God Is Always Right Here

God said:

Someone asked recently what it means when he tries to hear from Me, and hears nothing, nothing at all, a blank, and he is heart-sore.  
Now, talking directly to this heart, what it means is you tried to hear Me but did not hear Me, did not consciously hear Me. That’s all you know, yet you read things into it.
You wondered if it meant that you were less than worthy? Have a thick skull? Are somehow out of the pale? Have failed a test and no longer allowed into the Kingdom?
You must know it is none of these. It is not possibly any of these.
It’s possible that you were trying too hard. It’s possible many things. All you do know is that you wanted to hear Me close to you. You listened and listened, and nothing came to you. You may have taken pen and paper, and you did not come out ahead.
Let’s look at it this way: Hasn’t it always been that when you did not get your way and the results you wanted, you were sure it was some kind of failure on your part? Haven’t you thought for as long as you can remember that not getting what you wanted the way you wanted was failure in your eyes and everyone else’s? When have you not thought that you were down on the count!
Come now, no longer think that, when something in life doesn’t work out the way you want, that you have been eliminated from future casting. Do you really believe that you have been dismissed, that you had your chance, missed your chance, and now simply aren’t good enough? You have always feared that you were not quite good enough.
There is nothing you have to learn to hear Me in whatever mode you like. It may well be necessary for you to unlearn, however.
You might not succeed in receiving a two-way communication with Me because you know too much, that is, you think you know too much of what I ought to say. In other words, you may have too much judgment. You may think I have to speak only auspicious words, great words, phenomenal words that will shake the rafters of the roof.
I am much more quiet-spoken than that. I use one-syllable words. I use the same words you do. You want to hear Me as a miracle bounding out from the canopy of the Heavens. I may just listen to what you say. I may let you hear what you say. I may nod My head to you. Whatever I do, I do not give you a hard time. I certainly do not turn a cold shoulder. Enjoy Me. I am not always so serious and weighty as you think.  
Everyone has the right and privilege to commune with Me. Everyone has the personal invitation to come speak with Me and to hear Me, to hear My intent, and to feel My love. My love for you defies description, and, yet, I give it. I hear your calls to Me. I hear and embrace your words and your heart that beats for Me.
If you do not hear the Words of My Heart, if you do not feel Me close to you, the first thing to do is to let go of expectations, expectations not desire. I am meaning to say to let go of presentiments or predictions. I do not follow your script or anyone’s script. You and I are a combination. Of course, you can hear Me and hear from Me. I am whispering in your ear all the time. You do not have to study up on Me or follow a certain protocol.
In one sense, you cannot ask too much of Me. You may well ask too much of yourself at the same time, it seems to you that you are lagging. How many times have I said: “I am here.”  Ten? Twenty? A hundred? More?
Beloveds, I am here for you. There is no one that I am not here for. Listen, I speak. Jot down whatever thought pops into your head and take it from there, for I am here. I am here. I am here.

Read Comments

Gloria, please give the

Gloria, please give the details of God writing workshop for me and new readers as to where these workshops are held, how often, fee for the workshop, its duration and whether everybody attending the workshop is eventually able to God write.

Beloved Chetan, the

Beloved Chetan, the Godwriting workshop page is missing! Oh, no!. I don't know what happened. Meanwhile, go here and you'll find some information:


Also, the Godwriting blog www.godwriting.org gives some specifics.

I will write to our two wonderful tech angels to see where the Godwriting workshops went.

More later, dear one.


Dear owner of this site,
I'm delighted to hear from God through the letters that He sends to you. My heart recognizes His voice !!
I am really thankfull beyond all limits for your work, and thank God for speaking to you.
Be blessed in every sense !! ;-)

Dear Ophir, you say what God

Dear Ophir, you say what God says, and that is to go by what rings true to our hearts.

Do you live in another country? If yes, would you consider translating Heavenletters into your language? We want you!

God Speaks in the form of feelings toward your highest goals

I recall wanting to hear God speak to me and realized that God speaks to me when I am going after the biggest goal possible. God doesn't use words, but more of quiet affirmations during my journey to accomplish a goal that only God can assist me with. If I told 100 people my goal for the year, 95 would say I am crazy, the other 4 would say good luck, but question my mind under their breath, and 1 would believe me. God; however, affirms that I am on the right path with every step I take towards my goals. One day I really asked myself if God really spoke to me would I believe? Would I believe this is God speaking to me or would I shun that voice. Now I know that God speaks to me via other people to. For example, I was at dinner on Thursday speaking with two random lawyers and they discussed never giving up and staying true to yourself and being a genius. They didn't know, but God was speaking to me through them as I needed to hear that. Personally, I believe God speaks to people in the mediums of which people are most receptive to his voice (churches, music, peers, books, or nature). I love God and believe by taking action towards goals and in the development of a relationship that is pure God speaks.

Yes, Usirah, God tells us to

Yes, Usirah, God tells us to DREAM BIG!

I am here for you, i love that words,

dear God heavenley Father,
so beauteful to hear and sound, and your words
I am here for you, every morn, i hear that words,
when i call your name, answer, i m here,
the must i m greateful to aware you,
spesialey my music i love to hear sacred love,
i fell so close to you, and love, and that love,i
use for my work for my day, and i think this
morneng i was whith you, i just feel that this morneng,
and i am grtatitude,
LOVE carmen,,

Beloved Carmen, please go to

Beloved Carmen, please go to this blog:


It is about you! And it's about more than you!