Conformity in the World Isn’t the Same as Oneness

God said:

What have I been saying, day in and day out, is that I see you. I see you in all My glory. To see you is to love you.
Too many people in the world do not see as I do see. They see blemishes. Your eyes are not meant to see blemishes. Your eyes are meant to see Truth, and the Truth of you is beauty, and the Truth of you is love.
There is a resurgence of love in the world. Love is not missing. It simply has been brushed over, as if woe and commerce rule the world.
It is for you to come to see yourself and everyone with the same eyes I do. I see right to the heart. I have no opposition to it. You feed the word but into the Universe. So much is a but to you. “This is nice but…”
You are sure that no one is everything, and you prove this day in and day out.
I tell you that there are no exceptions. However, you proliferate exceptions. You are modest about other people’s beauty and your own. Of course, you know I do not speak of vanity. I speak about the Truth of you. The world is not handicapped except as you say so.
The world was made bountiful, and someone added a but, and but’s became popular. It was popular to find the fly in the ointment. It became popular to use a magnifying glass to find flaws. Rarity was valued. A rare diamond became worth more because it was rare, and, so, it is as if you set out to make the goodness and beauty of the world a rarity. True love was romanticized and made limited. Lost love was romanticized most of all. Attachment grew, and so on and so on. You know the story.
Self-Realization was talked about in glowing terms, and yet it wasn’t exactly understood. It became more like Self-Glorification. Conformity is not Oneness. Where is it said that all should look alike, yet few can earn the right to be top of the class? Who decided that some eyes are worth looking into, and others are not?
I am a democratic God in that all, every single one, is worth gold to Me. I embrace. I seek not to decline or separate even one child from the batch. How could I anyway when I see One Child, One Light? Wherever I look, I see the Light of the World, and I lift it high. I see treasure wherever I look.
I charge you to drop fault-finding and take on beauty-seeing. I charge you to drop assessments and proud opinions. I charge you to no longer be a snob about this one or that one. Made in My Image, reflect My Image. I find everyone worthy, no exceptions. I find you worthy.
I charge you to be Kingly and Queenly and dub all as God’s child. I charge you to become a lover of humankind and no longer a detractor. I charge you to open your heart and to keep it open. I charge your heart to become a great flower and a blessing to yourself and to the world. I charge you to bless all as I bless you. That which is My Glory needs no add-on’s and exclusivity.

I see that all are the cream of the crop. What is all this sorting about? Human beings are not apples that, for commercial purposes, must be a certain size to qualify. Sometimes a little old-fashioned runty apple tastes so good. Where is it written that My children are supposed to be peas in a pod and conformity is best?

Read Comments

Are God's messages same everywhere

Dear Gloria,
Not all of the messages that are delivered here in heaven-letters are same as those being delivered by God through other means. Take the example of Karma. God here in the heaven-letters does not ask us to consider it as a Law while texts elsewhere such as Paramhansa's teachings mention it as an irrevocable law. Neither are all the messages same here as they are in Conversations with God triology. Have you ever asked God why is it so? It keeps on adding to my confusion

same here

dear Eknoor,

this is something I think about as well, and I'm confused too. For me the only thing that counts is, that God Is, and God Is Love.

from heart to heart, namasté, Anneke

Anneke, I saw your answer

Anneke, I saw your answer after I had written my reply to Eknoor. I think you give the best answer of all!

Beloved Eknor, this is an

Beloved Eknor, this is an exciting important respectful question you ask. I am glad you brought it up. Thank you.

The way I see it, God can only say what He knows to be true. Many Heavenletters are about changing our thinking, do you agree? If our actions come from our thinking, which God says they do, He is not going to say what another Source, no matter how valued, may say. He is going to say as He sees it.

Before I go ahead and tell you my thoughts, I want to affirm that this forum isn't meant to encourage debates about Holy Texts or other God-given material. We read Heavenletters. We accept what we accept and we don't have to accept what we don't. God in Heavenletters clearly tells us to follow our own hearts.

