Give Joy Rather Than Lessons

God said:

It is true that you are everyone’s teacher. Everyone has the opportunity to learn from interchange with you. And you learn from everyone else as well. Everyone is everyone’s teacher, and everyone has something to learn from others -- undoubtedly, a lot to learn.

Everyone can learn from your misbehavior as well as from your generosity. The fact that people will learn from you regardless of your actions is no excuse for misbehavior, however. There are limits in the world, and many of them are in your best interest. There is good behavior, and there is poor behavior. Rudeness, it is safe to say, is not good behavior. Instead of saying behavior, it may be more helpful for Me to say idea. Some things are clearly not good ideas. I would say following the 10 Commandments is a good idea. Certainly, it’s not a good idea to convince yourself that breaking them is a good idea.

Jumping on tables is usually frowned upon. If you jump on a table to get across a crowded room, what blessing is there? What lesson are you giving when you jump on tables? Perhaps you are showing disrespect. It is not for you to set out to teach people lessons. Did I give you a free pass? Because you choose to do something, does that make it virtuous?

Now, in musicals, it is allowable to jump on a table in order to perform a stellar dance. The dancer who jumps on a table in a musical is not giving lessons, not even dance lessons. He is giving joy.

Think about giving joy, not lessons. Spread joy, and no one will need lessons. Joy fosters good ideas.

With all your might, forego giving lessons. Sure, teach someone to ride a horse or drive a car. Offer such tried and true lessons, and let people ask you for them.

Of course, people are responsible for their reactions to you. You are not responsible for how others respond to you. You are responsible for what you do. You are responsible to see that what you do gives people peace and not pain. What are you giving?

Are you perhaps trying to prove that you are smarter than everyone else? No one is smarter than everyone else. Smartness is singularly overrated anyway.

You don’t even want to prove that you are kinder than everyone else. You have nothing to prove.

If you are one who generally thinks of yourself as meant to stir things up and teach lessons, then you have lessons to learn. Better to grace people with your presence than to upset them. Create peace rather than clamor. When you consistently incite clamor, you have a lot to learn.

So long as you know everything, you are not open to learning. The first thing is to open your heart and not close others’ hearts. If you feel your role is to roil other people, you are discounting yourself. Arrogance comes from your lack of belief in yourself. Otherwise, you would respect yourself more.

Those who commit crimes are generally called criminals. They write their own rules. They write: “It is okay for me to steal. It is all right for me to kill. It is all right for me to cheat.” At least they are honest criminals. They don’t convince themselves they are virtuous. They admit they are doing it for their own ends. They do not say that they are criminals in order to enlighten others. They do not kid themselves that they are creating havoc for the betterment of others.

If you are really here on Earth to teach others lessons, then teach them happiness, and teach yourself as well.

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Amen to this beautiful heaven Letter. By the grace of your Almighty, Dear Lord, may we learn to impart joy and happiness, before laying a foundation of disempowerment.

YOU are LOvE Lord and so I quest to know Deeply You through loving joyously.

With love

to express gratitude

Thanks for the wonderful insightfulness you manifest, day after day... You are truly a miracle-worker!
With Love for the Joy Wisdom and Peace you spread!

Beloved Yasmin, thank you so

Beloved Yasmin, thank you so much for posting. The insightfulness is God's! He is the miracle worker! I am the typist. That's all.

God bless you, dear Yasmin.

My dear God,what you wrote

My dear God,what you wrote is right.

give joy

Dear Lord,

"Everyone can learn from your misbehavior as well as from your generosity." Wow, was that ever spot on in light of some events that came to pass a few months ago, although I wouldn't exactly term it 'misbehavior.' In the middle part of this year, I had chosen to react to others' ignorance by getting upset. I found that opening that door (choosing that option) only made more lessons for us! I didn't magically become a better or kinder person. It takes work and conscious application of one's energy to be a calmer and patient human being.

Thank you. (-_0)

Amy, thank you for your open

Amy, thank you for your open post. Haven't we all been there! I congratulate you for learning and growing and how you made such a leap forward.

There is a Heavenletter. I think it's been published fairly recently, but it could also be one waiting in the queue, that says something like this: "If working at it, applying yourself, studying etc. brought you great progress, you would all be enlightened by now."

Does anyone happen to know the Heavenletter I'm thinking of? Jochen, are you around?

The intention and desire to grow must work in our favor, and, yet, there is also the grace of God.

Very interesting topic you bring up, Amy!