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In God's Company

Amazing each day the sun
arises, bringing in a new dawn,
the chorus of the birds singing
a tuneful song they
serranade the sun's coming

The day offers a brand new start
each one of us the chance
to begin again. to love,
of course sometimes it is a
struggle an effort to
not always knowing quite what to do

but i always these days try
to talk to God. He says come
lean rest on me awhile, give me your
load and replace your smile, and when i
am ready he gives me a helping hand
steady, and he says .
GO IN PEACE.... Daisy

That's really what He does:

That's really what He does: He takes our loads and replaces our smiles !!
How beautiful you expressed this.
All my love

Beloved Daisy, Yes, God's

Beloved Daisy,

Yes, God's love is the peace with us, in us, around us now and always. Thank you for allowing His peace and love flow from you.