I answer you as best I can because you ask a sincere real question. You want to know. You were not engaging in an intellectual debate.

I say this to make clear up front that we are not inviting arguments. I hope this is understood by all who come here. By and large, I believe there is more agreement among Holy Texts and spiritual writers than disagreement.

Let me begin my response with a Daily Inspiration from Neale Donald Walsch sent by Humanity's Team that I opened this morning around the same time I discovered your question:

You can be in heaven (Oneness with All) and not know it. Indeed, most of you are. This can be changed, but not by something you are doing. It can only be changed by something that you are being. This is what is meant by the statement, "There is nothing you have to do." There is nothing to do but be. And there is nothing to be, but One. -- Communion With God by Neale Donald Walsch

So very much what God in Heavenletters says and what Neale Donald Walsch hears as well are in total agreement -- Oneness!

I have to say, dear friend, that your overall statement regarding Conversations with God is not actually accurate. You could be accurate about what Neale says about Karma. I don't know enough to say, yet not accurate about everything.

I would also like to point you to Neale's latest book, What God Said. When Neale was asked at an interview to sum up what he has learned from God in 25 words, Neale said it in 5: "You;ve got it all wrong." See the Godwriting blog:

Now, although God in Heavenletters clearly states that there is no Karma, He also says there are no coincidences! It is not a coincidence that you wrote, nor is it a coincidence that Humanity's Team sent that exact Daily Inspiration today. If there isn't coincidence, then does that mean everything is destined and that there is Karma?!!!!

There are many levels of answers and points to be made.

Years ago I studied the Veda, and I remember a great Vedic scholar saying, in regard to Jyotish Astrology, that: "There are no accidents. Everything is set. Yet, everything set can be changed."

We have to be cautious about making absolute statements.

Two more things I would like to say, dear Eknoor:

You ended your comment with saying that you are more confused. God in Heavenletters says it is a good thing to be confused! I believe He says it's better for us to be confused than to know all the answers!

And now I want to tell you how grateful I am for your question. The Heavenletter team is working on ebooks. One E-book will be what I'm presently calling: Renegade Heavenletters.

These are Heavenletters that say things that are not commonly accepted, such as Karma that you bring up, and sin and so forth. You have got me thinking about an introduction to the Renegade Heavenletters E-book, and you may well have given me a start, which again makes me think that everything is divinely guided, and that you have been an instrument for taking my attention to Renegade Heavenletters and your question sounds like a good starting place, so I thank you again, Eknoor. I would love to use your real name, are you okay with that? And where exactly do you live?

Thanks Dear Gloria

Thank you so much Gloria,
Although I did not intellectually understand what you wrote, But something moved inside me and that means something has shifted and the realisation may come soon to me. Even the diamomd looks different when you view it from different angles. May be my viewpoint is not large enough but I'm sure it will expand one day. I really thank you so much
Eknoor is my real name. My full name is Eknoor Singh Jassal. I'm from India. I'll feel priveleged if you would want to use my name anywhere :)

Eknoor Singh Jassal, I will

Eknoor Singh Jassal, I will be happy to use your name anywhere! Thank you for simply saying Yes!

Where in India, may I ask? In 1980 I visited India. What a treat! I didn't want to leave, but, after three months, I had to!

We don't have full Tamil translations, but at the link below you will see some quotations from Heavenletters that are in Tamil.

I, too, often, don't really understand what a Heavenletter says -- especially the ones on physics and DNA, and, like you, I do get a good feeling from them. Certainly, that feeling comes from God's love. I also wonder if, on some more subtle level, we do indeed understand, deeper than intellect.

A thousand blessings,


Thank you

Thank you Gloria for that link to Tamil translations. But sadly I donot understand Tamil. There are more than 92 official languages in India and I speak only two of them : Punjabi and Hindi.

I'm from city Kapurthala. It's in the state of Punjab in north India. Tamil is spoken in the south and that too just in the state of Tamil Nadu mostly. But thanks for letting me know :)

92 official languages!

