God's Bejewelled Thought

God said:

Once upon a time, you did not remember Me.

It was not so much that you had elbowed Me away; it was that you had not allowed a thought of Me. I did not enter thought or your sight, as if your thought and your sight were the extent of the existence of the world. You thought I did not exist so, then, how or why could you have thoughts of Me.

Or, if you thought of Me at all, it was in passing, a thought of a thought, a thought of a word, but not thought of Me. And so you emptied your life in spoonfuls, and life was vague if not empty. In any case, it was not replete.

Then, little by little, you spooned Me in more than out, and now I loom large in your life. You rubbed a magic lamp, as it were, and I appeared to fulfill your bidding and My Will.

I appear little by little and then I appear all at once, and then I am no longer excluded from your life.

I called Myself to you, and, finally, you answered. You found it more fun with the two of Us, and then you saw the two of Us were One. No longer did you want to think We were apart from one another, so finally you bared your breast to Me, and you heard My voice. My voice is love. So you heard My love crying out for yours.

And so you picked up My love as a shiny coin from the street, and you returned My love, and you carried Me with you as an amulet of love.

My love is a grand sweep across the universe. Having accepted My love, you find yourself part of the universe, and you clasp stars to you and you tender your arms to day and night and all in between. You become the caretaker of the universe, and you light the stars one by one until all are lit, and you ignite hearts until all are lit. You are My matchstick. Then all that are brightened reveal the wonder of creation lit by My light through you.

You are the town crier. You ring bells before Me. You call others to come out into the street of life and to behold wondrous creation and to shine their light upon it. You blaze a trail of light across the earth. You shine the light of Heaven.

There is naught else for you to do. You forge a stream of light. You dimple the light in pastimes, but the light is your service to the Universe and all the citizens of it here and beyond. That is your work, to light the universe.

If I am beyond measure, so are you beyond measure. And so We help others to see beyond measurement. Only boundaries can be measured. Infinity cannot. By its very nature, infinity is measureless, and you, each of you, are an example of infinity. Accept that. If you are not finite, then you are infinite. And infinite are the possibilities of you and the world you live in.

You are My bejeweled thought. You shine in My awareness. The light you shine is Mine. It is yours to shine but it belongs not to you. Light belongs to all because it is Mine.

Be a reminder of light. Be a reminder of the something more that all long for and can have. Be a reminder of greater than time, greater than space, greater than thought. Be a reminder of greater than great. Be a reminder of the indweller and outdweller of light. Emanate light.

You do not need to make a big thing of it; you are it, and you beam it, and you stir the waters of it. All is light, and you who walk through it reflect it. Know that you walk through light and not darkness. That is all you need to know, and light will be abundant and clear, and all will know they shine in My light.