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Chicago Godwriting Workshop

IMPORTANT NOTICE - We're so sorry that the workshop in Chicago had to be canceled.

YOU can hear God's words -- everyone can. You don't have to be anything at all but what you already are. God tells us that we don’t have to get dressed up for Him! We don’t have to be anything at all but what we already are. All it takes is the desire, the asking, and the listening. God does the rest. Godwriting is EASY.

You Can Do It!

What Godwriting™ Means to Those Who Do It

Gloria's Personal Experience of Godwriting™

Have your own glorious communication with God!

Ask your questions about Godwriting Workshops HERE

Have you noticed?

There is a new forum topic. It is called Godwriting Workshops.

Looking forward to your questions and comments about Godwriting.

Thank you, Heaven Admin, for adding this.

Very colorful post Senora!

Very colorful post Senora! Wow another workshop. Finally! I've been wondering for a while when there's going to be another workshop. This one sounds very interesting. I visited Laurie's website and saw her beautiful artwork. She seems to be someone who knows how to let people know about an event.

I wonder if you're going to be facilitating a Godwriting workshop in Chicago that's bigger than the Romanian one! It looks very likely.

One Love

Beloved Heaven

Beloved Heaven Admin,

Romania had about 125 people, and they all had the book.

The publisher could get so many people because she meets with all of them once a week, always offering something wonderful.

To get lots of people from scratch is a different matter, yet maybe I should change my thinking!

Whoever comes to workshop, I'm happy!

As for color, orange is my favorite, you know, and I really like the gold and purple you provided for us as well.

Hi Gloria,

Hi Gloria,
How about suggesting that Laurie network with spiritual groups who place a high value on hearing the Voice of God? eg, A Course in Miracles groups, (or 'Way of the Heart' groups - another series of teachings from Jeshua/Jesus - shanti christo dot com and way of the heart dot net have (different) listings for WotH groups in the USA - in fact i just had a look at the SC site and can see there's one in La Grange, Chicago). A google search or Meetup search will show you Course groups in the area. I think they could be very interested, especially if emailed a sample letter or two where God speaks about hearing his Voice! Conversations With God groups would be another great constituency.
Another suggestion would be for you to explore the absolutely wonderful journeys on the 'Becoming a World Server' series channelled from Orin through Sanaya Roman. They are a series of very powerful guided meditations to put out your call on the inner planes and attract hundreds of thousands, even millions, to your work (what was the goal you set, 50,000 a month by 2009? You go girl! ;-) :-)
I am a great lover of Heavenletters. I sincerely want it to spread - and would love to organise workshops for you in the UK, by the way, if you ever felt guided to come this way.)

In love,

Laurie is out of town now,

Laurie is out of town now, coming back August 20. I will email her to be sure to take a look at your suggestions. Thank you, Sarita!

where is new forum topics? where can I ask or give comment?


I understand this web site is still on "Beta". I am having trouble finding new forum topic on Godwriting. where can I ask or give any comment? I am spiritual restless seeker since age of nine and I used to connect with angels when I was age of 3 or 4. Now I am totally lost and I am near profound deaf and I am depending on books and web pages, not attending workshop or seminar. I dont sign very well...
thanks you very much

Beloved Willy, this link

Beloved Willy, this link will take you to the workshop topic on this forum:

Looking forward to your posts!

Oh, also, if you look on the right margin, about 11 down, you will see Heavenletter Forums.
Click that, and you'll see at the categories of posts.

Welcome to this forum, dear one.

I think many people will respond to you on this forum.

Dearest Willy, how nice that

Dearest Willy,

how nice that you were / are connected to angels and that since such a young age you searched for God !
I'm sorry about your being deaf (do you mean that literally or in reference to your connection to the angels ? sorry for not understanding well, but english is not my mother tongue..)
I think in any case, attenting a Godwriting workshop with Gloria is heaven, really heaven, even if you might not hear what is actually spoken, the energy and the infinite and boundless love that comes through Gloria angel and all participants, who deeply want to connect to that source energy and love, will surely be a wonderful experience and take you right to heaven.
I live in Italy and so my chance to attend a workshop is to wait for the online workshops !!! I am eagerly waiting for this experience.
Did you find the many topics and Heavenforums available in the right side of the screen ?
The Godwriting blog has many many wonderful postings AND WONDERFUL REPLIES, don't miss them, I love them so much.
.... and of course, the Cosmic Heavenletter Generator is beyond words. I love waiting and getting exited and seeing what wonderful message the Universe is going to deliver to me.

"Waiting to meet you on the first online workshop" I send you all my love from Italy and big hug !

Beloved Berit, your rely to

Dearest Gloria, many many

Dearest Gloria,

many many thanks for the many links related to Godwriting, I feel like having found the treasure of a tresure hunt ! I have just read the first link and, oh, I love it ! I feel this will be a real help, many thanks again dear ! It's wonderful have it all together.

