Gaining the Boundless

God said:

When the old is shed, room for newness arrives. When birds molt, they are bared for a while. Space is being cleared for new feathers to grow.

If birds were like you, they would flutter around and say: “Oh, dear, something must be the matter. My feathers are falling out.” But birds don’t go frantic with worry. They don’t make anything of molting at all. And soon enough, new plumage comes.

Right now, you are shedding remnants of your old self. This is another way of saying that you are shedding ignorance. You are losing hold of all your familiar boundaries. The boundaries were all a mistake, and yet so familiar are they, you feel bereft without them, for now what are you supposed to hold onto? You are supposed to be adrift, beloveds.

You thought a rope of the past held you safe. The boundaries lent a certain comfort. You might have protested them, yet you were used to curling up against them. Now the ropes are gone. They were only props anyway.

You still reach for the walls, and your fingers don’t find the walls to help you identify where you are. It feels to you that, without the walls, you are lost. It is not comfortable to be in what you see as limbo.

Having lost your boundaries, beloveds, you are like the birds who have lost their feathers. The difference is that birds know they don’t need their old feathers. You don’t need your boundaries whatsoever. You just need to get used to being without them. The sides of your crib are now down, and you can get down, and you can explore. Boundary-less, you are free. You have wanted freedom, and now that it has come, it takes some getting used to. You have been let out of a cage. “My cage, my lovely cage,” you lament.

There are no longer any “supposed to’s” in life. Life is richer, fuller, vaster, and yet it may seem more nebulous to you, even empty. You may feel weak rather than strong. You have lost your balance. You crave the street signs that are no longer visible. Somehow you felt stronger with them. That’s illusion for you.

You may even feel hollow now, unable to even pinch yourself to know you are there. This sense of hollowness, even of fragility, are signs of your expanding. You may feel desolate. You may feel disconnected. You are disconnecting, beloveds, from your past. You are being disconnected from narrowness. And so you feel off-keel.

It is almost as if you feel your body disappearing. Borderless, you feel groundless. You feel the very ground disappearing beneath you. You feel as though you are in some kind of vortex.

All this wonderful stuff is happening for you, and you worry about it! “What is happening to me?” you ask. You feel suspended in space. Beloveds, you were always suspended in space. You, who are spaceless, are suspended in space. The ground under you never did exist.

Chicken Little was in a tizzy, and she exclaimed that the sky was falling. And you, you think something is amiss because your sense of little self is shedding itself and you are emerging into your Greater Self. It was inevitable. It had to happen. You are not falling. That which defines you is falling off. You never needed definition anyway. There is no outline to you any longer.

You are beginning to sense yourself as light. Chakras become real to you. You feel your core of Being as a flame. All your illusion is going up in smoke.

Read Comments

Thanks for this

Thanks for this multicoloured plumage !!

You are beginning to sense yourself as light. Chakras become real to you. You feel your core of Being as a flame. All your illusion is going up in smoke.

Love Light and Joy

WOW! God really knows what's

WOW! God really knows what's going on here. This is how I've been feeling for the last few days, as if I didn't know anymore who or what I am. I really feel 'suspended in space', in a limbo, it's good to know that everything is in divine order.
Safe in My arms you're only dreaming. -
Al sicuro tra le Mie braccia state solo sognando.
Love is the Answer.-Amore è la Risposta

Here I sit crying.....almost

Here I sit crying.....almost everyday the heavenletter's speaks directly to me, and today especially. And I thought that I was the only one to experience this process of losing my identity (as i know it)....what a delightful shock to be aware of that there are others in the same group as me. I have felt quite alone with this. I had dialogs with the God 6-7 years ago, but turned away from it. Then 2 years ago I tried to get back in contact but couldn't until I found Heavenletters on August 30, of this year. I am so blessed to say that writing with God instead of inner dialogue has brought me back on track. Now I can do both. I am so thankful. And I am so thankful that you all are here in the world. And Gloria I am eternally thankful that you have chosen to share God's letters with everybody on easily access...and for free. You are doing a huge work that is helping heal the world. Thank you ever so much, Love Marina xxx

Wow - what wisdom for this

Wow - what wisdom for this Tuesday morning! It really IS all about letting go, letting go, letting go.
Bless your God-listening ears.

Here lies the answer. Thank

Here lies the answer. Thank God! I was so lost as to what I've been experiencing and feeling the past two days. I couldn't even begin to describe it. I prayed this morning for some light to be shed as to what was going on ... and here it is written word for word ... God describes EXACTLY what I am feeling, and many with thanks and much appreciation explains WHAT it is is I'm going through, and why I am going through it.

At least now, the fear can be abased - washed away with knowledge.

Thank you, so much!!

