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Divine Connections

This entry could have gone under so many previous comments on this forum.

It could have been a continuation of

It could have been a continuation of

It could have been a continuation of

Where to put things has not been my forte. Not knowing what to do, I'm putting it under Miracles where it also belongs!

Gerry, the wonderful gentleman from New Spirituality Network and Humanity's Team, both founded by Neale Donald Walsh, and I had a wonderful talk on the phone, a follow-through of earlier emails.

Here's what blew me away!

Humanity's Team is having a global conference in May 2008.

Guess where it is going to be?

Where else but in Argentina! In Buenos Aires!

Santhan, Gerry, and I will have an opportunity to meet then. Perfect, isn't it?

Who could have predicted this? Who could have planned it? Is this coincidence? Divine connection? Miracle?

I bet you have some stories like this to tell.


mary Hey Gloria ~ there are


Hey Gloria ~ there are no such things as coincidences!

The Divine Universe works in mysterious and wondrous ways ~ way beyond mere mortal understanding!

I am so delighted for all of you (us)





So true! Coincidence? No.

So true! Coincidence? No. Synchronicity? Yes!

Gloria you are so on track! How fabulous that you are connecting with these other angels. Have been reading Neale Donald Walsch for years and am delighted you are making a connection. Now, how about Paolo Coelho? I wonder where he is at the moment?


Gloria, I have been

Gloria, I have been contacted by Panos of Bolero Publications regarding translating my book, The Call, into Greek. I am sending him a copy today. When I searched on Bolero Publications, I found his connection with Heavenletters!!!!! We are all SO connected!

Loving you all,