Much love and a big hug

P.S. You will not "forget" the online workshops, will you ? I'm kidding of course, I know you must have lots and lots of things to see to !

thank you very much for all the links on God Writing.

They are very helpful on knowing about God Writing. I think I have more questions than answers.

Often I have a lot of mental blocks from listening to God. When I asked God, even with simple question, I had good feeling of getting answer but I heard nothing. When I write, I can not tell if it is the truth, full of ego or mortal mind or copying from spiritual books, etc.

I am still looking forward knowing more about God Writing.. I am looking forward on take online course.

again thank you very much...


deaf, angels and online, etc.

Hi everyone...

thank you very much for your message. I was in Pisa and Florence last April after finishing London Marathon. I enjoyed walking around Italy and this gave me a lot of thoughts without words.

It is hard to explain about the angels and I was really small at this time. In the middle of night I saw extremely bright with countless number of beings and there was a lot of communication and energy between lights and my heart without words. I just understood and accepted our communication. Later I knew they are angels. To me angels are simple thoughts from God to me. It can be light, image, human figure or maybe music. When I was age of nine, suddenly I want to talk with God and the angels. I do know that God is already here and now. Just within me. Every single night before I fall asleep I just asked and listen to God and angels... I look through spiritual books and then through internet. I have read Heavenletter for quite long time and at first it was cross-posted on one of Yahoo group. Later Gloria asked me to subscribe directly from official web site.

Deafness is not the only problem I have but I have other disabilities, dyslexia, writing and reading problem. A lot of people, bosses and even high school teacher were giving me bad time about my writing. I am getting better every time but it can take very long time for me to write for other to read. I get very lonely easily. I was 100% deaf for more than five years and it was so bad that I had to retire early. When my family talked, I didnt understand them at all. Now I have cochlear implant and I can hear many times better than 20 years ago. Now i am full time math classroom volunteer with 12 to 15 years old students and I coach girl tennis team. I do still have problem with interactive communication all the time. I know there is something missing in communication and I keep recalling about communication with angels, even I dont even remember exactly. I do sign language but I am not really good on signing at all. Sometime it is hard for me to read articles on both Heavenletters and Godwriting. I have my own language that others may not be able to understand me.

Gloria told me that tech angels were talking about adding subtitles on online class. That is really good idea and I can listen and read subtitle. I told her that it is important to have good clear sharp subtitle or captioned. I have seen some fuzzy, blurring and "hard to read" letters that are not helpful at all. I told her to have tech angels to look at YouTube with searching for "subtitle english". At school foreign parents told me that turning on captioned on TV is a BIG help on learning and listening English better.

I am interesting to know more about listening to God and angels. I want to know more about Godwriting. I usually avoid going to workshop or seminar.

Thank you

Dear Willy, I'm always very

Dear Willy, I'm always very happy when someone tells about his or her life here. Suddenly there is a real flesh-and-blood human being and you feel you know who you are talking to. It feels so much better. Thank you for sharing.

I made my first attempt at Godwriting this Saturday and Sunday. Nothing much came out of it. Short sentences or just one word. Long pauses and then perhaps one word again. From those words themselves, they could mean anything or nothing at all. But the sense of a smiling, loving, encouraging presence that went with this experience was something else. It was real. How do I know it was real? I never had it before.

So, obviously, I have to just write down my question and then to write, "God says" (I prefer the present tense). Having a specific question and the intention to hear God's opinion on it seems to alter the focus and to open some never-before-used pathway. The words may or may not become clearer or more of a flow over time, but the important thing for me is this sense of a smiling, reassuring presence that somehow, underneath the words or the silence, says, "It's all right, it's all right, just move on, you'll be fine."

Since you were speaking about angels, here is something I happened to read in a Heavenletter yesterday:
Beyond Dimension
Heavenletter # 720 Published on: October 11, 2002
God said:
In this moment of infinity, angels throng around you. Never forget this. You are never alone means just that. Even if you were adrift in the middle of the ocean, you would not be alone. Even if you were hurtling through space, you would not be alone. Even in the midst of war and calamity, you are not alone, for I am with you and a horde of angels too. And yet you often feel alone, perhaps clumped with others who also feel alone, but alone in a wilderness of thought. Immersed in My love, sometimes you feel without it. I am with you now and a band of angels are searing your heart.

We can call angels a sweep of My energy. We could say, although it is inaccurate, that angels reach you before I do, and that they follow in My wake and stay with you after I've left, as though they are tips of My energy, precursors and vestiges. But I never arrive and I never leave. We talk in metaphors about the light of reality that I am. Angels are more reality than just about anything else you think of as reality, but angels are metaphors. Nice ones, but a manner of speaking, a reference point to My light energy swirling around in the universe. I never move. I am always still, yet I radiate far, so, to you, I appear to come in and go out, in bits and pieces. Certainly that is your experience of Me, that I am more sometimes and less other times. That is an impossibility, of course, but your experience nevertheless.
You can find the complete Letter here: