Discovering You

God said:

Whatever is bothering you, you don’t have to like it. By the same token, you can live with it. What you don’t like doesn’t have to ruin your day. Not at all. Even along with what seems to cause you unhappiness, you can be happy.

Let us say you go to a party, and your heel catches on the hem of your beautiful dress, and, there you are, at a gala party with your hem hanging down. A hanging hem doesn’t have to ruin your time at a party. You with your hem fallen can still have a good time. You don’t have to fiddle with the hem. You don’t even have to be embarrassed. A fallen hem isn’t the determinant of your happiness or of your unhappiness.

Nor does rain have to spoil your picnic.

Nor does a broken romance have to interfere with your happiness. Nor does a broken heart. A broken heart and happiness can coexist.

What really has changed, beloveds? Life has had its say, and you are still you. You are still alive, and more life is ahead of you. Life will present other gifts to you. You may be being presented right now with the gift of moving on, growing up, appreciating life. No one breaks your heart. You decide it’s broken. You say you can’t live without this and so in life, yet, of course, you can. You will. You have before.

You are not a child who says: “I have to have THAT candy and no other.” Nor does life say to you: “Take THIS candy, or none at all.”

You are sure that life can give you one trouble after another. Be just as sure that life can heap you up with treasures.

Get to know yourself well. You are one of your treasures. Get to know yourself. Be as devoted to yourself as you have been to another. You can always be with yourself, and you don’t think that is so marvelous. Why do you think someone or something else is more wonderful than you?

Maybe, if you got to know yourself better, you might change your mind. Become more aligned with yourself. What do you like? Never mind so much what someone else likes about you. What do you like?

True, no one can ever replace one who may have left you, and no one can replace you either. You are irreplaceable. You are not a dime a dozen. You are special. No one can offer you to yourself. Only you. You are a good catch. You are worth something. You are worth a lot. Be worth it to yourself. Beloveds, you are one of the good ones in the world.

Start off with valuing yourself. Be the first. There is no need to wait for someone else to recognize you. Recognize yourself. As you shine your light, others will see you. Yet, whatever others see matters little next to what you see.

It’s not necessary to compare yourself with anyone. You are incomparable. You are your own person. You are your own soul. You are looking for yourself to be recognized in the eyes of another. Use your own eyes.

You want someone else to write a book about you. Write your own book. Your life does not depend upon a ghost writer. Speak for yourself. Honor yourself. Tell a good story. You are telling a story never told before. It is your story to unfold. You are the writer. You are the publisher. Ultimately, you are the reader of your own tale. Value the tale you spin.

Read Comments

This website is so awesome!

Thank you for brightening my morning! Have a blessed day....Lol Lisa

Beloved Lisa, and how you

Beloved Lisa, and how you have brightened mine!

Lisa, I would like to know how to reach you. Will you kindly email me your email address? gloria [at] heavenletters [dot] org I would like to ask you for your okay to include your words on the Reader Comment page? Where do you live? Do you have an occupation?

May we all have a blessed day.

With love, Gloria

I enjoy the Heaven Letters

I enjoy the Heaven Letters very much. the challange is to live it....
I could live with a thorn dress, no problem...but I have a Daughter with addictions. Watching her self destruction is very, very difficult. Tried to apply your do not worry advice and many others, but it is still effecting me, like a dark cloud over my head. I never know if she will show up again or in what condition. This has been going on for 13 years now, but the past year has been specially intense.

I wish God would address addiction and mental illness that millions suffer from. It is such a burden on the Families, and our system cannot deal with it. Medical profession treating mental illness, no progress there. She does not like to take medications with heavy side effects, but cannot function without medications.

I would very much appreciate if God could address this huge problem.
Thank you very kindly:
Aimee Moore

Beloved Aimee, thank you so

Beloved Aimee, thank you so much for writing here and baring your heart. When we are in the middle of consuming difficulties, try as we may, we are involved in the heartache and just can't seem to get out of it. Certainly, all our desire doesn't seem to be make peace of mind come any easier. Difficulties that involve others dear to us seem to be extra difficult.

Aimee, maybe your asking about the huge problem of mental illness and addiction will bring an answer from God. It may very well, but I don't know that. I do know that I don't bring up the topics that God will address.

You might want to read a personal question that a mother asked God about her son who was going through a serious depression and the answer God gave to the mother. You will find it at Do a search for Loretta, the name of the mother, and her question and God's answer will come up for you. I don't say it will answer everything for you, but it may hold some answers for you.

How long have you been reading Heavenletters, dear one?

Dear Aimee, please read the guidelines for this forum. Also please write back.

I have been traveling and just arrived in Australia.

There is a lot more I would like to say.

With love and blessings,


" Life has had its say, and you are still you."

Each day will teach those who listen to it. Life is unconditional love. We put conditions on life that need not be. Give yourself time to know you better. Once you know who you have always been you will begin to understand your path and the Heaven Letters will teach you how to walk. Love you and the Heaven Letters. You'll grow.


Beloved George, you are such

Beloved George, you are such a booster! It's wonderful how you simply direct us back to God in Heavenletters every time. God bless you.