divine plan

Love, Free Will, and Oneness

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, Julie sent a beautiful e-mail in which she praised Your words in HEAVEN. She said they were like "a cool drink for a thirsty girl". She emphasized how HEAVEN reminds her that she cannot fix others, that only You can. I certainly need to be reminded of that. I know that what I worry about is in Your hands. At the same time, I'm not sure that I'm supposed to sit here doing nothing.


So You Fly through the Air

God said:

How did your individuality come to be you? How is it you have the talents you have? How is it you are influenced by urges within you? How is it that one person becomes what is a called a great success, and another does not do well in terms of the world? How is it that one can come from a favorable background and not do well, and someone from an unfavorable background with all the odds against him can do exceedingly well?

How much is fate, you ask, how much is karma?

Beloveds, it is not fathomable. You cannot understand what you cannot understand.

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