God Invites You Today

God said:

Give Me the reins a little while. Relax a little beside Me. Sit back and rest your feet and weary heart. I am the Great Comforter. Nothing else is. You have found that out, for all else in the world is fleeting. This very fleetingness is why you seek comfort.

You want some pillows to sink into that will still be there when you get up. You fear how life disbands before you. You feel desolate at changes. One secure thing would mean a lot to you, and all there is is I. I am your security. Nothing else is.

I do not pride Myself on this; this statement of truth does not add feathers to My cap. I have no need of more or more from you except for more of your acceptance of what I give to you, and I have need of that so that I may quell your heart which has ached so long. Even one moment of your heart's aching is too long for a child of God.

What do you think I want when My children have a heaped table before them and they see a bare one? What do you think I want when My children live in a fertile land and they see only desert, or, if they see fertile land, they see it far in the distance? Why do you think I want you to come to Me? I am complete. It is you who thinks you are incomplete.

A rose knows its completeness, but you, My child, feel incomplete and rush to fill yourself with whatever comes along.

I do not come along. I am always here, so you have to pause a bit to locate Me where I always am deep in the heart of you. Accept My gifts to you that are already yours. Relegate your woes a moment, and sink into My love for you. My love for you is enormous. But it will not capsize you. It will balance you, and you will stand tall, and you will stand firm, and you will reveal yourself as the rose you were born to be.

You have sought to be on an even keel, but your search has been frenzied. Sit down a while and you will see what you have sought.

Do not be afraid to sit and rest. You do not always have to stir the pot of your life. You do not always have to be out there in the midst of it. You can step down a little and sit a while before you get up again and enter the street of life.

This is not recoiling from life. This is synthesis of life. There are pauses in music. The notes that follow have been bolstered by the energy of the pause. The pause fortifies the music that comes after.

You take a breath in order to exhale. In life, give yourself a chance to breathe in. You do not always have to expend yourself. Expand a little first.

The pause that refreshes is a few minutes with Me in the silence of your heart. Do not be afraid to enter where I am. There is no one here who hushes you. Here fingers beckon you to come in. There is no librarian whose rules you must follow. There is no registration required. I already have your name entered in My heart. In this settled place, there is only you and I meeting in an instant of recognition.

I am here, and all that is needed is you. Will you come sit with Me a while?