
Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Kerry to God:

Dear God, I am having such incredible experiences. My dreams are profound and the interpretations easy. This quickening I am feeling often feels out of control. My body trembles, and I see the color purple shooting out of little children when they capture my heart, and I see little purple colors dancing around other beings. Am I going mad?!

As I posed this question, I picked up an advanced spiritual book, opened it at random, as it says to do, and I read:

"Disillusionment with yourself must precede enlightenment."

Would You care to elaborate, dear God?

Gratitude and love, Kerry

God to Kerry:

Dear Kerry of My Heart, experiences such as colors and trembling are experiences like any other. Look at them and witness their passage, just as you might watch a train passing by.

If you enjoy the colors as they come, enjoy them, but know they are not a prerequisite to the advanced states of consciousness you so desire.

Gently bring back your attention to your desire to know Me.

It is not states of consciousness or certain experiences that you seek. It is I you seek, not the world's pronouncement or what a book says of higher consciousness.

As to your question if you are going mad, you already know the answer to that. You know you are not.

Keep your eye on Me and not on colors. Colors are fine, but you don't have to have them.

How related your two questions are!

And the answer is the same: There is nothing that has to precede enlightenment. And there is nothing that you must not have. Enlightenment is not what you do.

The book you were reading probably equates disillusionment with yourself as loss of ego. What is loss of ego but looking somewhere else?

One does not need to see auras or not see them in order to become enlightened. One does not have to have clear or prophetic dreams, or not have dreams, in order to be enlightened.

There are no prerequisites to enlightenment. There is no clear path to enlightenment. It is not: "Do these seven things, and you will be enlightened" or "Follow these ten commandments, and enlightenment will be yours." You can do those things and not become enlightened. Or you may not do those things and become enlightened.

Trying hard for enlightenment may have you looking for it outside of you.

The true heart knows only enlightenment. Enlightenment is your natural state. It is what I gave you.

Enlightenment is not a procedure.

It is not an accomplishment nor a victory.

It is a state. This state is guaranteed you. It is guaranteed to come.

Enlightenment is a by-product of knowing Me, with or without My Name.

I have heard it said that enlightenment is given you by My grace, and that is true. I have already given it to you.

Now it is by your grace that you accept it.

Enlightenment is no big deal.

Like many things, it's momentous, especially before you have it; you think everything will change when you do, just like you think that when you get that new shiny car, you will be happy forever.

Happiness will take care of itself.

Consider enlightenment as a gift you give.

Give enlightenment to others.

Help someone to smile.

Be kind.

Let enlightenment come to you, and it will.

You don't have to have it.

Be not attached to enlightenment. Be attached to Me.

Consider My Will your enlightenment.

Help Me carry light for the world. Even your intention to help Me goes a long way.

Do not demand too much of yourself.

Enlightenment is not fireworks constantly going off. It is not one amusement park ride after another. It is not drums and bangles and horns.

It is usually a quiet walk with Me in your heart. At these times, things like time and space are not so relevant to you anymore.

So, dear Kerry, have I answered your questions?

Seek Me, and not the trappings of Me.

Be innocent. Don't read too many books or listen to too many how-to's.

There is a book written in your heart.

Open it.

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I know that this is a Sutra long forgotten. But it is the most important Heaven piece for anyone who has ever sought, lost, or even realized you can't seek and lose enlightenment!!

This is the answer we've been looking for!! Here it is!!! And it's buried in time!!! Everyone must see this Sutra!

It really is the answer of answers. It will not only save years of seeking and frustration, but also $$$$thousands of dollars in CDs, seminars, retreats, videos, audios, books, etc.

OMG!!! This is great!!

Nice to see you so

Nice to see you so enthusiastic, Gary. You are right, of course.

If you follow the link "state of enlightenment" below this sutra where it says "Related Topics", you will find much more on enlightenment.

Thanks Jochen;)

I didn't mean to get so excited;) but... I have been driving myself insane with awakening/enlightenment. And deep down I knew something was wrong, pursuing it that way, especially when so many of the masters/gurus who teach it (mostly as an ongoing and expensive process/path) don't necessarily seem any different than the rest of us. They just seemed to have this experience "locked in"...but it seems to take hours and days and months and years to be fortunate enough to receive that "grace." (There are of course, a select few who admit that there is nothing to pursue, but even those few take hundreds of pages to say it)

Well, after reading this sutra (and the others in your suggested link) I will only turn my attention to the greatest teacher around--and He doesn't have CDs and audios and webinars and retreats and satsangs and books and.....;)

Thanks again