92 official languages! Amazing.

Thank you, dear Eknoor Singh

Thank you, dear Eknoor Singh Jassal from India! I will use your name proudly. Thank for your openness.

It is enough to be alive and greet the sun

I too love your question, Eknoor. Yes, how could one not be puzzled? And even if we don't compare Heavenletters with anything else, we have to somehow come to terms with the fact that some Heavenletters seem to contradict others since, for example, some say that time does not exist while others speak about past, present and future as if they were obvious realities. Maybe the message is to not be too sure about anything. And to avoid unnecessary complication. And perhaps not to think so much about spiritual doctrines to begin with.

Here is a sentence I love very much from an old Heavenletter I read yesterday. Although I don't know exactly how, to me it sounds like an answer to your questions and to many how? and why? questions I have had myself:

"A Heaven with obstacles would not be a Heaven." (#2034)

Could it be that Heavenletters want to free us, want to make us remember our own original knowing? There are no obstacles on the way to Heaven nor in Heaven. What else do I need to know? Why would I think about karma or seeming contradictions between what looks like different communications? Ten Heavenletters further back (#2024), God asks (and the emphasis is His): "What do YOU think?" And that, I believe, is His real answer to our questions.

Here is some more from that Heavenletter:

"There is nothing you have to know. Your mind is cluttered with all you know. Know less. Be less proficient. Know nothing ... then you see with clear vision, and you hear with ears and heart and mind open to hearing."

"It has long been promulgated on Earth that you are supposed to know a lot. This very learning and the knowledge it accumulates is cumbersome. For then you have to do sorting and resorting and buying more file folders and squeezing in more thoughts into your mind. Better to open your mind, beloved. Fling those mental folders away. It is enough to be alive and greet the sun."

And again: "What do YOU think? You don’t know what you think because your mind has been crowded with thoughts that came from somewhere else. You were applauded for all you gained of passed-on knowledge, and no one told you to think your own thoughts. You were given one scale to weigh things on. You were not allowed time to ask yourself what you thought. Your thoughts were downplayed. They weren’t considered of much importance now, were they?"

But: "Pretty soon you let go of crutches and canes, and you surrender to yourself. You surrender to your majesty. You discover the seeds of knowledge that were planted within you. No longer do you buy packets of knowledge from here and there. Now you invest in your own education."

I don't think the dear Author of Heavenletters is suggesting there's something wrong with "packets of knowledge from here and there". But apart from them, what is our own original thought or intuition in this obstacle-free Heaven?

Thank you so much Jole

Thank you so much Dear Jole,
Somehow I feel a part of me understands. I like to meditate. I can skip meals but I donot skip my meditations usually. When ever I have to go deep within than I 've ever gone before there's one thing I have to do: surrender . Another term would be letting go. But sometimes there's resistance: a part of me says "no you can't go more deeper". It's like a thought imposed on the top of 'me'. If I keep fighting and reasoning with that thought I wont go deep. But If I surrender, I'll go deep after initial resistance. Now there's nothing that prevents me from going deep except the thought itself that I can't.
I guess there are moulds and imprints of reasoning within everyone. And to each one they seem like the truth of their life. What God asks is maybe to let go of them.

Hi Eknoor and others

Good morning all, What a beautiful morning God gave us. I am alive.Thank you God .I have a loving family I just visited. Thank you God . My house is dry and airy. Thank you God. Let us Give thanks to all God gives us and not worry about anything, least of all Karma. Love to All. Love and love more and that will look after Karma . Jack


Dear Eknoor, I'm sure you are exactly right. And you expressed it so very well. Yes, God wants us to let go. I believe He wants us to let go of everything that keeps us from knowing our own deepest will which, as He clearly expressed it in Heavenletters, is His. And isn't even our resistance a beautiful thing in the end when it leads toward a surrender or giving-in deep enough to take us to where we have longed to be all along?