From the Font of Silence

God said:

Tell Me frankly, is there really anything but love that you crave?

You associate many things with love, and yet, they are not love. Without love, they are nothing.

Some things that represent love are money, food, candy, jewelry, flowers, a smile, a pat on the back, time spent with you, invitations, a ride. Yes, these are very nice, yet without love, these are nothing. A dandelion held out to you by a child's hand is always real because the gift comes fully from the child's heart without prompting. The other samples may be or may not be real. You want the real thing. Of course.

Love can be given in so many ways, and you, hungry as you are, want all of them. Sometimes, or often, or all the time, you cannot get enough, for you feel love is lacking. You look for it everywhere and may find it nowhere. You may have received real love in the past, but where is it now? You forage for love. You seek and do not find.

Perhaps you are looking for your worth in the attention of others upon you. This is a losing feat. You have to give to yourself the love and approbation you seek. Otherwise, you are clingy. And clingy means that you are demanding. You cannot demand love from anyone. Love has to be its own. Meanwhile, in a land of plenty, you may not discern love. And, yet, dear ones, there is nothing else real in this world but love. The proof of love you seek is an endless search, however. There is no badge to love. There is no token of love that can fit the bill.

You also are not certain that you have love to give. You may give it, and it is received, and yet your heart feels hollow. You feel bereft of love. You seek it in your own heart and find it not. Where lies this pot of gold that you seek? It seems to be beyond you.

If this is your situation, stop hunting and just give the love that your heart wishes it had to give. Give away every vestige of love you have. Give the thought of love. Keep giving it. Empty the love in your heart, and you will be filling your heart up with love.

Love is not a commodity. You cannot pick it up with your fingers. You cannot bind it in ribbons. You cannot hang it on the wall. You cannot distribute it like a handshake. You cannot pick up scraps of love. You cannot sew them together. As soon as love is gathered, it is flown. It escapes your reach.

And yet I tell you and tell you again that there is naught in the whole world but love. Where is it then? Where does it exist?

Consider love energy, beloveds. What does science say about energy? They say it is never lost. Energy is. Energy exists. Without the energy of love, you could not lift your hand. You could not read My message. Without love, you wouldn't be alive in your body.

Will you now please accept that you are love, and that you are love complete? You can stop searching for love, for you yourself are an embodiment of love. You are an embodiment of My love. My love, like energy, cannot be gainsaid. It cannot be undone, nor can it be forsaken. I made you from love. Accept this one thought and make it your own. Do this, and you will be revolutionized, and you will stir the world to greater heights. Love exists, and you are love. With or without your body, you are love.

You and I are One Love. We are All That Is. We are energy. From the Font of Silence, comes energy.

Read Comments

"But for without Love there

"But for without Love there is nothing to sew the fibres of our being together with".

Magnificent as the illusion may seem, the one truth we can rely on for all eternity is the gift of love. How sweet this song is to my heart, Dear Lord. Without Love, everything seems lacklustre. It is like watching a movie without sound, without colour, with constant static, with frequent interruptions, with no emotional connections.... a movie that soothes not the soul. For our soul to survive the harrowing life times we have incarnated on various planets and as different life forms, it requires the constant protection of unconditional love. Therefore Dear Lord, you have created our souls with its source essence being love. This love is what constitutes as our companion throughout timelessness. What greater gift could we receive from you, Heavenly Father, apart from the gift of Love and being love. Even in silence and loneliness dear Lord, Love surrounds us because we are love. Love is never lost, no matter how much we may believe that "once I loved and now it is lost". Love can't be lost. How can it be when it is the source essence of creation. it is what allows us to forge a relationship with our selves, with nature, with Gaia and with each other. It is the golden thread that connects us to each other's soul. Without Love, survival and existence would not be Possible. It is love that brings a baby into this world. When a child opens his eyes and peers into his mother's face, it is love that first crosses his soul, spirit and heart. A baby is fresh with love and imbued with the unconditionality of it. Let's be as a baby. Lets be open to accepting the love we are bathed in for all eternity.

Thank you beautiful heavenly Father for this Gift. Thank you

Yours in love and service.

Kay knows what she's talking about!

Kay, you stun us with to open drawing of your deep, real words of LIGHT. Thanks Sweet One, I'll look for more of you spirit words.


The language of the universe is love!

The language of the universe is love!

The language of the universe is love!

So brief, so true, so beautiful. Thanks Rebecca


" You and I are One Love. We are All That Is"

"IS" is choosy about the "real" things "IS" LETS us have. This Letter about LOVE is much too deep to grasp in one reading. Study these words, say yes to them, draw them to your very center and say: "Not my will but yours be done." When you speak to LOVE, you are touching the hem of His Garment. The Garment is LOVE, Wear it with utmost care. To keep LOVE from seeming to be manipulation, just Read this Letter many times ask for LOVE to guide your every thought. Try it!


response to 'From the Font of Silence'

Beautiful. This message, dear Lord, has enriched my faith (in that which isn't visible to the physical senses.)

Beautiful is right! And you

Beautiful is right! And you make such a good point, dear Lightworker.

"Will you now please accept

"Will you now please accept that you are love, and that you are love complete? You can stop searching for love, for you yourself are an embodiment of love. You are an embodiment of My love. My love, like energy, cannot be gainsaid. It cannot be undone, nor can it be forsaken. I made you from love. Accept this one thought and make it your own. Do this, and you will be revolutionized, and you will stir the world to greater heights. Love exists, and you are love. With or without your body, you are love. You and I are One Love. We are All That Is. We are energy. From the Font of Silence, comes energy." are love...I am love...we are love...truly...How do I know this?...Silence tells me...Certainly...words point the way...yet Silence from the Heart confirms...Oh!...jim(i)