God's Glory

God said:

Consider Me your Chum. Consider Me your most intimate Friend, the One Who stays by your side, the One Who reads you well, the One Who doesn't know how to separate thinking about you from thinking about Himself.

I accompany you wherever you go. I do not accompany you idly, or indifferently. I accompany you heart and soul. I am Compassion Incarnate. There is nothing that I don't understand. Even when you do not understand what you do and say and think, I do. I am right beside you. I yearn for you to know that I am. I am a tribute to you.

Get over the idea that I chasten. The extent of My chastening is Our talk right now. I would not call it chastening. I would call it putting My arm around you. I am with you, not opposed.

What does that mean, that I am always with you. It means I am not apart from you. It means I do not see you as an object the way you may see Me.

I do not pick you apart. I do not look for holes in you. I see your wholeness, and I know it is Mine. While you call yourself names, I look closely at the light in your eyes.

I am not blinded by My love for you. I see clearly. It is you who does not. And I do not pretend love or force it. I love. I can do nothing else.

When I look at the bricks of a shattered building, I see the building as it was before its fall, and I see the true vision of how it will arise again. The building may bemoan itself and what it has come to, but I am as certain of its true state as I am of yours.

I am One Who puts things together. I see more than what you seem to think you are about. I see what you are for, and I do not set impossible standards for you. I do not put black marks on you. You do that. You look for your errors enough for the both of Us.

I understand that there is a persona given to Me as One Who Finds Fault. If I were truly that, I would not be God. Anyone can pick anything apart. Ego can do that very well on its own without Me. I am not needed for that. Why would I tire myself with petty thinking when I can embolden truth? I do what I like to do, and have good reason to do.

Many things are blamed on Me. The state of the world. Your health. Your disappointments. And so you blame Me for giving you free will.

The free will I anointed you with is as inviolable as My Will. I am strong-willed. My Will will be done.

And it is My Will that you lift your head and begin to see the glory I created when I created you. To the extent that you suffer you can begin to know the glory. You have chosen a pittance of sorrow and angst instead of a stronghold of glory. But it is glory I put before you.

I offer you everything. You turn it over in your hand, and you look to find fault with it. You become petulant about life. You turn your nose up at it. You set yourself apart, either above Me or below Me. But I put you right in front of Me, right before My eyes so that I may gaze into the light there and see Myself.

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Consider Me

Consider Me your Chum.