Fill the World with Love

God said:

Speak to Me of the fullness of your heart. Speak to Me of the love that flows out from your heart. Speak to Me of the love that flows to your heart. Know your heart of love.

When your heart feels small, it is not being true to itself. Smallness of heart is a contraction of that which is meant for expansion. There are no limits to your heart. Your heart may feel squeezed, cramped, pained, rough-ridden etc., yet your heart is not meant to be involved with itself. Your heart is not supposed to take its temperature. It is not meant for measurement. It is meant for expansion, infinite expansion. Your heart is meant to be immeasurable.

Your heart is not meant to evaluate. It is meant to favor. Your heart is not intended to pick up lessons nor teach them. If your heart were meant to be a teacher, it is meant to be a teacher that favors everyone. If your heart is meant to be a teacher, everyone is to be the teacher's pet.

No one is meant to be put aside from your heart of love. No one is to be abandoned. There are no orphans when it comes to your heart, nor is the world to be a stray left on its own. The world, as imaginary as it is, is to be loved. You are to be the parent of it. You are to foster the world. You are to love the world and hold it high. The world is innocent, beloveds, as innocent as you.

The world is as entitled to love as are you. You are not meant to be temperamental with the world. You are not meant to love it one day and not the next. You are simply meant to love, and your love is to encompass the world. You are not meant to cast the world aside until another time. The world needs your love now. It has always needed it.

The world is at your mercy. Perhaps you have been merciless when it comes to the world. Perhaps you have been merciless in your criticism of it, as if it were not your world. Beloveds, the world does not exist without you. Beloveds, rather than find fault, find love.

You may have had more practice at finding fault than you have had in finding love. Reverse this practice. Practice love. Of course, love is not meant to be practiced. Love is the natural flow of life. It is the basis of life. It is the basis of the world. It is your basis.

Love cannot become extinct, and it cannot be extinguished from your heart. Love is the eternal light in your heart. And now you are to light up the world. Your heart is meant to do that. Your heart can cover the whole world and everyone in it with love right now. Your heart is meant to be the Red Cross that comes to serve the world. The Red Cross serves where it is needed. I am telling you that your love is to flow everywhere all the time without cease. Your heart is meant to love the world right now and everyone in it.

Today is your opportunity. You are assigned to savor the world and love every corner of it. You are not meant to love the world sometimes. You are not meant to love only parts of the world. You are meant to love the whole wide world. You are meant to love the world with all the love contained in Heaven and on Earth. You are meant to fill the world with love. So, then, fill it. Give your heart to the world. Let your love be the yeast that makes the world rise.

Read Comments

Fill the world with the love in my heart

I acknowledge that which you ask of me, and that is to be the opportunity today to hold
the whole world in a savoring kind of love, in every corner of it. Today I sincerely make
the attempt to love the world and to extent love to all of it. I choose to follow your
instruction and by that I mean to let love flow to everyone in it. Particularly those who are
in prison somehow , or are being held hostage in some way. You ask me to
behold the innocence of the world, Your Mighty Sacred Heart is telling me that the love
in my heart is made for expansion. Not withdrawal. And though it may seem there
is a shortage of love to be beheld, it is there to find and it is to be extolled.

That is what I wish to do today, tonight. Extoll the world's capacity to love. Your wish
tonight is my command.

Fill the world with your VOICE

We have more love in our heart than we think as we have more music in ourselves than we think. Most people love to sing inside themselves songs or tunes they love but they don't dare to project it outside because they think they have no voice. In reality, what we have to learn is to PROJECT the Sound by liberating our shyness. The same with love. We are full of love as we are full of music and we are shy of letting it out, of projecting it. What we lack is not love but confidence. And there is only one way to get confidence: we have to dare to project. Fill the world with your music, your words, your songs, your love. That's a lifetime projection.


We watched a special on the 13th Century Persian poet Rumi. Love was the center of his universe & his poetry is filled with love for his beloved, God.
Today we are graced with a 21st Century version.

How precious!

To All Who Seek Comfort,

How utterly precious these words are...

"Let your love be the yeast that makes the world rise."




After my 20 year marriage ended 5 months heart was shreaded tp pieces. I am now on a journey to find what love really means. This letter gets me into a very good place about love. Thank you.

The five responses above, as

The five responses above, as well as, I imagine, the responses that will follow, are filled with such love and beauty -- well, as I read each comment, a certain tone of God plays in my heart. How tender and rich are your comments as you put your hearts out on the forum here. How you have stirred mine.

So happy to hear from all of you!

Love ,

when i hear your music,
am dans whith love,
when i hear the sound of yourmusic
am dans like a engel, of love,

"...yet your heart is not

"...yet your heart is not meant to be involved with itself. "

Wow! If only I could

Wow! If only I could remember this, Daniel!

a potatoe chip bag

my wife just came back for the convenient store and i read her the qoute i posted above.
She responded," that fits with what i just read" and then she picked up a potate chip bag she had just bought and read this statement,
" Compassion is investing whatever is necessary to heal the hurts of others."
Food for thought. LOL

""Wow! If only I could remember this, Daniel!"

yes, Gloria
me too, me too.

Daniel, will you kindly post

Daniel, will you kindly post the brand of these potato chips! I know this is against our guidelines, but, hey, I want to this company to prosper, and maybe a few of us will write to the president of this company, tell him your story, the Heaven quotation, and his, and let him know we think this is wonderful.

Years ago, I had some Mardi Gras paper towels, on each sheet along with a border, were these words:

Be forgiving of yourself and others.
Keep your promises.
Seek out the good in people.

I have never seen them since.

Uncle Ray

UncleRays Potatoe Chips.

hope this helps.

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said Beloveds
You are simply meant to love
Love the whole wide world

Love, Light and Aloha!


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