Even in Desolation, You Reveal Your Significance in This Universe

God said:

When I accept you and accept you as My own, My own beautiful blossoming Own, you are Mine, and what is Mine is not to be shaken by what transpires in the world. You are not to be dejected by it nor rejected by it.

By everything you know, something occurred that is not right, not kind, not uplifting. It is not right, and it is not necessary for someone to demean you. Nor is it necessary for you to become unhappy because of someone else's view. When you were a child, you reacted as a child. When you were a child, there may have been someone who didn't want to play with you, and you were crushed. How could it be that someone didn't want to play with you?

Here's what's beautiful: Even in your sense of desolation, you knew that it was not right for you to be turned away. Even in your reaction, you revealed your awareness of your significance in this Universe.

Secure in My love, let not the little slings and arrows of the world pierce you. Let that kind of thing bounce off you.

Someone else's peeve is theirs. It is not meant to become yours. You must not let it become yours.

You know by now that I welcome all into the world. I more than welcome. I bring you here. I do not bring you here to be dismissed. Nor do I bring you here to have your heart worn down. Do not make another's lack of awareness and littleness become yours. Come from a higher place, beloveds. Any dishevelment is not for you to take to heart. It's okay if someone doesn't want to play with you. You have other things to do. You have other things to think about. Do not give a thought to what is, after all, only someone else's thoughts.

Hurt feelings do not belong to you. You are not here to be sensitive about whatever is directed to you. If you are in the path of someone's disparagement, move out of the way. This is how you move up. Certainly, you are not to let someone mow you down.

Would that everyone would regard you as you deserve to be regarded. Best of all is for you to regard yourself as you deserve to be regarded. Hold yourself in My light. I shine My light upon you. Look at Me. Look at My light. Don't see yourself as less because of someone else's lack of sight.

What bothers someone else isn't you. You are not the cause. They may think it's you who bothers them, yet you don't have to think so. Do not measure yourself by someone else's eyesight. All the more reason for you to see from a vaster view. You do not have to be unhappy because someone else is short-sighted. Apparently, you have thought it was.

Now is time for you to leave hurts behind you. Let them lie where they lie. Do not wear a V for victim on your cape.

Someone else's opinion is no more than someone else's opinion. It certainly is not the mark of you. It certainly seems to you like what they may say to you is a mark against them, yet you are not to take it that way either. You have better things to do with your heart and mind.

Do you understand Me? Ignorance is ignorance. Rise above ignorance. Because another is ignorant is no reason for you to embrace ignorance. In the big things you may know better. It seems to be the little things that you get caught up in. Let the little pricks and arrows fall from your heart. Take only Greatness into your heart.

Read Comments

This Heavenletter feels like

This Heavenletter feels like a hug from God. It went straight to my heart. So soothing and comforting. Dieu est grand. I am so grateful.
Now on to the challenge of leaving hurts behind us.

God certainly answers our

God certainly answers our hearts, beloved Kidy.

Sometime would you like to tell us more about the way of life in Ethiopia? Perhaps we could use this for a blog entry. Certainly post on the forum. For the forum, you can just post. For the blog, you have to send to me. Of course, please keep guidelines for posting in mind. :)

I ask this question of everyone.

As soon as we can get help for the website upgrade, we will want to be sure to have something about the culture each translator comes from.

I signed with my nickname

I signed with my nickname without realizing it and had a hilarious moment until I went back to my email. It feels right for you to call me Kidy, thank you for adopting it!

I would love to tell you about the way of life in Ethiopia. Especially if I move back there, I will be able to give you a current description. I hear things have changed a lot.

It is nightime here and as challenging as today has been, I am getting ready to go to sleep feeling blessed and loved, cared for and cherished. I feel lighter already. Our Creator is so amazing.

Kidy's precious words help us hear from Above.

Kidest, we all thank you for your sweet words.


Gloria, your words carry both wisdom and caring!

You, Gloria, manage to say what many of wish we could say. Your love is infectious. Thanks.


"Secure in My love, let not the little slings and arrows of the

The Subject finishes with this: "of the world pierce you. Let that kind of thing bounce off you." This is good advice but advice which is very hard to practice. Heaven Letters will help you but only your thinking and choosing the right thoughts will do the trick.

The FATHER add a little later in this Letter: "Now is time for you to leave hurts behind you. Let them lie where they lie. Do not wear a V for victim on your cape.

Someone else's opinion is no more than someone else's opinion. It certainly is not the mark of you. It certainly seems to you like what they may say to you is a mark against them, yet you are not to take it that way either. You have better things to do with your heart and mind."


Thanks George

Thank you Gearge for your thoughtfulness to others...your messages so inclusive and caring :) Heather

Heather's smile and thanks is from Heaven.

You speak like Gloria! You warm and bless me so much Heather.


Thanks George


This Heavenletter speaks

This Heavenletter speaks directly to my life situation, as I imagine it may do for many others.

It seems like the "little pricks and arrows" have pierced my heart and dragged me down. In fact, to the extreme.

This entire Heavenletter is exactly what I needed to hear.

Thanks God and Gloria!


David speaks of his own life so well!

David, thank you for you sweet way of telling us about you. We love you.


Secure in my love

If you are in the path of someone's disparagement, move out of the way. This is how you move up.
Hold yourself in My light. I shine My light upon you.
Thank you God. I keep it in my heart.

UTA Sings victory for all of us.

Uta, you make it so simple and real.


"Now is time for you to leave hurts behind you."

This is done by our individual thinking. " As a man thinketh so is he."

This takes a lot of reading of Heaven Letters and the contemplation that goes with the reading. it really works.


1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said look at Me
I shine My Light upon you
My own blossoming

Love, Light, and Aloha!


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