Give Happiness

God said:

You are to rise above everything. You are to rise above knowledge of good and evil. You are to rise above. When you love, you rise above all the do’s and don’ts in the world. When you rise above, you don’t need the Ten Commandments. You don’t have to be told not to kill, for killing tempts you not one bit.

You are to rise above instruction for much of your life. All the instruction in your life sets limits, and you are to be freed from limits. Of course, I am not telling you to drive down a one-way street the wrong way or not to stop at a stop sign.

You have been following too many rules, and they bog you down. Eat this, not that. Sleep with your head in a certain direction and not another. Wear this color lipstick. Watch out for germs. There is too much listening to what an expert outside you tells you. There is no limit that you cannot rise above.

The trouble with listening to all the sure knowledge around you is that it breeds fear. You are fearful that if you don’t do it, something you don’t like will happen. You fear the consequences. Remember Truth instead.

Adhering to all the advice and instruction in the world weighs you down. You want to be free. When you have fears, you are not free. Fears enslave you. Your abiding questions are: “What will happen to me if I don’t follow this rule? Will I digest my food properly? Will I gain weight?”

Once certain rules are established in your mind, you are at their mercy. If you are sure that something is not good for you, you make it so.

What does it mean to be innocent? It means that you are open, that you do not arrive on a scene with foregone conclusions. Innocent, you do not have miles and miles of regulations suffocating you. Innocence arrives at the scene without the past and its rules tagging along. Innocence is independence from the past. Innocence is powerful.

These days you are bombarded by rules. Wherever you turn, you are told to take this pill or another. Sometimes you are told, “Or else.” What if every pill you don’t take does you good? Think of that.

You are told to put this cream on your face to prevent aging. Why, aging is a part of life. You cannot stem aging, and why should you? The only sure cure for aging of your body is to die early.

If you rub your hands lightly over your face without cream, that alone might delay wrinkles. But why be worried about wrinkles? What is the big deal? And, are there not other things more worthwhile to think about?

Doing something for someone may well slow down aging. How about happiness and a life free of worry? How about not thinking about wrinkles? Not thinking about them, not looking for them around every corner, that might postpone their appearance.

Do not have to have what everyone else is having. This is a rule I will give to you.

Here are some other rules I will give to you:

Smile a lot. Frown not at all.

Say Yes more often.

Say No lots less.

Say often, “What can I do to help you?”

Listen well.

Pay less attention to yourself, more to Me.


Be simple.

Think less about the pieces of life.

Think more about the wholeness of life.

Do what gives you happiness. Never mind what the world says will give you happiness.

Give happiness.

Read Comments


Yes yes yes. And recently I have been feeling that there is too much instruction and direction even from Heaven. Trying to understand and apply everything is driving me nuts, there is simply too much of it, something else every day, I feel confused and out of breath as if incessantly talked at by an expert outside me. I have no difficulties with all the sure knowledge of the germs and lipsticks guys, but my daily falling short of Heavenletters feels just awful. What breeds fear in me is not what the fear mongers say; it's reading Heavenletters and feeling that if I find myself unable to do what they say, something [I] don’t like will happen. Yes, sometimes I feel as if Heavenletters somehow smother whatever vestige of innocence I still have. Well, I do know, of course, that it's only myself feeling, as I have been feeling my whole life, that I have to somehow be able to do the impossible, or else. I think that sense of impossible is what makes life and Heavenletters and You, God, so difficult for me.

How many times do I have to come back to the wisdom of letting things be? How many times until I can allow myself to stay there, not worrying about the perceived wrinkles of body, mind, heart, soul and spirit?

So many rules again. There is one, um, half of one I would like to be able to follow: Think less.

Beloved Jochen, you set the

Beloved Jochen, you set the bar very high for yourself, dear friend.

A funny thing, I read your heartfelt comment above, and I have no recollection of any rules in this or other recent Heavenletters. I do think, as you point out, that Think less is mandatory!

Loving you,


the bar

For the intellect, dearest friend, it is no problem to see that there is no one but me to set the bar. But the intellect is a liar, trying to make me believe I know when it is all too obvious that I do not. I don't know how I'm doing it. I must be doing it behind my back, and then someone says, "Look what you are doing", and I turn and it's still behind my back, however often I may turn (dog chasing tail).

So yes, Think less is mandatory. It's only that mandatory things are usally avoided whenever possible. But maybe Think less is longed for and exerts its own gravitational tug. Chances would be better in that case.

