prefer being anonymous and have no personal photos.

I am a subscriber and have been for several years.

Despite being somewhat of a nomad, I am essentially a midwesterner in the US and currently reside in Missouri.

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said I say "Yes"
To You My Very One Self
I AM here with you

Love, Light, and Aloha!