In His Joy,
Seqkat >^..^<

Today’s Heavenletter is

Today’s Heavenletter is simply amazing. Every word of it touched my heart. How do you seem to know what I am feeling and going through? Thanks for pouring out these blessings.

Jeff Keller

Wow! This is exactly how I

Wow! This is exactly how I have been feeling. I've been working on having an identity of my own for a long time, while being in a marriage of 44 years. Now that Larry has crossed over from the physical, this Heavenletter describes exactly the process I am going through. Because even though I'd come a long way toward being whole, my body identity has been "Carol and Larry" since I was 14 years old. I am not the feeling like bird who has lost its feathers. I am feeling like the bird who has lost its wings. But I know that isn't true; I know spring will come again. In my Godwriting this morning God said "Trust Me to make your life a beautiful garden. Your tears but water the soil for a spring planting."

Dearest Carol, what a most

Dearest Carol,
what a most beautiful Godwriting you had !!
All my Love to you dear

"Your tears but water the

"Your tears but water the soil for a spring planting."

This is a classic, Carol. May God's expression through you reach everywhere.

Dear Carol: I so appreciate

Dear Carol:

I so appreciate what you have written about your experience. My husband left the body 8 years ago and I felt so much of what today's Heavenletter contains. All the familiar ways I had identified with Jerry came undone, and I seemed to notice every one of them with pain as they changed and fell away. I was still here, but I wasn't who I had been anymore. My sense of our shared past and projected future just evaporated. I, too, had done a lot of inner work in the years before his passing, but I was so unprepared for that. Everything I knew of myself was affected greatly. I came to deciding to "let myself be", to just be, and to let go of any forcing about anything in life. Then I realized that I wanted to allow everyone and everything else to be as they were also. This was very freeing, because I was letting go of resisting life. I hadn't realized how much energy this involved.

My darling parrot, Captain, is a delightful member of our family. And while I just can't imagine him losing his wings and not being able to fly in the house, to land on my shoulder, I do have a sense of what you are feeling. I was so here, yet so vulnerable, and I just couldn't function as I used to, because I wasn't the same anymore. The feelings were so intense; and yet, over time, I could see that I wasn't my feelings or my interpretation of them. It can be utterly challenging to liberated from our stories of ourselves; however, ongoing glimpses of light and moments of freedom without pain open us to realizing we and life are infinitely more than we were told or imagined.

I found whatever I could to inspire and uplift myself as I moved through grieving. And even though I found countless authors who spoke to me and I journaled all the time, my own Godwriting was infrequent. When I found Heavenletters a few years ago, I was thrilled to have Gloria's to read, and to find that I could set myself up to receive my own everyday also.

May you have an ever more profound experience of your own Being as you move through grieving Larry's passing.



How freeing todays

How freeing todays Heavenletter is!



Hi Gloria: What a beautiful

Hi Gloria: What a beautiful heavenletter! It's a lovely response to your blog posting in July (Wanting Freedom So Bad). In that you wondered about your "not wanting to try to be perfect anymore and not resisting anything". You wanted "to be laid-back, easy-going and unruffled". You felt unsure of all you "new irresponsible laissez-fair thinking" and asked "how long will it last? - how long can I last?" And you mentioned being nicer to yourself.

And here comes this perfect answer: You are gaining boundlessness! In the process, the props, ropes and walls are falling away.

Experiences of loss and great change can open us to this awareness. And you are moving to Argentina! Talk about a change of pace (and place)! Everything is changing for you.

It can feel strange, scary and even like "our world" is ending when we encounter change. Yet here is God telling us what is really unfolding in our consciousness. This message today is just thrilling. Thank you for all you share with us.



Does this fit when speaking

Does this fit when speaking of sorrow or saddness that one can't seem to shake? Speaking for myself, I don't find myself angry so much as just plain sad. A saddness that frankly I am getting quite tired of. A deep sorrow that I just can't seem to shake. Is it my ego self being sad because my higher self is making my ego self sit down and collect dust?


2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said become real
Feel your Being as a flame
Sense yourself as light

God said Beloveds
You are shedding your old self
For your Greater Self

Love, Light and Aloha!

Today God speaks to me- to

Today God speaks to me- to Me, and I am so very grateful to you- You, assisting in my family's process of "gaining the Boundless".
With deep appreciation,
Bruce & the Millers.

Would that I could respond

Would that I could respond to every post here. They are all magnificent. You take my breath away. My appreciation for each and every one of you is enormous. I thank God for you, this forum, your presence in it, for the tech angels who made it, and for all the riches of love that God does give to us.

With blessings and love,



You are supposed to be adrift, beloveds.

The ground under you never did exist.

There is no outline to you any longer.