There is wisdom, or maybe

There is wisdom, or maybe common sense, in not seeing rules where there are statements that are presented as rules, either out loud or by implication. Why? Because the only dangerous rules are the ones I buy into or impose myself.

You are very likely right, the rules I "made" for myself are impossible to break and impossible to keep. We are back with mind wanting to protect heart, smothering life while trying to preserve it. That is where, since mind is not equipped to solve this dilemma, Think less comes in. Just turn away from it.

You know, I'm not surprised to find it takes the better part of a lifetime to reach the point where you become able to leave life to itself, to God, not controlling things any more, not feeling in charge any more, not believing any more that you are the one who has to make things happen or has to prevent disaster. I'm beginning to see now that the worst disaster possible at all is what I have been inflicting until now. Whatever might happen once I leave the driver's seat (what I took to be the driver's seat) can only be better.

(As an aside: The path must be a very different one for those of us who are basically happy or at least not basically unhappy. This probably makes for the variety of different voice on this forum and everywhere.)

So your comment turns out to go deeper than I first realized. As for my response, to paraphrase Pascal once more, I didn't have the time to make it as short and simple as would be desirable.

"The path must be different"

"(As an aside: The path must be a very different one for those of us who are basically happy or at least not basically unhappy."

I don't think there is a significative difference between the "basically happy" and the "least not basically unhappy". There is a deep burried sense of guilt in our bodies. In fact, the body is the guilt in the sense that we assume that "we are our body" even if body is an illusion. We unconsciously take the body as a "mistake" or a "sin". That is why we feel trapped in our body. So whether we are basically happy or least not basically unhappy we have to raise above that bodily condition because the body and the associated guilt never really happened. That is the dream God tells us to come out from. There never was any guilt, only in our splitted mind.

As another aside, good

As another aside, good friend, this is quite interesting and worth considering for a moment. But let us also note that from analysis come to-dos while from Think less comes nothing – nothing prescribed, nothing we know until it arrives. I tend toward nothing more and more. From there, the way to deal with imagined guilt is to allow it to evaporate or do whatever it feels like doing, maybe turn into crème brûlée.

"Think less"

"Think less" is the tail of analysis, analysis is the mouse in the brain and the mouse gnaws.

Emilia is Wisdom's way of smiling

Emilia your words nibble at my knowing. You are my dream! Keep writing.


That's true. Only actually

That's true. Only actually thinking less has nothing to do with rodents (or anything).

True and untrue

It has, when "thinking less" is a thought. "No thinking" should come from natural rest and stillness of the brain due to inner consumption for past over activity ( and the thought of thinking less is part of this activity).
No thinking without any previous brain activity is just dullness.

This very early morning

This very early morning while preparing breakfast, I listened to the indescribably beautiful music of Stefano Landi (17th century). It accompanied me, along with my wife and a friend, through a beautiful sunny day high up in the mountains. I would like to sing it to you. Of course, it's all right if you prefer listening to the CD.

We think less when suddenly and unexpectedly something gives us permission to. I don't know what it is. Something as ungraspable and enchanting as music. For the last two days I have been enjoying that permission. I would pass it on to you if I knew how to (knowing it may leave me anyway as it always has in the past; but then again, it may stay).

Jochen has learned to listen to God so well!

To hear the Universe give you permission is a most precious gift from God. This gift does not come or go according to our wish but according to our growth. This is so wonderful!


Thanks for sharing, dear

Thanks for sharing, dear friend.
For those who would like to have a glimpse of Stefano Landi's music, here is a Youtube link:


You can't pass on to another your own achievement, moreover on the assumption that he has not yet got it. That sounds a bit condescending.


Yes, it does. I know you will forgive me.

as an aside...

I dare to say that without the realization of unhappyness and misery there is no path.

Excellent translation,

Excellent translation, Emilia!

Jochen's innocence speaks of hidden material buried inside.

Jochen, your comments are the shovel that uncovers the pain body that uses your deep innocence to show you how very good you really are. You're beautiful! Such honest looking always results in corrective lenses installed in your inner man. It's just so slow, it seems.



How kind you are. How deeply your heart knows. You are expressing my secret ideal that all this seemingly chaotic banging and clanging along is really self-correcting. You are hired as my inner-vision optician.

