From Whom All Blossoms Come

God said:

Each moment is like a still photo. Yet nothing is still in that area which is called time.

When you look out the window and you see the silence of the trees, it is like a hush has fallen upon the Earth. How beautiful are the spring blossoms on the trees from which the blossoms burst forth. The trees in their silence are like gentlemen who bow down to Mother Earth and thank her from whom all blossoms come.

For one millisecond, there is no movement. No breeze, no movement of the sun on the trees, for the day is overcast.

Each photo you take leaves an imprint in your heart.

And when there is a gale, the leaves of the trees brush against your heart.

Everything goes on in your heart. It is in your heart that life really occurs. It is your heart that stands at attention. Attend to your heart, beloveds. Give it beauty to gaze upon. Do not frighten or abrade your heart. Take care of your heart. I gave it to you for safe-keeping. I said, “Get your heart out here. Let it be seen. Do not seclude it. It needs not protection, only your attention. Give thought to what you expose your heart to. Point out the sights, just as you do to your toddler in his stroller.”

Yes, stroll with your heart. Your heart is with you always, and it looks to you to guide it. Show your heart what will make it expand. What will make your heart grow and blossom? That is the food to give it.

Give your heart beauty to see. I will tell you frankly that beauty is everywhere. Do you know why that is so? Because I who am love am everywhere. Even in noise, there is music to be heard. Even in noise, there is silence. Even in the direst of slums, a flower wiggles it way through the cement. There is no need for you to put blinders on, beloveds, yet it is incumbent upon you to find the beauty no matter how covered with soot it may be.

Guide your heart in the way you want it to grow.

Open your heart to see the love it is surrounded with. Let that love flow into your heart so it can flow out.

No longer look to prove the errant ways of the world. Look to show your heart a good time. Nourish your heart. Allow your heart to be happy. Give your heart good news.

There is caring in the world, and you must care for your heart. Feed it well. Love your heart, and hold it high.

Your heart is to be proud of. Your heart is to rise above the curmudgeons of the world. Your heart is to rise above the din. Your heart is to rise above heartlessness. Where you see cruelty, your heart can cast a different light on what you see. You well know you have at times seen amiss. You well know you have misinterpreted events and actions. Now see with the eyes of your heart.

Look for the good to see, and see it. This is not pulling the wool over your eyes. This is true seeing. You guide your heart, and your heart guides you.

When the sun is shining, be happy. When it is raining, be happy. In the relative world, you can find an upside, and you can find a downside. Why look at the downside when there is the upside to look at? Why keep looking at the downside when you can be free of it?

Read Comments

....."Give your heart beauty to see".....

This is it..
Perfect, perfect..perfect,,
Ho this massage is exactly my attitude, for some time, Ho GOD !


Dear Maestro, God-Creator, Yes, the trees when blossoms spring out from the branches
in Spring are like members of a church choir. The blossoms sing of their beauty
and their joy - which decorates so many Springtime trees. The trees are so grateful to
Mother Earth for her providing them with such glory and beauty and we humans (seeming) on Earth sing praises to Gaia also, for the exquisite colors that sing and dance on tree branches

Oh, my in colder climates, like in Santa Fe, New Mexico, lilacs sing and dance from
so very many lilac bushes, and the fragrance is intoxicating, enchanting, transforming
our hearts from quiet to joy and delight! jasmine at this moment is blooming on bushes
outside my home and just stepping out my door mesmerizes me with their exquisite


1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said show your heart
Let love flow into your heart
So love can flow out

Love, Light and Aloha!