"Be simple...die early"

"You cannot stem aging, and why should you? The only sure cure for aging of your body is to die early."
That's the cure I am trying and all these nonsenses today strenghten the purpose. I suppose this is the purpose of all nonsenses.

"When you love, you rise above all the do’s and don’ts in the world."
I rise above the mediocrity of all words and all actions and the mediocrity of their supposed outcomes, free at last to be intelligent, bright, original, unique.

P.S. Aging is very mediocre.

I would add: Aging is passé.

I would add: Aging is passé.


Yes, indeed. A common thought of an imagined limit inflicted upon an imagined body along an imagined time.
If every cell of my body breathes love and light, will it still accept the lie of matter and decay? Can we dream an impossible almost ungraspable dream?

I think that when every cell

I think that when every cell will become love and light, there will be no more need for a body, no need at least for a 3D Universe.

I like aging.

I like aging.



Well, today, as always, your Loving Counsel is about freeing ourselves up from the rules of the world. We forget that we can learn
a lot though by making an attempt to understand the laws of Love and the Laws of Happiness. I

I am excited about what you lovingly suggest and counsel here today, and that is to RISE ABOVE IT ALL - all that restricts
our true Creativity. When we follow our hearts, we can't help but do that which bring us happiness. We are now feeling a heightening,
of Energy, a very high frequency Energy of LIght and of Heaven, coming to us from the Holy Sun. We stop now each morning and
feel the blessings of this incredible solar Energy, it, too, is telling us to LET GO OF THE PAST AND ITS RULES. It's much more
And for that we give our infinite Thanks unto YOU.

Giving happiness starts with trusting yourself.

We all know now, through God's teaching, that life is a game, that our body and the whole Universe are illusions, that they don't really exist. We try to figure that out mentally by using our electro-chemical brain circuitry, but it does not really work. Therefore, is there a better way, a more Intelligent way to figure out what is going on in ourselves as well as on Earth, is there something that is already there and that doesn't require all that body circuitry? I guess we have to go very deep into the heart to find that something.

How do I get out of my mind? Oh God! do I want You so much, do I have that much desire for You that I would give anything and anything up for You? Now I am getting closer to know how much I trust You and I much I trust myself. Since my real self is You, then I must conclude that absolute trust in myself means absolute trust in You.

And there are no degrees of trustiness. It is zero or 100%. There is no difference between zero and 99%. Trust must have NOTHING to do with the human intellect. Because human intellect is ego and ego equals fear. Ego is the persona of fear. Even in my sincere spiritual quest I fear of not getting to God and, at the same time, I fear of getting to Him. It is like if I am still resisting to end the game.

I know that these arguments are extreme yet they are illusory real. But there might be a way out. God already told us that if we develop the habit of thinking that "all is always and absolutely perfect" — even in pain, illness, despair, accidents, in aging, in getting wrinkles…— because we know deeply that we created this, God didn't. Everything is evolving from this point forward, always.

So trusting yourself is trusting God. Trusting God is what enables you to trust yourself at 100%. Outside of that it is intellect, it is ego.

And what else than happiness can you give when you trust yourself?

Normand's words sound so real!

And Normand's words are well thought out and treat the riddle of life as a riddle. His use of intellect to show that you really can't is convincing but is also part of the riddle. You give the joy of reflection!


Happiness based on joy sticks to your consciousness as being.

Happiness based on EGO happenstance is fleeting and deceptive. It can come from drugs, food, kisses and other addictive objects of life. From joy happiness belongs to you and part of the wrappings you came in.


dear George part of the

dear George

part of the wrappings you came in therefore the pieces and the wholeness are part of you. i think this is not so difficult to understand it if today's HL says: You own nothing, beloveds. You don’t even own suffering. It doesn’t belong to you. I hear you. I know what’s going on with you.

Nirmala hears the "still small voice"

I love your words your way of seeing. It's all of the One who Knows.


What does it mean to be

What does it mean to be innocent? It means that you are open, that you do not arrive on a scene with foregone conclusions.
Innocence is powerful.
Pay less attention to yourself, more to Me.

Beyond words this Heavenletter. amazing.
much much love

these days it is so likely

these days it is so likely that we tap into scenes where people want to commercial a product on you, they make you try it and then you are already caught. It happened to me with an energy drink from Brazil. What I want to say it needs always two, one who wants you to make a sort of contract (a Power shot for every day) and one who accepts or rejects it. Is that not also God's Compassion not be forced to make foregone conclusions.